Herausgegeben von Dr. P.M. – Herausgeber der


By Josef Maria Mayer

Egozentrika - A self-lover
Anäis - A harlot-beauty
Dame Folly - An impudent talker
Hedoniste - A world lover
Phantastix - A madman
Diabolo - A develish brother
Agathon - A philosopher
Echo - An invisible nymph
Cupid - An heavenly boy
Sirrah - His twin brother

Location: The Provence, in a vineyard valley, at the fountain of self-love.



It's a terrible heresy,
Heretics are the poets, who
The name of Cupid glorify in hymns!
What fabled the ancient Greeks
Of Venus? Nothing but absurd nonsense!
The father in heaven with his phallus,
The son of the father with his sharp sickle,
The father's phallus became foam
And from the foam is born Venus.
This Venus had a spouse,
But she loved rather the other gods.
She broke the marriage with Dionysus
And the forbidden sexual intercourse's fetus
Priapus was the phallus as a god,
A phallic god, carved from fig wood!
Venus again broke her marriage, slept
With Hermes, from this forbidden intercourse
Came an hermaphrodite, neither man nor woman.
Also famous is the adultery of Venus
With Mars, there had to laugh all the gods.
How was insatiably horny Venus,
That it was not enough, with all the gods
To break her marriage with her husband,
She slept with Adonis, with the pretty boy,
And also slept with Anchises on Mount Ida
And so became mother of the founder of Rome.
Is such an adulteress a deity?
No, Venus does not exist in reality!
The marble Venus is beautifully formed,
But where the artist took his model?
He took the model from the brothel,
The prettiest whore he took to the model,
So he chiseled his marble beauty
And Greece worshiped the whore!
Venus was the goddess of all harlots,
Yes, the Platonic Idea of the Whore -
This is a worship that pleases you,
If your church is a whorehouse
And worship is sexual intercourse with the harlot!
The Love Goddess you call Venus?
She is the Great Whore of Babylon!
The pagans worship the Whore of Babylon!
Ah, Echo! I hear your voice again?
Speak again, invisible nymph!


Oh Echo, Echo when I think of you,
Then I want to see you with my eyes.
I'm invisible. You want to see me?
So far open the eyes of your heart!
I see you, you live in a hut
On the rocky hillside of the arm of the Rhone,
At the intoxicating Ardeche, O nymph,
I see you in long white dress
With a white veil on the main
And a golden belt around the chest.
But I'm sad, I always have to cry,
There's no more love on earth,
The hearts are closed and locked,
The hearts are as hard as rock fragments.
How to fill your eyes with tears!
You are crying for mankind on earth,
O nymph, or are you crying over
A lover, who his heart turns away from you?
I love the very beautiful man Narcissus,
He always preaches the narcissism
And all his philosophy is Self-Erotic,
When a man loves himself,
The spiritual masturbation
Is his philosophy of self-love.
And when I teach, to love God first
And the same neighbor as yourself?
So just smiles the handsome man Narcissus
And takes from your wisdom only the doctrine,
To love yourself, that alone is important.
If your narcissist happy with himself?
Narcissus always went to the water mirror
And looked in amazement at the water mirror
And plucked arranging his long curls
And examined his beauty in the mirror,
And when he looked at himself in the mirror,
So he said to his own image:
Son of God, you are all my pleasure!
And he does not love you, he, the Son of God?
I can only secretly kiss his shadow,
Touch only his reflection in the water.
Where is Narcissus that I teach him faith!
Narcissus became a daffodil!
Oh, I will melt like winter's snowflake,
I can not plug the wound myself,
The tears still dripping from my eyes,
Because now Narcissus with his beautiful curls
Has become a daffodil!


I'm a wanderer, I'm on vacation,
Whether the young girl scare
And call me monster dragon and sulfur,
Because I'm so ugly, because I stink so,
My breath is very contrary to women,
As the plague I stink and as sulfur from the throat,
Rhinoceros called me a woman,
Because I thought but in my mind, You sweet whore,
I have the horn and the rhino,
Thereafter, the Middle Kingdom requests!
In my mind it's like a murder!
What she beckons me a distinctive Adieu?
Mon Dieu!
In God (I myself my God, I will not serve),
The nymph was a beautiful woman,
Perfect the pristine white breasts
And her waist slender as the wasp's
And like a wider cup was her pelvis
And this ass as she fled from me,
Certainly Venus with the beautiful butt!
But distinguishing her with bare feet
Touched that fountain there. A miracle?
The sample is still over study.
Ah, what a mouthful! A pure clear water!
Otherwise, I rate myself as a big bottle.
If I had to walk through a desert
And forty days had nothing to drink
And finally came exhausted to
An oasis and there is a cup with water
And besides a barrel of red wine,
So I would drink the barrel with red wine!
Still a mouthful! Still a third sip!
I'm a big hero in the war mug!
So the god of wine can not even drink!
From this miracle water can not be
As more and more beautiful as the wine of women,
That you pray to the whore of a goddess,
Will of this wonderful foundain
I myself become more beautiful, more beautiful,
I'm gorgeous like the god of the morning star!
The most beautiful angel of all the choirs of angels,
Enlightened by lapis lazuli and jasper,
Emerald, jade, turquoise, topaz and jade,
The ruler I'm on the mountain of the gods
And boast the most beautiful wisdom,
I myself, Diabolo, I am a god!


Who are you? A traveling student?
Who wants to learn wisdom, start early,
He learns, but his life is not enough.
The truth lies in the wine, is my wisdom.
Come, drink with me fine wine!
Are you a poet, you want to write verses?
How did you figure that, a student on vacation?
The purple grape gives the Muse herself!
The Muses give water from the well.
But I'm not a poet, but I drink,
Here is this scarlet wine of Bordeaux,
I think Baudelaire has been drinking this,
When he wrote his hymn to Satan!
Diabolo, you're a hotshot,
Be you my friend, you brother brat!
You, good Agathon, make us friends,
You pin fraternal friendship's pact!
Who is the one you want for a friend?
Phantastix is his name, and his father
Was moneylender, but a man of honor.
The father of Phantastix has died,
But the party of the democrats boasted
The gentleman and his sports club.
The street in front of his house is clean,
You could eat on the road neat.
Yes, my father is dead,, but I'm alive,
I live and I honor you, my friend.
You honored me even more, my friend and brother,
If I were you a lovely French woman,
Who loves you, how to love in French.
So along go on holiday, poor sinners.
Phantastix, oh, how beautiful you are dressed,
How shiny polished your new black patent leather shoes,
On your black trousers not a patch
And the hat! Oh what a hat!
Yes, this sable cap I get
From Russia, something like this had the duelist,
Who Pushkin once placed the horns!
So a sable cap is in France
Very useful because it protects from sunstroke.
Why do you want to go with the student?
The world hate is in his face,
So melancholy and so philosophically.
Go away, you philosophical student!
I want Phantastix to lead, I much prefer
The aphrodisiac Anäis
And the disciple of pleasure, Hedoniste!
The fool joins but rather a fool.
Him the righteous is an eyesore.
You are all to me as false coins.
You, whom mocks God's wisdom!
So sour is Agathon's face,
Let me see the smile of Anäis.
World hate on the way afflicts his soul,
But we celebrate lust and sensuality!
My father was so happy on earth
And asked nothing after repentance and prayer.
Yes, we tear the cross of Christ down!
We worship the breasts and womb of Venus Porné
And worship god phallus in a fig tree!


O vanity of vanities! Absurdity!
Quite absurd is everything! Nothing but nothingness!
A striving after wind and air!
Folly reigns in the regiment of the world!
They all celebrate the great carnival,
The one wearing the long red nose,
Theother carries the wide red mouth!
Put lust in the throne of God,
You do not know the soul's love,
You know wnly the sexual appetite!
What they call love, if it itches!
Their mistress is now sensuality,
All ties with the flowers shackles,
Where everyone feels only the veins throb!
Calculate but the value of the body only,
Only fifty penny is worth the body,
Is nothing but water! But human dignity,
To his mind and soul an image of God,
They deny from an early age!
I saw in a sultry spring garden
Insects publicly shamelessly copulate,
Just as it do the new pagans!
But insects can not help themselves,
They follow so the commandments of God,
The new pagans but could otherwise,
They also have the spirit, the soul's spark,
But they are lower than the insects,
For they the freedom of the will but have,
But they are slaves of animal desires!
What is the body then? You see a dead person:
What remains as feces, which sister worm does devour?
But for this beautiful coloured corpse
They give away the image of the deity?
Flesh in all hot carnality
Once in the grave hole feeds the maggots!
The image of God but that they deny
And dishonors, which then stands before the judge!
You fool, great according to the woman's breasts
So thirsty, like the monk thirsting for Jesus,
Go to the grave hole of the naked woman
And dig her big breasts out of earth,
Out of the grave hole and stick your nose
Into the flesh of the teats! Smell the corruption!
Caress you may now the firm teats!
Decay you smell now instead of rose oil.
The teats that you have worshiped,
Now sink into the rotten carrion!



O Sirrah, speak, as a poet speaks,
And you shall imitate a wise poet,
So do it free and funny and with good mood
And be not a slave to the letters,
Instead, you shall dig for the spirit of wisdom.
The Philosopher's Stone is my property,
I know how to make from shit pure gold.
Wisdom is not to everyone's pleasure.
Providence opens your eyes, Cupid,
Providence enlightens your eyes,
You are not blind anymore, have no longer the star,
God took the veil from your eyes.
I'm still blinded by desire,
Blinded by lust, I'm blind.
And if you're blind, what is with the nymph,
Whom you follow after as her slave?
The proud mistress Egozentrica
Calls me still her little darling.
My treasure she says to me, my sweet baby,
My little love god, my dear angel,
She calls me her beautiful knight.
I too am a knight. Dolly I'm called.
Who is the master, whom you serve as disciple?
My master is the proud Hedoniste,
He knows the love of the arts as a monkey.
In his bathroom are many ointments
Him to perfume with coconut milk,
Always clean shaven is his soft cheek,
By God's beard, the man is always beardless,
The hair is combed to the side parting,
Rectangular accurately the side parting.
In the morning he hears always music.
Is he a priest of the Muse, a Poet?
Famous writers he greatly appreciates,
Of thieves and murderers, he likes to read,
But true poetry is distasteful to him.
Only two poets there are today on earth,
The writers' name is legion.
My Hedoniste, always well dressed,
He buys new shoes every week.
Always whiter than the snow are his clothes,
And whiter than snow are those clothes,
He wears at the much-loved tennis.
The much vaunted white tennis socks?
He has earned his money by work,
A young woman to wife taken
And has a son fathered, the rest of life
Has he played tennis, that in his grave
The friends put a tennis ball.


My doll, is here a beautiful woman?
Currently, only Anäis nearby.
So I teach you beautiful vows of love,
I invented this morning in my bed.
By the Philosopher's Stone! What vows of love?
O mistress, I swear by the valley
In the midst of your sweet double hill!
What does that mean? Do you mean her breasts?
I swear by the lobules of her ears,
The ears' lobules are as sweet as candy.
As long as you my ears bite alone!
Then I say: My heart's queen,
I kiss the white lily of your hand,
Let me kiss the mouth's red rose!
What then, when Dame Folly comes?
As a patriarch of the Old Testament
I'll take Anäis to my favorite wife,
Dame Folly I take for my concubine.
But how do you praise then Dame Folly?
I praise her as the perfect wisdom!
She is so much equal to the goddess of wisdom,
As if she were the wife of Socrates!
Like Hercules and his dear wife,
Who attracted him the nettle shirt!
Can Dame Folly cook a meal?
Yes, the potatoes she knows how to fry
And how to put fat pork to it.
You're again with Anäis alone,
How do you worship the proud mistress?
I say: O thou goddess of all flesh,
How I wish I were your high heels!
Then with the tip of your high-heeled shoe
You kick your slaves in the dust!
I kiss dying your bare foot!
Are you her high heeled shoes, she rises,
She is proud as a world-renowned Diva.
Yes, the woman's chest swells with pride!
The Bible says: Pride goeth before the fall.
I am happy to help her in her fall!
What do you say about the pious Agathon?
A dreamer who believes in a god of dreams,
From the madhouse a priest of God,
But good to ridicule the joke.
And do you not believe in the god of love?
I pray every day to my Creator
To create a new full bag of tobacco!
Truly, the man is a slave of my deity,
To love and to be loved is happiness!


I know I'm as ugly as the louse,
The woman is beautiful like a ladybug!
If you're ugly as Socrates, also
I love you teaching art as Diotima.
So teach me the art of adultery!
I describe three lessons in adultery,
Three steps on the ladder of love.
The first stage is the basic desire,
The second is the practice of love,
The third is the contemplation of love.
Yes, teach me the basic desire!
I'll teach you like a little child.
Just look at the crocos flower in the meadow,
As there the bee slips into the flower.
The crocos opens its flower calyx,
In the womb of the chalice is the sweet nectar,
The sticky is like honeycomb and sugar.
There is a temple of nectar in the cup,
Collected in the womb is the sweet seed.
The bumblebee now with her sharp sting
And slips into the bosom of the open flower,
To suck with the sting between the flower's lips
And suck the sweet seeds.
Vulgar is nature and ordinary!
Now I say of the practice in love.
As is the chaste courtship, if a pair
Loves like young love dallying gods
And on the couch pelt with pillows
And if they cheerful banter as little children,
Then secretly exchange the engagement rings
And secretly baptized the engagement rings
With red wine, which Don Quichott already drank.
Then they stay for a year chaste betrothed
And have no more of the other's body
As only allows chaste tenderness.
They wait for the wedding in the church,
The bride a chaste virgin in white veil
Is appetizing as the cream pie
And he is finally allowed in the wedding night
this cream pie to cut in two parts!
Then the first child is born and then the second
And then the everyday life comes with boredom,
With noise and strife and with the cold bed
And finally approaching the age and the man
Looking after young girls, the wife nags.
The best thing is the wedding night.
Now I tell you from the contemplation of love.
The lover is looking at his beautiful lady
As a deity of glory in the likeness.
He does not love this lady in the concrete.
He loves the lady's Ideal, only the Idea,
The lady, as she is in God's image.
O Splendor of God! God's Beauty
Shines on to the lady, the beauty of God
Seems to became flesh in the beautiful lady.
And in front of the temple of her beautiful body,
Before the icon of her brow
The lover prays to the beautyful deity!
Idea and idea, I hear only ideas!
What is the idea? A mere hint
Dressed in the void of pure nothingness!
What's does this ideal women cook?
There is the love gods favorite food,
Spaghetti, broccoli, tomato sauce.
Even God's love goes indeed through his stomach.


It's time, and no girlfriend in sight?
Who is this lady talking here?
Dame Folly is the women's queen!
Dame Folly is so wise and just,
She will represent herself in front of the court
On Judgement Day, where she cajoled the Lord
And will persuade the judge of the world,
Slavishly to do her will!
She is sent with her rapid tongue
And so eloquently in the chattering
As these award-winning writers,
As these masters of criticism, saying:
I've Goethe, what do I need God?
With one word, you cill the fool.
Dame Folly is of the opinion that Lady Wisdom
In her youth the goddess Venus was
And that Lady Wisdom was incarnated in
The beautiful Helen, I do not mean
The beautiful Helen of Sparta,
No, those beautiful Helen of Tyre,
Whom Simon Magus met there in a brothel!
Dame Folly also has a black dog,
His name is Monsieur, she leads him always
To a young bitch in the neighborhood,
To his young bitch Mademoiselle.
But who is the beauty that comes there?
This is mistress Egocentrica!
She is charming and she knows it too,
She is well-read and she says it,
Like a queen she gives commands,
She likes to tell the story of her life,
Tastefully she directed the painting,
She has a certain opinion on verses.
Am I not the champion of belly dance?
Who makes the hips circling like me?
Who can enchant with the seven veils
And drop veil over veil!
How do I dancing nice as Salome!
O girlfriend, how beautiful is your new head of hair.
I looked at the idol of Venus
And then asked the barber, the same hair art
To braid out of my long hair.
You are as beautiful as the goddess of heaven!
If you wear open your long black hair,
If you wear the black hair in a knot,
If you wear black hair silky smooth,
If you are wearing the henna red hair curly,
In your tips live the erotic Graces!
Phantastix, friend of yours I've heard,
Your doctor physician is from China?
Will you sell me the medical doctor?
Not even for millions of golden coins!
Because this physician is a savior!
He knows of Yin and Yang to mix the world,
To marry the dragon with the Phoenix!
He touched me with his hand of a Saviour,
Then the Chi flows of healthy energy!
He's been one hundred years old,
His hair and his beard is white as snow,
His face fresh as a peach blossom,
He is as fresh as young sixteen years!
Does he have the pill of immortality?
This is a mystery for the initiated.



What do you think about this son of a bitch,
What do you think about these books rat?
Do not be so impatient with the fool,
He considers himself well for a philosopher
And ran away from the lunatic asylum.
He considers himself to be something better, the proud.
But I laugh at such arrogance.
He is proud of his good works
And keeps us all for fools astray,
But in doing so he do not notice, how he himself
Becomes a ridiculous figure,
In which we all have our fun.
He is a dreamer who lives in a dream,
A dreamer who believes in a god of dreams,
He prays still in the dream to his dream god.
At night he is awake and dreaming at day daydream
And reading in dim lamplight about dreams,
Which the other dreamers of the dream god dreamed.
At day but in reality,
When we live the full life, he
Sleepwalks as a shadow creeps among us.
I am most upset how calm he
Listens when we curse and cheat,
When we blaspheme and slander blasphemous.
He then makes a face like a stone,
He lets us do not even provoke him,
We blasphemous blaspheme his dream god
And are committed to the Antichrist
And always swear, the devil knows!
Then he folds his hands in prayer only
And lays his hands on little children.
And when we celebrate joyful carnival,
Where everyone can sleep with anyone,
Then he remains serious, a gloomy jesuit.
The cross of ashes on his forehead he paints
And takes place in the desert of Lent
Away from us, to be alone with God.
I want to pour all snake venom
On this arrogant philosopher,
Who cold and frosty looks down on us
With looks of smug contempt.
I want him to plague as a nuisance,
He should not enter into his rest.
Dame Folly I call to me, she will
Rob him his stupid peace of mind.
Dame Folly's plan is
The wise man to irritate so long until
He bursts his vein of his temple
And he speaks in anger churned:
Get away from me, accursed Satan's bride!
O Lady Lilith, Lucifer's bride!
I'll be damned for all eternity!


I will quietly smile like a Chinese.
About the poor fools I'm really sorry.
What should I worry about when they blaspheme?
My slandering brings me a crown of honor.
So reviled their fathers the prophets.
They tell me: Women gossip about you!
The wives' tails blaspheme a lot more!
When these prodigal souls despise me,
So just because they so despise Jesus also.
They do not hear me because they nothing
Want to hear about Jesus, the impenitent.
If I were a Marcus Aurelius in the imperial throne,
I would admonish, scold my sin,
I would repent in sackcloth and ashes
And new fruits of good works bring.
But there are Hedoniste and Anäis,
They slander me with the snake tongues,
Disciple of the Antichrist is the one,
The other is Lucifer's bride!
Horny they are both as horny rats,
Mendacious-cunning as serpents wrong.
They talk bad because they know nothing good.
Now, if an alienist the poor fools
Terrible cursing in a mental home listens,
Preserves the alienist the peace of mind.
Thus, one must consider these sinners also,
Whom Satan infected with madness.
What they desire above all yet, is
Me the patience to rob and the rest of soul,
They irritate me in my blood with their wickedness!
But God preserved me my peace of mind.
The evil glances and evil tongues
Eventually destroy their own souls.


Phantastix; Think of your beloved's
Bedroom, the Palace of heavenly lust!
I want to visit the beloved.
Check her first in your mind,
Imagine the epitome
Of the most divine pleasures of lust!
Beguiling perfumes, sexy costumes,
An hot bed of heavenly lust and pleasure,
And do sleazy mind games!
All you evoke in my mind,
I think I can already see the beloved.
Endorser you alone in her room
And tremble in fear of the secret,
Being in the the forbidden paradise,
Now secretly sigh your soul out
And put your finger on the mouth!
But if there really is the beloved?
Then say: fairest of all beauty!
Miss Universe! Most beautiful mirror of God!
How you always did flatter her beauty.
I say: Divine Arsinoe!
Arsinoe? Who is this lady?
I am an humanist! Arsinoe
Was the wife of King Ptolemy
And was regarded as an incarnation of the goddess Isis,
At the same time as the incarnation of the goddess Venus!
Now then: Divine Arsinoe,
You seem to me today melancholic,
Are you alone? I will pay you company.
Phantastix, I am now Arsinoe,
Well you makee your queen the court.
Goddess-woman Arsinoe, sweetheart!
Phantastix, say not only Arsinoe,
Call her Helen of Sparta
And Lady Yang Gue-Fey from China!
You inexpressibly most beautiful of all the beautiful,
You are more beautiful than the highest Goddess!
I kneel before your highness!
My friend, but I have bad mood today.
O significant super-beauty!
Blush let me feel your flattery.
But you always say so nice things.
Oh, a kiss on this finger tip!
Well, dear friend, now go in the beloved's
Bedroom, the Palace of Heavenly Lust!
