Herausgegeben von Dr. P.M. – Herausgeber der


By Josef Maria Mayer



Thirty-three heavens had been created by a wonderful singing of Tian-Zhu, and in the highest heaven, the heaven of heavens, stood amid the magnificent Jade City the Jade Throne on which He sat down and sent down His breath.


Down below there surged and heaved the chaos, the dark abyss, flowing from abyss to abyss, roaring like thunder storm, scornfully laughing like dragons, but on this dark night of fiendly tide flew the breath of Tian-Zhu, who began to sing creatively.


And now are divided Yin and Yang, the light from the dark, the sun from the night, the moon was lovely in the clouds of thunder, there arose the Great and Little Bear, and it flew the Black Raven into the sun, the White Rabbit was on the moon, seas and mountains differed, between the four seas was the dryness of autumn chrysanthemum flourished and of spring peony.


In the middle of dry land emerged from the morning mist the first man, Pan Ku. His head was flying in heaven (his hair cloud plumes), his body was of earth (his bones mountains).


And Pan Ku sang a song, almost as wonderful as the singing of Tian-Zhu, "O Most High, wonderful thy ode became visible, thy word took shape in me. Lo, at the center column of the earth I see the Son of Heaven. prevailin and triumphing over Kung Kung, the dragon. Aya, Tian-Zhu, God of the Middle Kingdom, I want to sing thee praise ten thousand years! Aya, Aya!"


And to the Middle Kingdom are ranked the elemental spirits: in the north the Dark Lord, the ruler of the water, in the south he Red Lord, the ruler of the fire, in the west the Mother of the metals and in the east the Prince of forest, which managed the wood, but in the center, in the Middle Kingdom, presided the Yellow Old, Lord of the earth.


Tian-Zhu gave the Yellow Old the grace to teach men the arts. He lived among the people, the sons and daughters of Nu Wa, and taught them to write odes and hymns, poetry of nature and works of history, to paint in watercolors  poets and beautiful maiden , and to pluck the strings of the Chin. But first he taught them to sing the praises every morning to the radiant God in the highest Heaven.


But there appeared Kung Kung, the devil. He was the dragon. His eyes were demons' eyes and his neck a snake. Many parts of many evil beasts he united in his anti-godly person. He was the prince of many other dragons, who were all his evil angels, who all came out of the chaos.


To proof the people, the dragon held in his mouth pearls that were more precious than a hundred silver cash. He was covered all over with gold. So, people thought the golden dragon was a blessing. They began to sacrifice him her first-born sons. So man from the garden of origin was expelled, from the fountain of life.


Then the dragon built his dragon throne in the world, surrounded by a pandemonic court, many dragons as his ministers, many snakes and fox-ghosts as empresses and concubines, but the dragon was emperor of the evil world.


But Tian-Zhu wanted to bless humanity and to assist them further, so he sent them the fire. He instructed the holy ruler Sui Jen, he revealed himself to him in the fire, so that Sui Jen gave to humanity in the Middle Kingdom the fire, so that they can cook rice and tea.


But Tian-Zhu was so kind, he wanted to feed his people with delicious things, so he taught the sacred ruler Fu Hsi to catch animals and fishes with nets. The people named Fu Hsi the Divine Emperor, the Holy Lord, the conqueror of animals.


Fu Hsi not only taught to catch animals, but also to prepare these animals to a meal, so they called him Po Hsi, the slaughter of animals. From the bowels Po Hsi made strings, because he had invented the lyre with thirty-five strings.


Po Hsi or Fu Hsi invented the early writing, a picture writing, which he developed from the primitive system of tying of knots. He laid the foundation for the writing of psalms and sweet poetry and ancient traditions in sublime form.


After Fu Hsi the holy ruler Shen Nung, whom Tian-Zhu had ttrained in the culture of farming, followed. The first idolaters, led by the dragon, called this teacher their earth god, but in truth he was a person who had sought God. Tian-Zhu had been revealed to him and taught him the use of herbs for medicinal purposes.


Then came in the Middle Kingdom the time of Huang Di. This was the great Trinity of God: The light of heaven, the light of the earth and the great light. And God loved Huang Di, the Yellow Emperor, and made him glorious beyond measure.


At the time of the Chou-Kiang conquered the people from the west the yin-realm. They put their faith in God. A gorgeous and shining light was the Lord. Huang-Di but was the emperor. They sang an ode at the court of the Yellow Emperor, "O Radiant One, O our God in the highest Heaven, look down to us, O Lord!"


And God stood in the midst of the angels and the gods on Taishan, the mountains of the East, he sat in an ivory chariot that crans of iivory attracted. Satan stood there, the great prince of the sons of gods, the dragon handlebars. Phoenixes filled the sky, birds of the resurrection. For a large gathering of angels created for the Yellow Emperor the melody Tsing Küeh.


Hien Yuan beget Huan Hiao, begat Kiao Ki, begat Kao Sin. Hien Yuan but was Huang Di, the Yellow Emperor, Hien Yuan lived with his wife, the daughter of the Lord of the Western Hills, and Lei Tzu said, this woman gave birth to the Emperors Tsing Yang and Chang Yi.


The father of the Yellow Emperor was Shao Tien (Little Law), his mother was Fu Pao (amulet gem). The father was like lightning, who flashes from west to east, the mother was like the polar star, which rests in the center of the circle of stars.


The Yellow Emperor was already talking as an infant. He taught panther and tiger, and went with them into battle against his evil half-brother Yen Ti They fought in the plane Pantsüan. After three years of struggle won the Yellow Emperor. Then all the princes paid homage to the Yellow Emperor as the Son of Heaven.


Huang Di fasted with the Master Jung Cheng at the top of Kung Tung, when the Master said, "Heaven has Tao, on earth she acts, Huang Di know about her, so he is the Son of Heaven, so he rises to the clouds in the sky."


He taught the people to build boats, to make bow and arrow, to manufacture wooden tools and utensils made ​​of clay. He developed a calendar for the people and divided the year into twelve sections, which he founded astronomical.


He built a palace and a temple. In the palace he ruled over the earth, in the temple he offered sacrifice to Heaven, the God of heaven, who is Tian-Zhu. God blessed the reign of the Yellow Emperor for hundred years.


The Yellow Emperor's wife gave the people silk. She is the patroness of all silk spinners. She taught the cultivation of the mulberry tree and silkworms. She taught the separation of the silk from the cocoon, spinning the yarn and weaving the most beautiful garments. Since that time, the the silk worms cause the concern of women.


The religious legends say that Huang Di sacrificed a lamb and ascended into heaven. Other legends say that he had after his death his residence in the heavenly realms in the Kunlun Mountains.


The Kunlun Mountain is the world's center, the mountain paradise of God, where the spring of the Yellow Stream is. It is a country with much jade. Huang Di ascended the Kunlun and looked to the south and left there a pearl, which should represent Tao. But Mister Knowledge does not find it, but Love and Devotion.


Huang Di said to a madman, "You know about Tao? Tao of heaven is the daughter of God. When you know to rest in Tao by peace you will be saved, in quietness is your strength. Tao is invisible, she is only recognized by trusing faith. She is not visible, but belief in Tao, and you return in God's palace, there is Truth without end, the great beginning."


In later times, King Mu visited on the Kunlun Xi Wang Mu, the Queen Mother, who some believe she was the Queen of Sheba, who came to the King Solomon to learn his wisdom.


An Emperor of later times pitched his camp at the foot of the Kunlun, on the banks of the Red River. Then he ascended the Kunlun and looked at the house of Huang Di. Then he brought to the Heavenly Smoke a sacrifice on the hill. In the north they were at that time guarding the jade, which was found on Spring Mountain.


On the Kunlun the hall of light was from the time of Huang Di. It was open on all sides and covered with sedge. Forthe hall a moat was performed. In this hall the Son of Heaven offered sacrifices to the God of gods, Tian-Zhu!


At Kunlun there were also the Hanging Gardens of Spring Mountain, which is also called the Gardens of Huang Di. This was a place of paradise. You felt this pleasure garden, when you can say, "My sister bride is an hidden pleasure garden.".


The poet sang, "I went to the jade garden, have boarded the Kunlun, have eaten jade buds. I will be durable as Heaven. Where is the mountain of God and the garden of pleasure?"


In God's garden a river flows, beside it is a mountain, rich in lapislazuli, and another mountain on the sunny slopes, rich in jade. The angel Ying Shao leads there the supervision, he has a human face and wings of a bird. At the jade river lives Yao Shuei, a celestial angel (Tien Shen). There bred Huang Di jade buds, which wants to eat the poet, to become immortal.


Xi Wang Mu, the Fairy Queen or Queen of Sheba, has her staying at the jade lake between the running sand. Also you will find a jade lake next to the wine-fountain on the Kunlun. Are these two jade lakes one?


From Kunlun, of God's garden you can look in His ten thousand worlds. An angel managed there the nine divisions of heaven and the four beautiful seasons in the park of the one God.


From flowing sand, which begins on the mountain of the bells, the Kunlun there is forty thousand years old. The Kunlun, rising between the four seas, the fountain of four streams, is God's earthly world. At its peak grows water straw, on the slopes there are nine wells with railings made ​​of jade, sitting next to nine goals. Here lives a hundred of angels.


Xi Wang Mu's sitting between her pearls and her jade trees at a table, a servant fanning her three blue birds for her food. An angel in white guarded the place. Beyond this scene are the weak water and the mountains of flaming fire. (The weak water does not have the power to prevent a swan fluff on the wane.) They live there with Xi Wang Mu, ten thousand things of creation.


In a dream the poet crossed the weak water (delicate as a swan fluff is a poet), walked among the trees of immortality, the jade river of long life, gently pushed open the door of heaven, entered the palace of the God of heaven. Beautiful as the heavenly jade maidens were the angels, ten thousand times more beautiful was Tian-Zhu!


And there was the Son of Heaven, Yao, a model of virtue! Yao was a heroic figure, he was wearing a yellow hat and a dark tunic, he drove a triumph vehicle, drawn by white horses.


In humility Yao used no jewels, his clothes were plain and without diversity. In summer he wore a simple shirt made of hemp, in winter his clothes made of deer fur. He spooned rice soup made from earthenware bowls with wooden spoon, only dried meat, small fish and easy phoenix pearls flavored his rice soup. Nevertheless, he was pious, intelligent and thoughtful.


Yao was so good that his people were good, the people of the black-haired. They were so good and virtuous, that no one needed to close its doors anymore at night because there were neither thieves nor murderers under Yao's virtuous rule.


If people wanted something they could write it on a blackboard in front of the palace of Yao, and if they coveted something, they needed only to touch the drum in front of the ruling house. His people coveted little. Only when food was scarce, they sought the Lord, but that was rare.


Yao was called the ancestor of scripture. And it is written, He that created the earth, He gave the commandments of Heaven, He is the ruler! However, then differed and confused was his holy way and his norms thread, so followed sin, destruction and death.


Yao was looking for a successor, because he felt the transition into the other-world of God near. The world mountains praised the obedience of the Son of Man, Shun. God decided to proof Shun, so Yao sent two of his daughters to him that she served them as major and minor wife. Shun proved to be exemplified in the following years.


King Tu was Yao's mother, she had received him with twenty years as a angelic character overshadowed her, who bore on his chest a picture, an holy man with enraptured face showing.


Every man came and turned unto Yao, as he leaves the under-the-sky, but because of his great love. He commanded the fire dogs, caressed the crossed feet and died on shady slope of Kiungshan.


He was wrapped in three shrouds, his coffin was a hollow tree, wrapped by knitting. Hundreds of tribes mourned Yao as a powerful father and a benevolent mother. The hollow mulberry Kung Sang was but a ladder to heaven, at the upper end Tian-Zhu appeared.


Shun, the chosen successor of Yao, was very wise. He was very worried about the welfare of his people. He improvised new methods of praise for the Most High, and tested the Son of Heaven. He divided the country into twelve provinces, whose wise and just leader Shun was.


To the minister of education Shun said, "Pay attention, that people respect the five relationships and the duty of virtue to do justice." To the minister of agriculture Shun said, "The black-haired people are hungry. Sow, O Prince, the five types of grain for them." His reign and Yao's was the Golden Age of China.


Shun's first name was Chung Hua, he had double pupils in the eyes, that's why he was called "double glance " or "double bloom." Shun was the morning light with blooming flowers that fall in the evening when the sun goes down.


At that time they sang this song, "There's a woman driving on a ca , her face is like the flower of the hibiscus, as the blossom of the clear Shun, she floats up, she soars like birds' wings, at her belt sounds her jade jewelry. Notice the beautiful Lady Kiang, she is truly pretty, so beautiful! She is like the flower of the hibiscus, as the blossom of the clear Shun."


The four world mountains were saying, "Shun's father was blind and stubborn, his mother a mouth of blasphemy, his brother a stubborn elephant. But Shun followed the child's piety  "


With five tables of the law Shun went into the depths and was at the four entrance gates to the world as a guest. The depth was made subject to him, the world entrance gates waited humbly before his law. Unchallenged, he walked into the hell of fire.


Shun looked afar off the mountains and streams, he visited in turns the angel of the herds, loaded the car of the moon with jade fertility. After three years of absolute silence Shun appointed twelve shepherds.


Shun's women were Yao's daughters. The one was called Ngo Huang, the younger was called Nu Ying. The two women served Shun in the fields, as he plowed with elephants, they were not lazy and arrogant just because they were brides of the Son of Heaven.


The princes trustet Shun's visiting and not Yao's son, the bards praised Shun and not Yao's son. His name was Tan Chu, the vermilion, he had a red body of a snake and was banished to the river of ciinober Tan Shuei, to the people of the snake men of the south in the hellish heat.


Shun had a Chin-zither. Ku Sou created a Se-zither with fifteen strings. As Shun reigned, he ordered Yen, the Se-zither additionally to raise eight strings, the Pipa arose.


Yu was general and servant of Shun. He was China's Noah. It was said in a song at that time, "What was the man's Yu's power, how great was his power! But for Yu, we should be all fishes!"


The waters rose over the hills, over the tops of the mountains and reached to the sky. Yu said, "I opened paths for the currents to flow, at that time the people were taught again, to let grow the crops and to breed the meat They began to trade, the states of the people of China came under a good government."


On Yü followed Tang, a virtuoso prince of the small principality of Shang, a part of Honan. He was called from heaven to save the kingdom. He overcame the army, and came to the throne in his capital Po.


He said, "I did not want to usurp the throne, but I act at the behest of Heaven!" But soon the dragon thundered anger, and a great famine lasted seven years.


Heaven needed a sacrifice for the reconciliation of the worlds. Tang, the Son of Heaven, volunteered to be the spotless victim. He fasted for seven days, then went in white mourning robes in a mulberry garden to be sacrificed. He knelt down and prayed, then intervened heavem. Tang was the foundation of a new people that praised Tian-Zhu, the Lord of Heaven.


The scholarr who called himself "The sound of the rice washing" wrote an extensive essay on the filial love in the gentle school of writers. Since we know how difficult this extensive work is by its character of analysis and foreign language texts, we have set ourselves, to those who like to read to give stimulation, and those who want to delve into the wisdom of the East, to provide insight, and all those who like to take a book in the hand to bring internal profit. It is not easy when we undergo the trouble of reduction, but no pain no gain, it is indeed a delicious meal prepared not without difficulty. But we would like to take it upon ourselves to make it to many redound to the edification.  We left it to the researchers in sciences to detail to go. As those scholar created a palace of gems, we'll stick to grind a beautiful jade.

My son, hear the meaning of the tradition by which we know the truth more and more, and with it ourselves. May you see heavem and heaven will plan for the present.
One should remember the fountain when drinking water. Therefore also think of the spiritual tradition of wisdom and good of the canonical writings.
Be conscientious against the Tathagata, follow the holy dead, then you are kindly used for generosity. Therefore: Do not give away the teachings of the fathers.
The saints of the past ages have a basic set, not only in their words but in their actions.
The sum of their teaching is the filial love for the Father in Heaven. This filial love is the supreme virtue. Only through it the person is a person.
The emperors of antiquity plowed the childlike awe of heaven, so they had their office.
When placed vertically, the filial love reaches from earth to heaven, and when placed horizontally, it is extending from one end of the earth to the other, and when it is applied to the future, we see eternity.
Thirteen years Confucius sought a rule that he could teach. Finally, he returned to his native Lu and turned to disseminate information to his students. From then on, he devoted himself to music and poetry.
At fifty Confucius knows the law of heaven, with sixty his ear was opened. He believed in Heaven as his God.
His disciples handed his teaching. They call his doctrine: the gentle way of the school.
The master was to his disciples as a father to his sons.
The scholars should endeavor to continue interpretation of the Scriptures, the classics, because they contain historical documents, wisdom's proverbs, poetry and ritual texts.
When people live with heaven in an harmonious unity, then the Earlier and Later are in unit and also the living and the dead.
Life is eternal.
In the traditional scriptures they asked for the will of heaven and the meaning of life. In the Book of Songs Heaven is worshiped.
The disciples wrote four books; the Master's words have survived.
My son, the first characters were written on bones and ritual texts were texts about the sacrifice. So you will see that for the sake of death, the people wanted to be reconciled from time's immemorial with heaven and that a sacrifice of atonement is needed.
Sacrifice of dark wine was offered in the temple.
Even the ancients wanted to keep the community and wanted to maintain with the transfigured dead.
Who loses the protection of his father, lives scary like a straying dog. Is it in the distance, he was striving to return home, as the falling leaves return to the root of the tree.
Let the incense not go out!
Under heaven all were an heavenly family of the Son of Heaven!
Heaven is father. He is the One who is great. He is the Most High.
The Lord brought the clear virtue, so the wild Kuan had to flee. Heaven gives office and comrade.
The Most High set up the Son of Heaven to rule over all the nations.
Exalted is the Most High, ruler of the people, he shall be feared: he is, but his will is often misrepresented.
Exalted is the Most High, he looks down from heaven in sublime power, he looks searchingly into the kingdom if the people have peace.
He rules over space and time.
The Son of Heaven received from Heaven the command to rule his people.
All living things are descended from heaven, but the race of men is begotten from heaven.
Body and soul are gifts from heaven.
Heaven is suffering with his suffering people.
Heaven helps his children to achieve harmony.
People can contact heaven's record only through the mediation of the Son of Heaven. The Son of Heaven is the representative of Heaven, to rule the people, and representatives of the people, to offer the spotless victim to heaven.
Confucius said: He who knows me, is Heaven.
The Noble have fear of two things: To act against the will of heaven, to speak before lofty people about the words of the saints.
How noble-minded was King Wen! O clear devotion for life! Heaven had given him his splendid royal office.
When you sacrifice incense, it smells good the Most High and he is happy.
The Son of Heaven is the first son. It also means: the fountain, the beginning. He is father and mother of the people. He fulfilled as a representative of the people the law of heaven.
From the past to the present has not been seen that two strong fight for power and yet long remained in power. Heaven has only one sun, the country only one king.
The father is the head. The mother is warm. Filial love, and kindness towards the brothers must be true.
Hundred good deeds begin with filial love.
The obedience of the son is the foundation of human love.
My son, this scripture is precious like a sacrificial vessel of bronze. For the children and grandchildren it should be well preserved forever.
Make names and works of the ancients known. Decide what eulogy they deserve. About the return make the praise true of our successors. In praise your personality is preserved.
Be obedient to the holy commandments, handing on virtues, works and words.
When a person looks at a praising scripture, he intends not only the promised, but also the honourable.
What people can do, without having learned it, is their real skill. What people do without thinking about it, is their real knowledge.
Each child, whom takes his mother on her arm, knows how to love his mother.
Attachment to the neighbor is love.
The nature of the holy kings was filial piety and brotherhood.
The mother takes the child on her arms, quenches him at her breasts, keep him save.
O father, you begot me, O mother, I sucked at your breasts.
O further, high heaven, full of father's power and mother's mercy!
I look forward to the worthy man who cares for the people as father and mother.
Great is indeed the origin of the creative power, all beings owe him their beginning.
Man is the worthiest of all creatures.
Son means man, son means master. The Son of Heaven is the first son.
Who has have the immaculate virtue, lives long, lives for evermore and will not be forgotten.
The boys like to listen to the wisdom's teachings of the reverend fathers.
The nature of the father is love, mercy and justice. The nature of the son is filial love, reverence and obedience.
Good Lord, give us a right spirit, that we may not be ashamed.
Never man shall be tired with the people to praise the Father!
My son, I desire to make your heart just, to bring foolish speeches to silence, to banish wrong words, so to continue the work of the saints.
Filial love and brotherhood are the basics of humanity.
Of all the creatures man is the greatest. Of all human acts the acts of filial love is the greatest.
Searching for Truth, that's man's way. To possess the truth, is heaven's way.
In the beginning the Way of Heaven and the way of the people were one.
My son, not your youth is the highest, but that you can find the Tao.
When the Most High commands filial love, who dares not to follow?
The scholar is doing the completion of knowledge.
A child should serve his father: When the rooster crows, get up, wash, rinse your mouth, brush you hair, knot the hair, wrap it with a silk ribbon, pin it with an hairpin, put the hat on, bind it under the chin, wear a dark robe, knee pads and create (write words of praise of) the big belt, your note-tablet plugg in it.
In the distance is the father of many poems.
Wild geeses' loud wings in the oak forest. O endless blue sky! When we are at home? The wild geeses' wings rustling, they sit in the thorn forest. O endless blue sky! When comes my blessed end?
Restless work! The tree prefers calmness, but the wind will not stop blowing.
The Noble's filial love is associated with reverence. He does what is in his power, he lives by virtue and has inner peace.
My son, walk with fear and trembling, as if you stood in front of a deep abyss, as if you walk on thin ice.
My son, did not laugh uncontrollably and chatter not about secrets.
Respect for heaven is the beginning of wisdom.
Deference is difficult, it may well be possible, but resistance is difficult, it may well be possible, but the perseverance to the end is difficult.
From dawn to bedtime heaven is not a reproach.
Follow the master, who called you him to imitate, to imitate means to become like him.
Life does not begin at birth, but in the womb of the mother.
In pregnancy the mother should behave like the queen mother behaved when she wore King Cheng in the womb.
When she was alone, she was not arrogant. When she was angry, she did not scold.
Mother, just read poems and talk to your child only edifying.
At the birth of a girl a cloth was hung up in the old days. The cloth is called obedience and gentleness.
They prefer the child after the cleaning bath. Like an arrow from a bow shoot you the sin far away!
Like an arrow to hit the center of the disc, you shall take the meaning of life.
The art is easy to reach, harder it is to reach the Tao. But the Tao is more important than the art.
When poetry has been honored in the name of humanity, gentleness and beauty were determined. When wisdom was observed, you call your son Sheng (Holy) or Hui (Mercy) or Tao (Way).
The child is brought up by the mother. With thirteen years he shall learn songs and music.
Fortunately month, happy time! Be respectful and perfect your virtues. Ten thousand years endure your life! Receive the infinite blessing for ever and ever!
Today, my son, I give you honor to your name: Minziqian!... He is well and good, he fits to you. Follow the disciples of the Master and gradually become a virtuous, wise man. Your new name is your path.
Wedding is the work of heaven. Marriage serves to avoid fornication.
Like a wild goose has to follow the wife her man. As a wild goose shall preserve her chastity the virgin.
Death means separation of flesh and bone.
Life and death are predestined from heaven.
I can die well at night when I am part of the Tao.
Who was in the Tao, found the meaning of life. The daily needs in front of death are not to be feared.
Only if one is in the earth, he has peace.
Heaven is the fountain of all living things.
Man is the preferred living being, the recipient of the virtues of heaven. The command of heaven determined human nature.
Human destiny rests in the will of heaven.
The superior man has a sacred awe of the will of heaven.
According to the extent in which the people live in the Tao of Heaven, they receive blessings from heaven.
The superior man is more demanding for the Tao than after ordinary food, because the Tao is the true food of the human heart.
Man gets from heaven virtue and awarded the contract to realize it.
Heaven is life, life is work.
Heaven creates not only the people, but encourages them also to goe the way of life.
The saints followed the Tao of heaven and realized the virtues of heaven.
My son, overcome your selfish desires and let them die.
People should learn to be human.
All things are harmonious, only selfishness soweth discord.
In the heart of man dwells the heavenly principle and the selfishness. If this world wins, the other-world is subject, if the afterlife is victorious, this world is subject.
To achieve selflessness, consider the lamb of righteousness upon you.
Man should not hear the Tao alone for their own benefit, but spend it to other people.
Think about it every day, if you are faithful and reliable, the teachings give as an good example.
Who can sing well, should follow some of other with his voice. Who can teach well, should let others follow his heart.
Ice consists of water, but is colder than water. The knife is sharpened through the loops. The superior man has to learn deeply and extensively and identify and explore himself, than he is enlightened.
If one does not rise to the Himalayas, you do not know how high the sky is. If you do not know to listen the traditional words of the saints, he knows not how rich is wisdom.
Knowledge is not only for the knowledge, but for a better doing.
Learning and constant practice brings joy.
If jade is not polished, then will not be a good tool for you.
A people without people's love, what profit do they have of morality? A people without people's love, what profit have they?
My son, you need a great heart, because your load is heavy, your way is far. People to love, that is your burden: is it not hard? In death you're only on target: is the road not far?
Human love is more important than to get your own life.
What you do not wish for yourself, you do not even wish the gentiles.
Who strives to love people, already has the love of people. But Confucius has not reached the true human love.
Without people's love man is a dead piece of wood.
Reverence is the beginning of human love.
Be faithful with a perfect heart.
Be gentle and ready to forgive.
Practice philanthropy to the miserable.
Love Heaven beyond all measure and love the people like you love yourself.



The Lady called Nan saw heaven as a black cloud and could not believe that heaven smiles. Mo Di said, Therefore cries heaven because you think he's a black cloud.


Mo Di cited a classic, What escapes me, I pursue, and what haunts me, I flee. Lady Nan asked, So I shall better not speak with you?


Mo di loved the woman Plum Blossom. She went with her husband, an officer, in the mountains. Well, she said to Mo Di, that I still could talk with you. In seven days we will meet again. For Mo Di loved Plum Blossom.


Mo Di was a poet. He made​ a mental note, not to sing only Plum Blossom, but also the words of Lady Nan to deliver. This Lady taught the grammar of Mandarin, often spoke of the heavens and the poets of old.


Mo Di was a poet, he spent his time with sighing for Plum Blossom and talking to Lady Nan about poetry and philosophy. He always suffered. Then he said to Lady Nan, Suffering is grace, a rescue is not allowed, despair is the seal of the elect. Lady Nan said, This is beautiful.


Lady Nan said, I love abbots and poets. Once I loved a poet, I inspired him beautiful verses. But I made the mistake of wanting to marry him. Poets must be as abbots virgins, said Mo Di.


Lady Nan said, Everything seems vain to me. Mo Di contributed to her a hymn to heaven, a love song to Plum Blossom. And Lady Nan said, Thanks, I 'm consolated.


Mo Di said, There is a nation that is considered to be polite. Plum Blossom said, The people are very welcoming. Plum Blossom blessed Mo Di with the words of that nation: Will there be darkness, mother eart may bear you, an if you suffer loss, mother earth may comfprt you in her mantle...


Lady Nan was desperately alive. Mo Di advised her to go to the theater and watch the comedy of a classic poet. The serenity of light entertainment may blow through her melancholic soul with refreshing winds. For a saint said, It is reasonable temporarily not to be so reasonable.


Mo Di gladly watched the singing dancers, dancing singers. He told Lady Nan about many gracious girls. Lady Nan said, I wonder that you have not even fallen in love with me. Mo Di said, I loved the last three years no-one as only Plum Blossom. But with you I will exchange wisdom from heart to heart.


Lady Nan sent Mo Di a morning's greeting. Mo Di sent Plum Blossom an afternoon's greeting. Plum Blossom sent her regards in the evening to Lady Nan. So Mo Di was the poet of universal human love.


Mo Di was treated very charming by Plum Blossom, but she was still his pain, so he loved her. Lady Nan treated him with respect and kindness, but she was not his pain, so he treated her with respect and kindness.


Plum Blossom was beautiful as Xi-Shy, the most beautiful woman of China; she bathed in mare's milk as Yang Guefe, the most beautiful woman in China next to Xi-Shy. So Plum Blossom was more beautiful than the most beautiful women in China. Mo Di drank wine with a fool who said, Plum Blossom was not probably the most beautiful woman of China. Since then Mo Di hated the fool. But Plum Blossom wished from Mo Di all men to love, even his enemies.


The Nun Mi wrote, Most beloved Mo Di! I do not want to talk to you and do not like to get any more letters from you. I love you just like I love you. Mo Di said sadly, What is this for a love?


Lady Nan said, I consider myself to the written Word. Mo Di said, Do not you know what is written in the heavenly book? The sea goddess Ma-ku of the Chinese is for ever blessed! Mo Di gave Lady Nan a Tibetan rosary. Also Plum Blossom honored the image of the beautiful sea goddess Ma-ku.


Lady Nan asked, Is the will of man free? Mo Di said, So taught all Taoist Popes with the Yellow Turban. Whether if he is searching the Tao of Heaven or not, is the free will of man. But am I also free to love the beloved or not to love?


Mo Di said, Lady Nan, I wrote a poem about you. She was glad, Then I 'm immortalized!


An officer had fabricated a poem and said to Mo Di, he wanted money for it, a lot of silver cash. Mo Di grimaced and thought to himself, I will deliver the image of my beloved to posterity.


Lady Nan read a praise of heaven and said, It is mystical renunciation of the world in it. Mo Di said, This is not the wrong road. The wise Chuang Tzu taught the same thing.


Lady Nan asked for Mo Di's verses. He said, The free Fu-verses I do not like to write, and the archaic verses of the Odes are too heavy and strange for me, but in the classic Shi-poems of the Tang-dynasty I am good.


Mo Di made talked about his displeasure with the sects. Lady Nan said, Hold fixed the secret that heaven is eaten in a grain of rice and a drunken in a drop of rice wine.


Mo Di said, All the days of my future, I expect to be unhappy, but today I 'm happy. Lady Nan rejoiced and said, This is wise, because wisdom says: The beginning and the end you do not know, but honor heaven by customizing your jade cup with rice wine, in the moonlight drinking alone with your shadow, and write sweet with bamboo brush and ink on silk love songs for Plum Blossom.


Mo Di reads Lady Nan a poem. She said, You're a true Chinese!


Lady Nan asked Mo Di what he will dense in the dead of winter? Mo Di said, I will sing the song of the sweetness of summer, from the beach of Sanya and the summerly beauty of Plum Blossom in the garden.


Mo Di said, My home is the heavenly garden where I want to live after death. But already in Plum Blossom's smile I see on earth the heavenly garden.


Mo Di said Lady Nan, Plum blossom and you, you are in this time my only friends. Each I love on another way. Lady Nan said, Not that we tear you apart! Mo Di felt as he spoke with Lady Nan the ethereal presence, the smell of Plum Blossom and for a moment he listened not to Lady Nan, oblivious from the intoxicating fragrance of love, for Plum Blossom was more intoxicating than three hundred cups of yellow wine.


Plum Blossom was called Plum Blossom by Mo Di, because the plum is one of the four "pure winter flowers". Plum Blossom was pure as the snow, pure as the moon, pure as the crystal sky.


In the Northern capital cold rain fell. Mo Di longed for the Mekong Delta and the island Hainan in the South Sea. But he could not travel, because all his silver cash were spent for wine and jade jewelry as a gift for Plum Blossom. Lady Nan knew not how to help him, but said, Read the drunken songs of Li Bai!


Lady Nan said, Saints turned away from the world of senses and found in themselves the spirit of heaven. But I tell you, Even in your Plum Blossom is revealed to youheaven. Mo Di said, This comfortes me in my affliction.


Mo Di said, We can not be happy, we must keep the longing for happiness alive in life. Suffering is dear to us. Lady Nan said, Must life be so cruel? But to the wise man it is the same, happiness or unhappiness, he seeks only heaven.


Mo Di said, The sectarians asked if I also been in the convent of mercy and grace (which they themselves but would never visit). They frowned when I said, No, I was in the tavern. Oh Lady Nan, how much more are the drunkards my brothers who look so sad with warm eyes, more than the sectarians with their cold hearts!


Mo Di said, I dreamed of the first man, as she turned away from heaven, I told the first woman, Oh woman, you're all my misfortune! Lady Nan said, Blessed guilt of our ancestors! Because otherwise we would not know the God-man, who is the Tao made flesh!


Lady Nan said, The missionary of Charity said, O ye Chineses! You speak of Confucius, Lao Tzu, Buddha and Mohammed, go your way and sincerely seeking God in all things! I with love unite me with the God-man. Lady Nan said, So it may go. Mo Di added, What a great love to God and Man had that motherly saint of the convent of Charity! Not only mantou bread she distributed to the poor, but also gave to the souls smiles of love!


Mo Du said, My poems contain nothing, but are! Lady Nan understood him and praised the eternal being.


Lady Nan called a bevy of servants, who wore her upwards the Silk Road in a litter, because she wanted to go to Greece. The poems for Lady Nan the poet Mo Di summarized in a little book, and many a poet and some chaste virgins read it, drinking wine or lying on the bed, with great profit. In particular, Mo Di said, Lady Nan paid attention to fathom the will of Heaven. This is the will of heaven that we love the God-man!