Herausgegeben von Dr. P.M. – Herausgeber der


Josef Maria Mayer



(A physics student named Mark, and a soldier on the street.)

Come with me, my soldier, in aunt Ellis house!
There, the foolish people are open and wide.
A universe it is, widely flee the stars,
A space and a time, there convert galaxies,
A macrocosm it is, much microcosms there,
It is drowned by music, in full sound is heard the word,
There you can find the Pope and the Dalai Lama,
It is a kaleidoscope and a world view.
In my country, they swea on
The German Basic Law, I will defend
The beautiful German forests, I love the German homeland.
Whether aunt Elli for a fighter has a rhyme?
Has Aunt Elli sense for heroic war,
For a peace without victory?
Because I defend the homeland of my ancestors,
I was in the Hindu Kush and fought with the Afghans.
Aunt Elli is indeed a pacifist, but
Soldiers, who in the bosom no hole have yet,
They are still alive, despite all struggle burdens
Honours aunt Elli also, like all human dignity.
And thee are for the blood and dust and struggle sweat
Even the dark red wines and wines white as gold?
Yes, not only wines red and white, and golden beers,
Also Japan's plum wine and fruit liqueurs.
And is there for the man something to bite? Meat?
Although aunt Elli eats only vegetarian meals chaste,
But there's chocolate and honey for the children,
For men but meat, yes, ducks, pigs, cattle,
Chicken breast, from the tap to the leg around,
Only rats does not exist and there isn't any dog,
As in China you can eat. So I perceive God's grandson,
The Mother of God's son, not even the frog's legs!
But fish! Trout and crab salad,
Lobsters, crabs, and the rosy garnet
And white squid and finally oyster mussels.
From this kitchen you can only whisper the best.
For death for the homeland I'm always ready.
To aunt Elli's house the way is not so far.


(Aunt Elli's niece Luna, fourteen years young, and the silver-haired thick bishop retires.)

You sweet girl Luna, sweet bitch,
Full bitch you like Helen of Sparta,
Who well yes just fourteen years counted,
When Venus took her from Menelaus
And gave her to the handsome prince Paris.
At the age of marriage consent you
Shall elect a man you so today.
The patriarch, uncle Edward,
Were you employed as his heir.
You know, uncle Edward is rich.
So, who takes you to his wedded wife,
Also gets money, which love all people.
Oh, marrying is not the goal of mine.
Who wants to bind himself for a lifetime already?
Can I now know who I later already
Will still love, whom I still now meet?
You yourself live but even without woman,
My dear godfather, as a saintly bishop.
Although without a wife, but not without love!
You mean love for the Virgin Mary?
Yes, yes, certainly, the Virgin Mary,
But these children also of the parish,
Especially this altar-boys
Are beautiful, each one is a Cupid,
Which me with their arrows pierced the heart.
And why do you ever get really retired?
Oh, my love for the altar
Was for my superiors too great...
Now what do you do in your freedom, uncle?
I dense in Platonic poetics
Of philosophers and of pederasty.
I always think of the altar,
The cute boy with the rosy ass.
The girls do not interest you very much?
The girls? I still praise chastity!
But ah, but alas, the sweet boy Jesus...


(Aunt Elli, Doctor Church, Luna, Mister Goldman, who is a rich man, later Anna is added, which is aunt Elli's best friend.)

My dear Doctor Church, what ill have Edward?
What suffers his body? This was revealed to me.
Blood cells in blood, the red and the white,
In the blood play war and bite like enemies,
And in the veins run in most fast-paced run,
The whites still eat the reds hungry.
Whether he will still experience it, when Luna mated to one,
That he has his testament and legacy to refund?
Now it is easy! Not forever is animated
The body of Edward. When Luna marries,
Then they do heck today. Even the poetics father
Saint Aristotle yes demands from the theater,
That everything that happens, happens in one day,
Whereas many sins but William Shakespeare did.
Yes, if it has to go quick, so I'm already on the spot.
Paved with gold is the broad road to hell,
But love is the golden Venus sweet,
The golden Venus' kingdom is still paradise!
What do I care? You're a rich old man,
But I'm still young and hover like a butterfly.
You indeed deserve a lot of money, but canst no girl
Capricious whim and with lunatic feelings
How giggle ducks in the pond and cackling so
And like a butterfly fluttering so fleeting-funny!
A young butterfly also needs golden nectar,
Needs not only what the spring breathes with its airing.
Man lives not by air alone and love!
Love you but often also compare to a thief.
Love is it not what this earthly world
So beautifully holds together in the innermost.
What is it in the world flows through any artery,
What flows through the ore because the earthly matter?
It is pure gold, it is the love of money!
Mister Goldman, you're a true hero of love!
Goddess of fortune, bless me, you fickle Fortuna!
I want to be free, I, the pretty girl Luna.

(Girlfriend Anna occurs.)

Oh my best friend, oh my dearest Anna,
Two halves we want to be of one apple!


(Aunt Elli, Anna, Doctor Church.)

I had a poor patient,
The son wass in his bosom
Once infected, and had a terrible
Whooping cough every morning, but
He thought this would only be cough
From smoking, for he smoked cigarettes
In the highest excess, probably fifty pieces
On one day, and ruined so
The two lungs of his chest.
So he said, What shall I
At the doctor when Doctor Church only says,
That cigarette smoking is unhealthy?
That knows every boy in the school.
But I can not refrain from smoking,
So I do not go to Doctor Church.
The beloved Luna but is so pale!
Yes, often she have one major nausea,
Headaches afflicts her and a bad mood.
She also has a strange taste
And eats chocolate to pickles.
Bach Flower therapy can help her there.
For this example the medical of Bach
Realized that the disease has a meaning.
There is all suffering self-inflicted
By own misconduct. When the doctor
With the chemistry of the medics
Suppressed the disease, the patient learns
Not his illness to recognize to transfer.
For each disease will tell us something.
Purely spiritual powers now the flowers
Enlighten in a pure spiritual way the spirit
And clean the aura of a soul
And bring healing forces of nature
And her elemental spirits
In the sublime substance of the etheric body
And so activate the healing powers,
That lie in the interior of the soul.
Self-healing it is called and self-redemption.
Of which I understand nothing. I'm worried
About Luna, why she is so ill.
Did she have problems with menstruation?
We sublunary feminine essences
But are ruled by the moon and his rule.
Well, Luna will get well soon again,
After each rain comes sunshine.


(Aunt Elli, the Bishop, Doctor Church, Mark and the soldier.)

There's the Bishop, o Lord, doctor for the soul!
And there's the doctor, so the doctor knows what was wrong with me?
How sick is my skin but by the birthmark,
So I cut it away with a sharp steel!
You are a Protestant? Tell me, what is your confession?
Confess what you feel, speak your sinful confession!
Against the false God the Muslims worship,
It is but in the mosque entirely the devil's spell!
In the hangover, oh, the Persians bidamag buden -
The chosen people, that is the people of the Jews.
When the Messiah has converted the people of El,
Then the Lord comes back to the state of Israel.
The Doctor Luther was an holy apostle.
The Lutherans today in the German cities
Are the Whore of Babylon, as her sister also.
However, it blows the Spirit in hot touch
Since Zinzendorf in the circle of the family of the Pietists spoke,
They are the newborn, the new-born Christians.
John Wesley was a man, a God-beloved Christ,
I'm almost even a devout Methodist.
I found the faith and the Bible-believing Christians
In the Anglicans, but even more in the Baptists.
Moravians drink tea instead of wine for communion,
They eat gray bread only for the memorial.
However even drink the Jesus freaks Coca Cola
And with potato chips instead of the Host waving.
But our Lord has built on Peter's rock.
O Lord God of hosts, O Lord God of Israel,
Now the church is even a girl, a mother?
The Fifth Evangelist is Doctor Martin Luther!
For thirty years they beat one another in their heads,
Who was in truth now the holy club.
What Protestantism, what the old Catholicism?
Nevertheless exert tolerance and honor the relativism!
As Prussia's Frederic said that should be saved
Every one, as he wants? I'm sick
From this heresy, it had every creature,
The dog has a she-dog, his own pleasure!


(Soldier, lawyer, Mark, Aunt Elli.)

The oldest poem of love was
A Babylonian poem of war,
The love of the war goddess of love
Inanna, who flared around the head of lettuce
Inanna: The lettuce is the vulva,
About this vulva was a war broken out,
The man's weapon his virility,
The women's fire are the arrows of their eyes,
The long silk lashes their daggers,
The breasts exploding grenades!
Sex-bomb namely, the goddess of love!
Women's love itself is a Love Bomb,
And as the napalm bomb pours fire,
Which is not to delete by oceans,
So love is a flame of God,
Can not be deleted by water flooding.
You are a chatterbox! I see the students,
The eternal student who is so dirty
Like rats in gypsy camps,
I see the eternal student who is
Like a mendicant friar, who escaped
The mendicant orders to drink wine,
Outrage hot the honest conscience
Of man who still diligently earned money.
Yes, as far as the money, the love of money,
As Lady Wisdom says that the love
For money is the root of a thousand evils.
Generous but the Lady Wisdom
Gives everyone her gifts.
Uncle Edward, the patriarch,
Has his own philosophy of life.
Like the atomists of Greece, he says,
The world was only by accident of atoms.
As Epicurus in his friendship garden
He says there are no heavenly gods
And not immortal soul of man.
Like Aristippus also teaches Eduard,
Pleasure and joy is the meaning of life.
This is the patriarch's philosophy of life,
Is materialism, hedonism.
Saint Augustine appreciated this wisdom
And said: Were it not for the love of God,
So it would be the highest wisdom,
To enjoy life on earth
With beautiful lust in the Friendship's Garden.


(Aunt Elli, patriarch Edward, politician, Mark.)

Oh, the politician, the endless talker,
A true Antichrist, infidel and heretic!
Whom do you mean, dear Son of God?
The revolutionary of the sex revolution!
Oh, are you going back to prudish middle ages?
Do not you love Cupid, the sexual freedom?
Marxists once wanted the proles revolution,
An heavenly paradise in the valley of tears.
The beautiful dream lost in reality,
Communism was dictated by the dictators.
However, the New-Marxist, neo-socialist
The Frankfurt School saw: The greatest evil is
The Christian culture of the West,
Worst of all are marriage and family.
For virtue and morality spoke the Roman Pontifex,
However, the socialist, he wanted wild sex,
Free love and lust, unrestrained hedonism!
For the highest goods pleasure was in materialism,
It came fornication, it came pornography,
Abortion, adultery, fornication and anarchy!
You, my young friend, are young and believe in the revelation,
But I a politician, I have lots of experience.
The freedom revolution of Marxist culture
Redeemed from slavery, liberated the nature,
From the Church Patriarchate long suppressed instincts
Freed the revolution of unbridled love,
Gone are prudishness, repression, frustration,
Free love reigns, the rule of pleasure!
I look at the statesman who donates international peace,
It does religion have often poisoned the people.
It is not hell below and not heaven above,
Earthly enjoyment is the highest duty of man.
Then comes the peoples welfare, then
Enjoys the world, and man is happy,
Then there is the ruler that I see on earth
As blessed maker, the goddess Hedone!
Oh, aunt Elli, alas, I came for lunch,
I wanted to eat a duck with peanut butter.
Come now to the meal, the table is already set,
The silver spoons are so bright as licked,
It will now fill the whole human force,
There is pumpkin bread and spiced pumpkin soup.


(The Muse of comedy, Thalia, and the Muse of love poetry, Erato, and the seven years old little God Amor.)

Now, are all the people
Presented in the first act?
A beauty but is lacking,
An eternal pattern representative,
Like the other noble women
From the Parnassus of the poets heaven.
Is the young bitch Luna
Not enough lascivious and lovely?
Something dissolute and lustful!
No, the ladies of our poets
Were saints of virtue!
How do you aunt Elli like?
Is she not mistress of the house?
But that I could love her,
Should she love Truth.
And the bosom friend Anna?
Oh, also she is not perfect.
You are always unsatisfied!
Oh I know, you poor poet,
Probably can weave wreaths,
But difficult it is to find
But one head, worthy of the crown.
What makes our high poet?
Today he met his mistress,
She who with strictly hard face
His love rejects!
But while he was still speaking
Of the divinity of love,
Smiled the beautiful lady,
Compassionate glances,
And he kissed her hands!
Now he sits in his cell,
Full of sorrow, full of melancholy!
Little dear God Amor,
Oh I beg your intercession,
Bring my love poet
Tonight two bottles of red wine!


(Aunt Elli's niece Luna, her old nurse, her girlfriend Lena, who is the fourteen-year-old daughter of Anna.)

Now, dear Luna, my dear heart,
You shalt soon celebrate the day of the wedding.
Perhaps there is indeed a prince on his white horse
And makes you the princess of his castle?
I'm too old for such fairy tales.
Now always collect even the smallest coins
In a large glass for beautiful shoes,
Bridal shoes, ah, the dreams of the princess,
Simply because these shoes are worth the wedding.
But when the doves coo?
There is the rich man who applies,
Then there is not on the bread vegetable fat
And on sundays only good Irish butter,
No, then you always feeds the crawfish
And prawns with garlic and oil.
On vacation you go not only to the Baltic Sea,
You fly to the Canary Islands and Cuba.
How would I say? Luna and Goldman?
Your name would be Luna Lady Silver.
Yes, yes, Mister Goldman and Lady Silver,
That would be a mystical union.
Ha, mystical union? You mean sex!
And if you now the lawyer Bartory
Would take to your husband, you will be advocat.
O Advocata nostra, ora pro nobis!
You could in the quick trolley ride,
Because rich men have beautiful women
And rich men have expensive cars,
A rich man with an expensive car
Has beside him certainly a beautiful woman.
What am I supposed to do with these old fools?
I'd rather be a super-model!
Now you're still young and beautiful, my heart,
But when you become old and ugly,
Then you will no longer have a man who loves you.


(Nurse, Luna, Lena, Anna, a hairdresser.)

Now, dear Luna, you should comb the hair stylist.
You young lady shalt not so modest smile,
How beautiful you created the sacred nature,
Even better you'll be, I'll make you the hairstyle.
Listen carefully to me, my child, what I reveal to you,
The magic of a woman lying in the power of hair.
Even my hair is so fair and is not silver gray.
But you are such a woman of such kind of woman
You have the Cupid-rascal in all your hair sitting,
Whether fair or red or black, he is sitting in your tips,
Once will seat the Cupid-rascal in your tresses gray,
Almighty is your sex-appeal, you beautiful woman!
But if the disease is eating away at you and your members
And cancer eating away at your breasts, the breast in the bodice,
The doctor then takes awqy from the body a breast,
Then you are no more Venus, the queen of lust.
The doctor told me that virgin Luna is ailing,
It plage nausea the virgin with long legs?
Yes, something is driving in her blue blood,
It skips the egg in the womb with a nameless rage.
I can not resist the terrible thoughts:
Would it not be pregnancy the young woman sickening!
For God's sake, no! Only no pregnancy!
Where would be my charm and all the love power?
I had the same nurses with holy Christ-child
Lying in bed and diapers to rosy asses
And hear children scream, the breasts no longer are finde,
Sucked by children, the empty bags limp!
When I think of Lena, my bosom was her food,
How happy makes a child a loving mother!
A child's smile makes so happy and his crying,
I want to be forever nothing but a loving mother.
When Luna but suffers, so you shall call the doctor,
The great Doctor Church, the worship of the fools,
In a white coat he arrives in earnest walking,
The Lord God is your doctor, the doctor is your God!
The Doctor is a god in the circle of rich men,
The adorable one God and allmighty man!


(Aunt Elli, Anna, Luna, Lena, Doctor Church, lawyer Bartory.)

You my dear sweet niece Luna,
I wish you had been called Tiffany.
For me dearly will you be Tiffany!
But now I must leave you to bleed.
Oh Luna, you o beautiful white woman,
I'll stab the needle into the spinal cord
And suck blood from your hips
And then examine your blood.
Leech, your hot two daughters:
Give it to me! Give it to me! So Solomon said.
I'm not a vampire, I'm not Lilith,
And even vampires have no power
The blood of the marble Venus to suck.
O holy blood! Martyrdom of the Lord!
In particular, the blood, the blood of the Saviour I see!
Now you should also get a husband.
Look how comes gallopping from heaven
The lawyer Bartory, he, your savior!
A God-sent groom for you!
Yes, our dear lawyer Bartory
Has often fought with me in the tennis game,
We both love very much the tennis game.
Yes, yes, because there the female tennis players
Have such a short skirts above the sweet assses.
The lawyer Bartory is a winner
In any tennis match! And a tournament
Is named after him, and for the cup
The Lord Bartory in the tennis game tournament
Is highly sought after, he fought with passion.
But Mister Goldman has not yet greater riches?
Well, enough money must have my husband,
I do not want ro live in a small two room apartment
And only eat pea soup or noodles,
I want to eat in Morocco cous cous
And then in Cuba drink rum
And then back to my café au lait
In the afternoon and evening in Paris
And in Tuscany drinking white wine.
Mister Goldmann you can offer all this.


(Mister Goldmann and the bishop retired.)

In Spain, I once saw a church all of gold,
So I pray even in this Dome for gold.
The Alhambra I saw with secret fears,
How beautiful is the gold of the Arabs and Moors.
I also love money for my priesthood,
And that the soul is not damned in eternity,
Love gives me money that I sing the Mass,
I sing so beautiful, if only the silver sword
In the collection plate so I am now dedicated to
And employed by the Pope, so I have my period
Serve in the service. But one should not bother me
In my good night's sleep, then I do not want to hear
The stupid phone and people in need:
Mister Bishop, come on, it draws the brother's death,
To give the woman the last rites!
I was still fat and lazy from the fat duck
And slumbered so sweet in my soft bed
And so I said I have no time for such things.
How much you earn because in your theocracies?
Oh, not so bad! So much perhaps as lawyers.
Only young zealots can not stand good,
The Charismatics with their fervor.
Because rather I like, and would it be Protestants,
The cake-eating and coffee drinking aunts.
I will donate some money for your church, look,
Dilapidated is already the unused construction,
With this money donations build a golden temple
And pins him to the art, as are for example
Concerts and organ sound beautiful,
Then the church and visitors will meet again.
Here hundred thousand pound,
The hundred thousand pound for the god of gold.
What can I do to you for your salvation?
Do not ask for a prayer that bores me..
Advocat you can be for me by the young girl Luna,
Tell her I was blessed by Lady Fortuna,
That over my head spins the wheel of fortune.
Advocat I want to be, then the love comes soon.


(Hairdresser, lawyer, Doctor Church, Mister Goldmann, Mark, Luna, Lena, Aunt Elli.)

Oh, this bitch Luna I want to get,
She has the most beautiful hair in the world!
Yes, the woman for my sake you can take away,
But let to me her long silk hair!
I raise no milk tooth on her,
The milk tooth I give to her tooth fairy,
But one tip I want to have of the curls
And includ in the medallion
I will always have it for me,
The one with the tip of her hair
The man's chest to death wounded!
I want to have the young dog Luna,
That in the soul-less form
The fair soul moves in with laughter
Of the carelessness and merriment!
I want the body of the young bitch Luna,
I would like to dissect the woman's body
And operate it with a sharp knife
And I will follow the body down to the ground,
Whether I find the substances of matter
Of the soul. For where is the soul located?
Does she sit in the girl's brain,
Sits her soul in the girls' heart,
Sits her soul in the menstrual blood?
I want to have the pretty bitch Luna,
Because I want to show myself with a beauty.
What's this world's society
For a rich man without charming woman in his arm?
The pretty Luna is the rich's jewel.
And no one talks about the girl Lena?
But I've dreamed of the girl Lena.
What did you dream of me, my Mark?
I was with my friend and brother in faith
In a church service and there he read in
The word of the Lord. My friend and brother in faith
And I fell asleep at his side,
We know everything is in God's word.
But you heard God's words
And smotest on the Genesis of Moses
And were reading exactly in God's Word
As a student of the Word of God.


(Patriarch Edward, hairdresser, doctor, lawyer, politician, Bishop, Mister Goldmann, Aunt Ellie, Anna, Mark, Luna, Lena.)

Who wants to have Luna, let him hear my commandment:
God Mammon alone is the ruler and God,
God Mammon, who redeemed us from the bondage of poverty,
The love of life provides, creates the happiness to a human right,
On each coin is imprinted an emperor's image,
God Mammon to be alone God and Emperor.
God Mammon is used alone, or God and all the gods
Met with derision, with mirth of mockers,
God Mammon alone brings the work's sweat fruit,
God Mammon is a God of hot jealousy.
Who namely that God despises and even despised,
He lives in solitude, in madness and deranged.
Who spurns this God, yet child and children's children
God will punish them, they reap nothing but wind.
But who loves Mammon, is blessed by the God
And star-shilling's gold abundant rains from the sky.
You never revile money! He that honoureth not the penny,
Is not worth the pound, so much he desires it.
Honor the day when you bring your piggy to the bank,
This day is right celebration, since iron is to be spared.
Be diligent all the time and say to the visitors
Of the stock market, you should grow with the talents.
On sundays you are hard-working and go into business,
From the commercial world, you write in your notebook. Lives
Your father, you shall honor him, because the father must die,
From his will, you will inherit the wealth.
Do you ask a woman for secret sympathy,
With money, gift of gold and jewelery you buy her,
Do you ask a woman, so runzle not the forehead,
When the lady will not, so buy yourself a prostitute.
Do you desire even a house, the old grandma
From next door belie and lad her to tea,
So thar she writes to you what she did not understand,
And now yours is her house. Is everything then available,
So thank the golden god, if you know to pray:
O father Mammon you who are my heaven!
If Luna gets a man, what does the husband think?
The religions and the rest do not rob me.
Whether Jesus, Buddha, Allah and Mohammed,
Whether Zarathustra, whether as Hare Rama stands
In his certificate of baptism, this is the same. The Protestants,
The Orthodox and the Catholic aunts
Are blind and chickens but not peck so deep.
Only one thing is certain, that truth is relative.
This shall believe that man. This truth is only good,
That truth is relativ, this is absolute truth!


(Mark and Lena.)

O Lena, you're a grace of God,
God smiles charmingly on your face!
You're as white as a white lily,
You are as red as a red rose
And black as ebony your hair's veil!
How lovely smile your sweet lips
And how charming the wise eyes sparkle!
What can I say about your nose?
I think the Lord God as love poet
In the Song of Songs of Solomon
Elected a parable for the nose,
This is something strange. But your nose
Is quite perfect, beautiful Lena.
I thank you for your compliments.
Say, do you like the lawyer?
I find that his heart is hard as iron!
Look here, this list is a saying,
I've copied from the Bible.
That taught me the Jew Solomon,
That these words are a love spell.
Magic? Love you can never force!
O girlfriend, you've got your own fountain,
The own source of fresh water of life!
So drink it out of your own source!
Do you want that your source water
Flows on all roads in all lanes?
The water source do not share
With other men. You shall drink it alone,
For you alone your source gushes!
Rejoice in your dear wife,
Which you has a beautiful girl has taken!
She will give you many a dear boy!
As the gazelle is your beautiful female
And full of grace as the antelope!
She shall always intoxicate you with her breasts!
At her breasts you forget yourself!
Now you've charmed me with God's Word!


(Thalia, Erato and the little god Amor.)

The poem has progressed,
The people are known,
Even love is out!
Yes, the grace of God, Lena,
I really liked
This spell, this grace,
This charm and this spell,
Full of beguiling, chaste and lovely!
But today I have seen
Saint Mary Magdalene,
Most beautiful of all sinners!
Really, the most beautiful of all sinners?
How much sinners do you know?
Ah, I saw the girl Aphra,
To love the repented,
I saw the courtesan Thais,
Her converted a hermit,
I saw Pelagia the Harlot
Which sang and danced
And then eremitical lived,
The Egyptian Mary
I saw naked on the ships
Copulate with sailors
And then suffer in the desert.
O Saints of Heaven!
What a paradise of heaven,
Where a Christian who believed in Christ,
Meets Aegyptiaca, Aphra,
Saint Pelagia and Thais!
But Mary Magdalene
Had the most beautiful body,
Slender as a date palm,
Grapes her soft breasts,
Legs tightly as golden clasps,
Lips red as rose petals,
Eyes gentle as doves' eyes!
O love full of lusts
Reveales God's flame,
Life is full of the Flame of Love!
Her beauty seduced
Well for fornication and free love?
The jester, the joker of God,
Redeemed and transfigured
You to a human goddess!



(Pharmacist, hairdresser, nurse, Lena.)

They all want to eat now only the Gagant,
The white wheat is misunderstood by the whole world,
One loves the medicine of Sanit Hildegard's full conceit
And eating only bread baked from spelled corn.
One eats no peanuts and not the hazelnut
And no more the walnut, now only almonds.
And when you eat brown meat, so no more of the duck,
Because the duck feeds from the dirt of the elements,
And when you eat also fish, so not the fat eel,
Which on the seabed from feces itself makes his meal.
Instead, protect yourself against unhealthy rays
With precious stones which are hardly to pay.
I love the dumpling, hot vanilla sauce,
With blueberries blue, white and sweet pears.
A white bun sweet, with honey milk, not bitter,
Roasted on the stove, this is called poor knight.
So the table is set to the praise of the god of happiness,
Not this picture of misery on his crucifix,
The god of happiness in China is with his big belly
The blessing of our meal, and I need more,
Of the Fates. The Fates praise!
How do you find the way? One asks the horoscope.
The Jupiter Planet, this is the God of Happiness,
And comes to you happiness, so lift your hand and pluck it!
Planet Venus is the goddess of fate,
The goddess Manath it is, called in the Word of God,
I mean the Koran, the goddess Venus Manath,
The goddess Meni calls Jesus the Nazarene
In his Bible. And Manath-Meni is
The goddess of fate, the fate reigning,
For Meni comes from Mens, from the moon and from the meter
And of menstruation (What do church fathers know!)
The goddess Meni attaches us to our feed.
The hour of death comes, as leads to our rest
To Venus, the goddess' Venus' paradise! Veni
Creator spiritus! I love the goddess Meni!
But I love the God of Amen and Yes,
The flame of love is the glow of the divinity Jah!


(Mark and the soldier.)

From old women I heard that once
Were Catholics and Mary honored
And then apostatized
And worshiped the moon goddess,
The heavenly Dian, who is the moon.
Nothing is the moon than just a dead stone.
But I pray to the Intelligence,
Which hundred billion galaxies
Has created and is currently
Yet creatively in the field of quantum.
This great universe scares me!
How should I fight against black holes?
The monstrous oversized
Up to the horizon of the universe,
The monstrous extrem small
The ghosts of quantum or ounce,
Are the extremes, but it is at the center
The man with his thinking brain,
He is more complex than the universe.
I do not think! Thoughts are
Only interfere in the love-war with women!
I prefer a cup of oblivion!
Yes, my beloved girlfriend is
A vineyard! But this vineyard is
The vineyard of the galactic Carina
And is obscured by the mists of stars.
There I find no blue thunder-thistles,
Not deadnettles not, nettles, not thorns,
No, plump grapes only as full breasts,
So plump, it squirts almost the wine already out!
If I in any love war
Have conquered a woman, overcome,
I forget her face in the morning
After the long night, we feasted
With Gin to oblivion,
But her breasts I'll never forget!
So I love the Lady Bible,
The right breast of the Old Testament
Is the breast full of milk sweet as honey,
The left breast of the New Testament
Is wine at Cana, the wine of wedding bliss,
Ecstasy, ecstasy, union and love!

(Aunt Elli, Doctor Church, pharmacist, the nurse carries over the sick Luna.)

What has the poor child? Oh nurse what do she suffer?
For her disease's healing and grace, nurse, she thanks?
For who of the disease seen through reason and then pierces
For true salvation, he has redeemed himself.
Of disease is redeemed, freed themselves from karma.
Doloris veneris, O crux amoris arma!
Since when do you speak Latin, a kitchen maid-Latin?
They called Kitchen-gift Saint Hildegard.
But what has the child, what suffers Luna?
Ungraciously to her is probably the divine Fortuna?
Yes, this fat belly is probably swollen
From a dropsy? Who eats too much in themselves
From sweet treats, of sweet chocolate,
Gets a big belly. The revenge comes without mercy.
Since I have heard from the little nun even a word:
If you pressed the flesh, then blowing kindly sports!
What plagues our Luna, whims are only and crickets,
I'll give her valerian, it is to fill in liqueur.
It only comes out nonsense when someone wakes
Even after midnight and not sleeping at night.
Maybe Luna has already shingles?
Oh, she is schizophrenic, I see the psychosis.
No, to the melancholy sick is to pale her skin.
If she desperately suffers? Saint John's wort helps!
St. John's wort does not help, not even the milk of poppies,
Not even the morphine, because it needs endorphins!
Hormones, yes, that's it! It's puberty,
Now comes the happy hormone of sexuality.
Ah woe is me, ah woe! Not introduce me to the pillory!
I am sick to death! Only hopefully not pregnant!


(Lawyer Bartory and the rich Mister Goldmann with the student Mark.)

I searched long for the meaning of life.
You are a fool! Ask all your friends,
Whether one is looking for the meaning of life.
Yes, if there were a God and Creator,
Perhaps, then had this life a meaning.
But science knows that this world
By chance has arisen, without meaning,
That I am the product of chance, a dust
In the universe, me expecting nothing.
Once I'm dead body, yellowish-pale as wax,
Rotting under a marble plate
And nothing remains but the maggots feces.
You only have one life, so
Enjoy it to the fullest, eat well,
Drinking good cognac, love beautiful women,
And when the one is dead, love the others,
Rejoice in music, in the card game,
At the tennis or golf with lawyers.
Yes, on the golf course is my paradise.
I have now studied jurisprudence and oh,
Even theology and philosophy, unfortunately.
Scattered as a professor you seem.
But what counts in life, is hard money!
Is not justice your highest good?
Lady Justice is a venal whore!
To defend the accused
With all the arts of a lawyer,
Is my profession. What do I care about morality?
Whatdo I care about justice in the land?
I'm doing my job, that's true for the money.
You can allow yourself, my scattered
Professor, to look into the galaxies,
But star-shillings remain just a fairy tale.
Do you know nothing of hard reality?

Thales of Miletus saw in the sky
And predicted eclipses
And tripped and fell on earth but
In a puddle, then laughed
The cleaning lady who is familiar with the puddles.
But what is harsh reality?
Matter is just a thought of God,
Is a veiled thought of God!


(Doctor, bishop, politician, the patriarch Edward is dying, Anna added.)

I can not breathe anymore, ah, me ripping the lungs!
Where is Luna, the Lovely and Young?
You have to conserve, friend, flooder silent, silent,
Whether I arise you, I will look carefully.
The lung did you with tobacco clog.
Here, take something for your heart to heal these drops.
Manifesteth my Luna: Is she in school
Docile diligently and never lacking in school,
Bring home good grades from school well-visited,
So I pay her a lot of money. Also she may have one lover
Who do delight in the world, as a fool,
Who not with people, but who would rather talk to dogs.
Well, far be death, because I do not joke,
But you suffer too much, pray for the lethal injection!
Say not only of death, it hurts in my heart,
I stand naked in front of death,
I stand in front of bare nothingness!
In candle flames at night dying moths.
Oh, old Grim Reaper, I would like to mock!
Have you forgiven the people in the world
And forgive yourself, die like a hero,
For in the kingdom of heaven everyone comes but in the end,
Since you do not need the oil, the last rites.
You've donated it to the poor in the world,
God will pay you back with interest all your money.
Oh speak not of death, I hear no trumpet
With resurrection sound. I was still in Cuba
Lie on the beach and in the earth paradise
The young girls see sweet in short skirts!
It is the medicine already so advanced,
Soon no more at death he suffers to death,
It is a machine, so soon the time comes,
Since the machine to you brought immortality.
Why was to Christ on the cross offered the vinegar? - Morphine!

(Anna enters.)

O gratia plena! Ave verum corpum!


(Mark, politician, Mister Goldmann, Bishop.)

There are too many people in the world,
All Africa multiplies like rabbits.
O wrath of the Lamb! I am filled with the wrath,
The rage gives me nothing but grief and anger!
America has a president
Welcomed as an earthly Messiah
And this president has commanded,
Hunger in Africa only to feed
If Africa is ready, the black women
Are willing to murder their children,
In the womb the embryo to kill!
The Holocaust on unborn life
Cries like the blood of Eve's son Abel
And calling down the judgments of God!
The rich Germans always donate money
To the poor blacks, but they waste
The money in corruption of dictators.
Black Africa needs our democracy,
Self-regulatory power of the free market.
In Africa not prevail the President,
The military does not, not the dictators,
A world empire by major banks
Enslaved the continent and exploits,
The International Monetary Fund
Together with the World Bank exploits
Black Africa, can starve Africa!
I thought you are a Christian, you sound
As such a socialist and communist.
Fresh water is wasted in Europe
And North America, the industry
Wasted water you could drink.
How expensive is in Mexico the water,
That a poor Mexican mother
For the small son can not buy water,
But Coca Cola, which is cheaper.
America's Group of Coca Cola
Buys international water sources,
That they can produce all times
Their chemical drink full of white sugar,
Although in Africa, women must
Walk three hours to find water.
What do you always chatter of Africa?
A child in Africa today is Jesus!


(Mark, politician, Mister Goldmann, nurse, Doctor Church, patriarch Edward.)

I wondered, what does the name Luna well?
Now it was me in the brain so terribly empty and hollow,
I looked in the dictionary and learned academically,
What I say of Luna. That's not blasphemous,
For Luna means moon, poetically month also,
A honey moon is at the young lovers hot times,
As silly as Luna is the game of young children
And to a full moon is equal Lunas fat ass.
And she is also moody and often changes her light,
Chubby but Luna's moon face is.
I vote for, certainly, the full moon is like her butt,
But I disagree with that stupid game of kids.
Where is Luna now? Is she in custody?
So just listen to me: Luna's pregnancy
Is revealed to all, and I see clearly,
She is with child pregnant, but does not live in marriage.
That today does not care! What cares the cervix
The church commandment from the marital covenant?
Oh, this young thing, pregnant by someone,
So young, almost a child! Who shaming?
The neighbors certainly, because as an old horse
The neighbors blasphemous mouthing!
You do not need to discharge the child in the womb.
If she aborts it, she will sue anyone yet.
So you are! Only enjoy the pleasure without breeding,
Then murderous kill the poor fetus!
You fundamentalist, now be quiet, but once silent!
But why took the child, the girl, not the pill?
She knew, she is attractive to men!
A girl have to use always a condom!
Who did unsaved play in young lust's love,
Then blame yourself. But will she an abortion
Of that one thing in her lap, then the thing is going,
It is easily scratched her from her womb!
Oh poor little children! Vacuums want to suck
The fruits from the womb! Oh get out of my eyes!


(Thalia, Erato and the little god Amor.)

Is the child murder funny?
The croak of a nursing,
Is that a substance to laugh?
A law in the comedy
Is it: Never a dead man!
Let but in tragedies corpses
Fail of the rock of doom!
But it should in comedies
Dear people celebrate wedding!
Mark will get his Venus!
This cynical satire
I find but too bitter.
The playwright sure
Had suffered in this world!
Me worships the love poet
In the dark cult of Mors Amor!
All time he prays: Mors Amor,
Saviour Death, have mercy, O Saviour!
O Mors Amor, let extinguish
Me in the ocean of eternity!
Should I tell a joke?
Did an altar-boy
Once practice good deeds,
Helps an old lady
On the other side of the street,
Resulted helping her over,
Then said the old lady:
Oh, I do not want to go over!
Vanitates vanitatem!
But it is no laughing matter
All these vanities,
All these brazen fools?
But it describes the fools
The loving, wise poet!
Are you yourself a judge?
Oh, my poor love poet
Is afraid of the day of judgement,
Because the poet rummaged secretly
In the wardrobe God
And has made of fine linen
For Veronica a napkin!
This is funny! I like that!



(The black widow, Anna, a hairdresser.)

I do the hair myself, my heavenly hairdresser!
You have no lice on your head.
I also have no fleas in the pubic hair.
The hair is not black and not brunette.
It was once blonde, now it is silver gray.
The white hair is still the dignity of age.
But unfortunately silver hair does not protect against stupidity.
The sages as the fools must die.
Do not talk about death! I'm afraid of death!
Today women become ninety-three years.
I do the hair myself, that I bewitch the men!
A bitch who is alive,
Is better than a dead lion mother.
But I can not love a dead soul!
A widow still needs a man.
Who else should praise your hairstyle?
Can the silver not be dyed with henna?
Yes, red hair as the Medici Venus!
I'd be twenty again.
You are just as young as you feel.
I am just as young as I feel!
This went fix with your new friend.
You only live once and then comes death.
The church could not comfort you, widow?
Dear God, the organ sounds beautiful,
However, my friend makes sweet compliments.
He will say that the god Cupid
Still triumphs in your gray hair.


(Anna, Mark, lawyer Bartory.)

Je vous salue, Marie, and Ave gratia plena -
Where is the girl now, the beautiful Lena?
In her little room, in the upper chamber.
Ah, a goddess is the girl Lena, alas!
I will also, not to worship her,
Serve not the Venus cult as foolish poets,
I want to take her everyday and healthy for me
In all sobriety to dry marriage.
I had a vision! I saw the whole universe,
It sounded the firmament, it was in the firmament a sound,
God wrote the symphony, I heard its sound,
The galaxies and the quantum eccho rang,
But in the midst of all I saw a young woman,
Lady Wisdom, so I thought blissful scary,
But Lady Wisdom was like the girl Lena,
Of God's Intelligence was on her mind a gloss,
Incarnation she was of the universal tones,
The World's Soul in person of a flawless beauty!
You love only a dream built from starlight,
Love your Venus just as the face of God.
I love her charm, she is a nice one,
But she should also wash my underwear
And at noon cook me a good lunch
And at night in the marriage bed bless the husband
And children bring to me as a married whore
And teacheth my children after school
The writing an teach them to paint a number.
I really am the faithful husband.
You see in her one thing only in everyday wilderness,
I see in her God, in His own image!
But God does not make her sick, not scared away the hunger,
She's alive but not a woman alone by starlight,
Dispel her fear and her worldly cares,
Because every woman wants but be safe in man.
Oh, and the passion? Do you dream of her chest?
Is she your queen and goddess of all pleasures?
Oh you young enthusiasts and young philosopher, ah,
I would rather suggest all alone on my sofa,
I'm not interested in the shoots of horny lust
And not in the love game by all the rules of art.
I know you dream of Lena, the four elements,
And the quintessence is love alone for the student.


(Politician, patriarch Edward, Mister Goldman.)

Now the poor fool Luna is pregnant,
But not yet she has a spouse,
But I will still find for her a husband.
She's a lovely game!
Certainly, we all politicians
With fifty years separate us from our wives,
We take then rather young girls.
Our soul is just getting younger and younger.
If only the mothers of the girls were not!
They rule them like apples of their eyes,
As kite against the Hesperides-apples.
Often the girls are so proud
And want to know anything about mature women.
However, if at the gray hair of the temporal
A thick wallet at the bottom comes,
Then the girls are always willing.
But if the young girls love us then,
Ourselves that we are yet so loveable
And are so charming, or just the money?
Oh love and romantic infatuation!
What are poets who are manic.
For marriage also includes the reality
Of money. Many only go to church,
Because that brings them a tax advantage.
Yes, tough is expected in marriage
And a State contract is the contract
Between the husband and wife at marriage,
Who in the event of a divorce
Gets what. The rich protect,
That not the poor woman totally sucks him!
Yes, marriages they close with rich men,
Then in the divorce they try to get rich.
But young girls appreciate the experience
Of the mature men in the art of love.
Yes, magic is the number of sixty-nine years...
We estimated the pleasure of love yet!
Today it includes marriages only for tax advantage.
Well, after all, Luna is my heir,
And she brings richness with in her marriage,
So someone accepts probably a bastard.


(Lena, Mark, Bishop.)

Oh Lena, girl, you know how your lip roses
I like to look at and want them to caress,
Oh Lena, my girl, likewise your silk skin
So soft and white and smooth I want to caress,
Oh Lena, my girl, as your long eyelashes
Charm me, I'd like to strum these strings,
Oh Lena, my girl, your cheeks red and white
Shower through me as sweet as hot summer nights,
Oh Lena, my girl, how enchanting is your smile,
I want you always fan with Chinese subjects,
Oh Lena, my girl, the black curls flood
Puts me in fury and in rage of dance,
Oh Lena, my girl, your lilies equal camisole
Is all my heavenly dream, you young gods bitch!
With my morsel I font to write on your chest
And in your bosom I pour you a snake venom
And I die, and will be it in the sight of the angels,
And I die, iin the middle of your thighs!
Will your love be immortal, godly man?
Do you see me in death as your heaven?
Only death is real. In thee I will feed me
And not even death will separate us.
If I'm an angel in the third heaven beautiful,
Sighs you give me pining after my death with love's groaning?
Then there is no consolation as red wine in the cup,
I think loyal then as the blessed drunkards.
And you will be on earth already a good friend to me?
I am your friend alone, I'm your man alone!
The others of all the earthly community,
Jokers all of them, are nothing but the best enemies!
So you have only my love your law.
I am your Lord before God, but in the world thy servant.
In love drunk you young talkers,
In love's heresy you are incredible heretics.
Love is work and not pure romance,
That love is work, not soul unit only,
I say as a realist. So you may take one another sacramentally,
For God's likeness is the infernal lust...


(Lawyer, Mark, Lena, Bishop.)

O Lena, I'll prepare a life
On this earth in dressed wealth for you,
You shall not afflict with everyday worries,
Because I'll prepare for you a beautiful life.
And if you want children, so must necessarily
From your lap children sprung forth,
Thou shalt have children, if it need to be.
O Lena, I will prepare thee to heaven
Only by my eternal prayer for you.
I will be your faithful husband,
Till the bitter death shall separate us.
O Lena, here on earth in heaven
We will be in the midst of our pains
And after death we love us
In Jesus as fraternal angels.
I ask nothing for wealth or money,
The glory of this world is but vain to me.
But love, the immortal, without end,
Yet already on earth begins, is what I love.
You, lawyer, you have an expensive car,
You have a nice house with a large garden.
You, Mark, have nothing but your own telescope
In your dirty dorm room,
But I love the poverty and the insanity!
Yes, you love madness? Let examine you
From psychotherapists on their sofa!
So you love the madness? Hallelujah,
Art and science is nothing but madness,
The metaphysical idea is lunacy,
The religion of God is truly amazing!
Do you love madness? So you love me!
All insane, insane!
I love you even in paradise!
I am a poor sinner, child molesters,
I am a sinner, am a poor drunkard,
I'm a broken, a ruined man.
However, by the consecration of my priesthood
I have get the authority of the Pope
And wed you to the marriage covenant,
You, Christ Mark, and you, Mary Lena.


(The black widow and the nurse.)

You old witch, you the Devil's grandmother,
I know the Abyss of the same rat doubt,
You are only a ghost, only revenant,
But I truly human, body and soul am
And standing in the world with my two legs
On solid ground, but you want to appear as a ghost.
This is obsession and that is demonic,
You're like a vampire and a she-devil,
She-devil, ghost, you make madness
And poor children murder with breast milk!
I poor mother, I do not know who I am,
My shepherd is the Lord, Yehowah is my shepherd!
If a tree falls, not only the hulls nose,
In every tree but survived a forest nymph,
Then this tree spirit wanders wailing through the world
And moves into those who liked that tree,
And this nymph then whining and complaints
Makes this man sick and terrible plagues him.
What is amazing because when only comes obsession?
You'll be even after the death of gloomy eternity
And these ghosts drive in people then
Possessed by the ghost in the madness' spell!
At the Throne of God, but I will pray for them,
So they find the gate to Heaven to the Garden of Eden.
Only you do not slaving away! The exorcist call I,
The shamans and healers of profession,
That they drive you out! I will fast hungry
And vegetarian feed me as the box
Of the priest of Hindustan, I'll will be vegetarian,
A skeleton only of ether until I'm like,
And clean my blood with tea of nettles fire
And even cook the poison in large cauldrons
And eat grains centennial till I
A sixteen year old maiden comparable am beautiful!
I drive you out with magic, I know the spells,
A blue eye I'll hang me in my kitchen,
That scares the evil eye. You have the evil eye!
But I do not play out of my mind the happiness
And fill me with misfortune. I say nothing as - shit!
May have you Hades! I have the luck of the earth!
If in the churchyard I once rest as God's servant,
My dear little one then complains to God the Creator
And pray to the Lord, the shepherd of the redeemed,
Then will I comfort as an angel my favorite!


(Patriarch Edward with a nine-year-old boy from the neighborhood, Aunt Elli, Anna, Bishop, Mark, Lena.)

You're really cute, my dear,
You're a dear boy and a pure gold piece!
Breaks this universe once together,
I prepare to step into the parallel universe.
Does child's mouth again speaks truth?
Only when the sun becomes a red giant,
Then, when the sun becomes a white dwarf,
Then I prepare to step through a warm wet hole
Into the parallel universe, see,
The Mother Earth with wide breasts
Is in the parallel universe
Then young again as in the Neolithic
And then I'm in the green garden of Eden
And Eve is naked walking in the garden.
Yes, yes, Eve! Everyone wants to see her naked!
We bear witness to a wedding!
Yes, the bitch Luna has a dog?
The Evangelical Mark, Student
Of the theoretical physics, and Lena,
The grace and mercy of our God,
Wed in Saint Mary's Church.
Come to the wedding in the church!
We have so much pita bread and cheese
And peppers and hot peppers and
Olive, garlic, chilli, wine and water,
They should all come, all beggars,
The poor drunkard from the city center,
The drug addicts and homeless,
They are all satisfied by our bread!
Although the lawyer, and Mister Goldman
Can not come for the shops,
Therefore all the drunks get drunk,
We open barrels of finest wine forever!
Also my holiness loves good wine.


(Thalia, Erato, the little god Amor.)

I am a child and I'm deity,
I am a God and I am a boy.
What have I seen on earth?
I look to Palestine,
I see the Islamists,
I see the terrorists,
Business for boys of nine years,
Bind to the body bombs,
Then send them to the Jews,
That the boys with the bombs
Even chasing each other in the air,
Jews to tear into death!
Islamists then promise
There will be seventy-two houris
They delight them in paradise.
Oh, that's not funny, Amor.
What have I seen on earth?
In the Church of the Apostles
Sitting many enemies of God,
Enter as men of God,
Desecrate lustful little boys!
Woe to these child molesters!
Append the evil child molesters
Around the neck a millstone
And they shall be drowned in the sea!
Oh, that's not funny, Amor.
Is there nothing for laughing?
I like the bosom friend
Of our dear Aunt Elli
Is well fine, Anna.
Anna, Anna, Anna, yes!
And the dear old nurse!
How do you like Lena?
Oh, there is not one the same on earth!
She is only a dream in the heart of the poet!
But still a lovely-lovely
Portrait of a true dream girl?
Just as my young mother
Venus was with sixteen years!



(Hairdresser, Pharmacist.)

What makes the little baby of the magnificent Luna?
To the little baby was not favorable Fortuna,
For Luna makes an abortion in terrible miscarriage!
Many call her even but a child murder!
It's the culture of the enormous death.
Should we still pray for the soul of Herod?
The Mother of God does not want that, said a poet,
I do not know where the word, in which beech it stands.
Now it is just out, died, died,
Luckily Luna is not spoiled at this fact.
She is still lovely, still full of grace,
The way I saw her so cute in a light dress.
Can you think this young child as a mother,
With a spoonful of porridge to feed
A little baby and to wipe the feces
And anoint the bottom, red of wounds,
The child to disguise with hair flood, the confused,
And can suck the beloved child at the breast?
O girls breasts, small and young and firm and tight!
Only no ape-tits maternal wilted and limp!
And if she has become a mother then of children,
Twain or three even, she is no longer the nice butt.
And if she then lived as in mothers custom,
Then is not as firm and shapely her belly.
And when she perfumes the children with saliva fragrances,
The waist is no longer slim, fat comes to her hip.
Yes, kids really are the girls beauty's murder,
Beauty will save only the victims of abortion!
In ancient times even the gods sacrifices
And human sacrifices by all the people was,
The little children have been dedicated to Moloch,
The goddess of youth and sex-appeal will have no children today!
Yes, all the embryos on their crosses,
They are sacrificed to the goddess full of charms!
Oh, that the goddess in ever young stimulus
With her pair of legs slender spread her legs!
Such is not the same as the Lady Mary
With her God and Son, no, this is goddess luxury!


(Aunt Ellie, Anna, nurse, black widow, Luna, Lena, Mark.)

Here is the spotless white linen,
The sheets on our wedding bed.
Here you can see red spots of red blood
When I pierced thy tender hymen.
The Greeks called the god of marriage
God hymen. Sappho and Catullus sang
About the groom and his bride, the virgin,
The virgin, who leave her girls,
Blessed of the immaculate goddess
Dian, this pure virgin goddess,
So went the virgin to the groom
And Hymen, Hymen, Hymenaeus!
The chaste wedding rite was completed,
The chaste virgin's hymen pierced chaste.
So I'll have publicly here the proof
That Lena has been chaste for the wedding.
We evangelicals believe,
That true love waits until marriage
With the popular act of unification.
O Lena, Lena, proud I am of you,
For purity in sexuality
Alone makes you a cup of God's love.
The body is indeed a temple of God,
But who practices fornication with the body,
He defiles God's sanctuary, the body.
I took the chaste Virgin Mary to me as a model
And always wanted more in my soul
As others to be like the Virgin Mary.
Even the Lord God has Virgin Israel
Chosen for his beloved bride and comrade.
Oholah but also as Oholibah.
The men were grieved by the fornication,
They spread her legs for all suitors
And it were grope her tits,
Until the Lord God as God and groom
The chaste Daughter Zion found, Mary,
She said yes to God the bridegroom,
But no man recognized her in bed,
Because God's Spirit alone is her groom.
With this red drops of red blood
Have you laid a foundation of marriage,
Thereon you can now build the house of love,
The House of Pleasure of conjugal love!


(Mark and the lawyer.)

Lady Justitce, your marriage is also
Legally, as among all peoples custom?
In sweet Hindostan exists the Gandharvas marriage,
Where I as a suitor can already see the girlfriend naked
And then the foam of the sea and in the wet sand
Me under the moonlight full of joy with her joined
And we young copulated as gods in love,
The gods love game full resulted in our act,
Gandharvas watched, Asparas watched
And blessed the act, then comes sweet repose.
The friend and the girlfriend of the world, despite the scoffers
Is a true couple in the kingdom of heaven of the gods.
Mahatma Gandhi so took his wife,
But Europe bans us the shame,
Here at the registry office in the face of the state
Close you the marriage covenant by a Council of Advokates.
Yes, at the registry office decide publicly
We our marriage covenant, the covenant of You and I,
Then in the church in front of the holy altar
Before God I couple the wife.
Marries the bishop you, who is still a sinner?
He acts only in Persona of Jesus Christ,
Whether a sinner is the bishop, but I need
The Beloved blessing with his consecration.
Will ye children also? Otherwise the marriage is not
Legally valid under the law of the Church, namely compulsory
The spouses it is to give fruit to the church,
Not only pleasure to immerse loving.
Yes, my love will love the two children,
Will not one child only, I want two, would rather have three,
If only the fertility of my bride
Blessed is fertile, so she will probably bear four.
Think what fun bring the little children,
So I want every day probably seven or eight!
But the marriage is only valid with the act,
If groom and bride together as naked one
Be united in wedlock in beautiful copulation,
Otherwise dissolves the marriage the Lord.
But of this I am silent in chastity and modesty,
For you, my lawyer, you would envy me!


(Patriarch Edward, Aunt Elli, Doctor Church.)

Oh, I see my niece Luna,
I recognize my niece no more again.
She does not seem to be from my tribe.
For all my mothers, mothers of mothers,
Grandmothers, great-grandmothers, to Eve,
They searched all God and God's truth.
But this Luna is like a bitch,
Quite a product of the spirit of the time of this world,
How loose sands, drifting in the wind.
Not only that she is not in possession of virtue,
Virtue seems to be worthless to her.
Driven only by the animal
Desire of the impulses of instinct,
Bitch in the spirit of hedonism,
Seems she my niece not to be.
How can that be? What separates this node?
We are in the fifth act of this drama,
Now must somehow be solved the knot!
How does the poet of our life drama
This resolve, this poet of our destiny,
Who like a god to us our roles prescribed?
I must play the role of a doctor,
Like a puppet on the string
Of the Creator of this great world theater
Do I have to play the role of my life
In this tragicomic theater,
This is called life on earth.
The loose Luna I do not even
In the will entrust my wealth.
She would spend it only with a drunkard,
With a vagabond or player.
Oh, if the graceful Lena
The heiress and niece would be truely!
She has the student of physics
To legally wedded spouse.
The white bear responsibility in
Protrude marriage and the home
As patriarch in the spirit of the Patriarchs
And like the old father Abraham
The women and the children, and the flocks
And to keep all earthly goods
And multiply them by the diligence of the work
And so to create a family home.
Good life prevails there and sweet prosperity
And liberal spirit of modernity
And wisdom-filled meekness with money.


(Lawyer Bartory, soldier, pharmacist, hairdresser, politician, Mister Goldman, student Mark, nurse, Aunt Elli, Luna and Lena. Everyone is gathered. Unintelligible murmur in the room. Finally, Elli takes her best friend Anna.)

Do you know the fable of the wise Solomon,
A wise judge on Juda's kingly throne,
There came to him once two beautiful temple whores,
To the court came the sinful natures
With a dead child and a living child.
The one whore spoke with a trembling
And mournful tone: She took my child!
Your own child is killed at night in bed!
The other whore said, anger in her voice:
No, this child who lives, this is from my womb.
The wise Solomon took the sword of judgment,
Talked about that child that lives: I now
Will tear in parts the child! So each whore gets
Half a dead child! So Goddess Wisdom wins!
The true mother cries: No, give the child to the others,
My much loved child should not walk in Hades,
No, constantly alone on earth I, alone,
When my dear child suffers pain of death!
What does this mean, now, you miserable fool?
Lady Wisdom is certainly not your highest Mistress!
Hear my confession: When I became a mother once,
I spoke to the fetus: My poor child, you cry?
Thou shalt be once great and rich and gorgeous, inherit
Thou shalt the goods and chattels of the patriarch,
You shall not in poverty live. Look, Aunt Elli also
Has a niece now by her sister belly.
O Aunt Elli is so good, so gentle, so mild,
By Aunt Elli shalt thou live, dear child.
When Aunt Elli educates you,
She will lead you to holiness of virtue mystagogically,
You will be a good human being and a true woman,
That one in your image sees God's beauty!
So my niece is not the bitch, Luna?
No, your niece is the Holy One, Lena!


(The last is added Doctor Church.)

The patriarch is dead, he is dead!
The patriarch, who was our father,
He is no more, he's gone away.
All of a sudden he was unspeakably tired
And slept during the day, at night,
And then began to cough and wheeze to.
He almost seemed to choke. difficulty in breathing
Together pressed his lungs.
He spat mucus from the rotten lungs,
He spat blood from the torn lungs
And cried as his doctor me to his death bed
And he said: The monkey's dead - the flap closeth!
But I bequeath to my dear Lena my money.
O Lena, my beloved niece!
Only one groom and then the legacy!
Then the Patriarch fell into a deep sleep.
Only his eyelids twitched yet,
As if he was dreaming or see ghosts,
Maybe the ghosts of the past.
He woke up only when he had to cough
And when he coughed out his blood mucus,
Then he fell asleep as suicidal again.
Although I wanted to prolong his life,
But the lung was already ruined,
The heart destroyed, the liver also poisoned,
Nothing was more sound in his gut.
Just a moment before his death
He looked me in the eyes, as if
He wanted to ask if I forgive him.
Then he laughed: Brother Death comes!
Then he laughed: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
And so died the Patriarch.
Shaded whether the patriarch's death
The output of cheerful comedy piece,
But everything has now fulfilled exactly.
The real niece went to the Heritage
And is married to a noble Christian.
So the marriage lives as a sacrament
In the faithfulness of God and the love of God.
You can kiss, kiss, Mark and Lena,
Because the tragedy ends with death,
But the comedy ends with the wedding!
You're crazy! I love you all!
Blessed be the sacred name of God!


O Imperial Majesty Thou may forgive
The poor poet, an lunatic idiot,
That he commanded to Thee this greeting of peace,
He, only dedicated to the drunken Muse.

Love alone is blessed,
Our Love and Our Lady of the Cypriots!
God is just to the living and the dead:
Love remains for all eternity!

This is a mirror of this world full of folly,
For falsehood prevails, but Christ is Truth,
The wise but reap nothing but ridicule laughter.

Who is wise as the German Pope of Rome?
Hail to Thee, in Christ my Secret Emperor!
Humbly the poet leans on God the LORD.