Herausgegeben von Dr. P.M. – Herausgeber der


Josef Maria Mayer

Time and Place: St. Paul in Hamburg, in the year 2000.


(In the house of Mister Reynard. Reynard, a man of fifty years, with his young servant Harlequin.)

My servant Harlequin, I am a rich man,
I too like to look at the gold of the treasure,
I take a bath in my money, and I bathe
In gemstones such as sapphire, jade and jasper.
The golden aeon was paradise,
The golden honey is more sweet than sugar,
The golden Venus is the queen of love,
Also Hermes estimates gold and money as the god of thieves,
The gold of Solomon decorated the house of God,
The Saints will be cleaned to gold in the fire of distress,
In a golden house once lived Emperor Nero,
Leander gave gold to his beloved Hero,
The children of Israel also danced
Before a golden bull, I mean 'the golden calf,
It is said about a friend who practices the friendship's loyalty,
He is as true as gold, when you look at him,
It is said that speeches are like silver, but
Silence of a woman is precious as gold.
King Solomon also speaks in his wisdom
And to the great God in his wisdom prays:
Wisdom is good with an inheritance,
And blessed is he, who with his wisdom have
Big money and property, money procured everything.
Even in the paradise before the fall
Ample gold was perfectly pure,
Paradise's onyx and Eden's gold.
In all times I have been on this earth.
In the beginning God the Lord said: Let there be
The universe and Harlequin! My soul in this world
Once lived in the forest, then in nomad tent,
In Eden I played with the boy Abel of Eve,
I built the big tower of the daughter Babylon,
I looked at the wall which was built in ancient China,
In the Peking Opera I was the fool, the stupid Chou,
I was in the war also for Helen of Sparta,
Thersites I was there, I was the chef of Martha,
As I like fried the roast with bread and cheese
For her sister and her brother and the Lord.
In the Middle Ages, I hunger and thirst,
I have lived as a fool, you called me fool,
At dinner I sat also, the big god Janus,
Poorly with table neighbors I was Saint Grobianus,
I was a fine fool to Paris in Rokkoko times,
When Sun King lived with the poor clown Pierrot,
Colombine was there with her sweet visage,
Then I was in Bordeaux, where I was called Jean Pottage,
And When Queen Elizabeth in Brittania Empire reigned
I was Pickelhering, then I saw the Shakespeare,
I was with the Pope in Rome, they called me Brighella,
And in Naples I was formerly Pulcinella,
Now in Saint Paul I serve Mister Reynard,
My name is Harlequin, I often dream of Colombine.
I invited them, who want to inherit my treasure, they all want
My much-loved money! The human veing is a whore!
But they want my money and want to be my heir
And pray, O Satan, let him die!

(Admission of the Advocat Bartholomew.)

Mister Reynard, healthy? Health is everything!
We sicken all, oh, by the bite of the Fall!
Hard of hearing is the man, deaf in both ears!
You brought what? Gifts, as I think?
Yes, a bottle of wine, vinified from Silenus,
For this purpose, and the statue of Venus naked!

(Entry of Would-be-politician Mister Dutschke.)

Mister Reynard, healthy? A doctor at the deathbed
Of a big capital, that would not be nice.
You want opium for the people, the pain of death
To consolat with the Beyond of Religion?
Do you bring me a gift, my friend?
Yes, the icon of Ché Guevarra here says
To Mant, the good Ché dispels all evil,
And thos holy book, the red Mao Bible!

(Entry George Nobody.)

O Reynard, my friend, I come from the office
And just thought of nothing and was thinking like this:
Reynard I want to visit with friendship today.
My wife sends you here the sweet fig cake!
The fig, in latin fica called, in french la fique.
Your wife has so much charm in her warm look!
Tell Coeli thy wife: Mister Reynard, the sick,
I the beautiful woman with all my heart thank.
An heir is sought for all your belongings?
Do you not have a son of your own blood?
I just have bastard brood of the gypsies,
Of prostitutes and of fat black women,
The hermaphrodite, who always talks like a book,
Then there is the clown, and the eunuch,
Which lustful I testified in my youth.
For this people only the good Lord can care!


(The Would-be-politician Mister Dutschke and Mistress Dutschke his wife on the street arguing.)

I think again about my first wife,
I saw her in Paris, how beautiful her body was,
How big was the bosom of this beautiful lean,
How long was the iambic-pair of trembling flanks,
How blessed I was in the paradise of earth,
When she gave birth to a child in beautiful Paris!
You faithless dog, you left your wife,
Your child in Paris you left alone!
You have broken the first woman's heart,
She still grieves bitterish in pain!
Because the family's luck we revolutionaries
Deeply despised! I was the man of honor,
Being a fighter for a new state.
As the others were only petty bourgeois, private
Living the citizen-marital bliss, I could do without it.
The free love I practised, this were now stories
I told them to you, free love's hero,
If I wrote of them, the book would be wider than the world.
No monologues, you socialist Casanoca,
The anticlerical experience of the Vita Nova
Of free love! I'm so fed up
From your poetry, you foolish Apollo!
So now you are my wife. However, the first wife
Always hovers before my eyes as a young goddess!
What needles of pain have bestowed her yet!
She has her whole life not forgiven me.
Forgiveness, what is it? You shall refrain!
The anger is productive and hate makes you strong!
Was not hate the program for our rebellion?
Mao's wife, was she not a deadly scorpion?
Forgiveness, marriage and family teach the priests,
We sharpen full of anger the tongue and the weapons
And free mankind and rid the culture
And sexuality. Then back to nature!
Freed from the joke of the Church the suppressed impulses,
The sexuality is free through free love!
In my old age but I'm a believer
As a Hindu and an scholar of sexual magic.
The lotus flower cup the jewel connected - my mantra,
Enlightenment comes through sex, through religious Tantra.
This is in your book, this you only know from the book,
You poor old man, already living like a eunuch.
What you took advantage of it because of the young slim bodice
Of your second wife? What you are doing to your bitch?
The sages taught me how to beware the seed.
Your Shiva Lingam is simply not hard!
But I must leave now, you worn spouse,
Sexuality I have to teach in the school.

(Mistress Dutschke exit. The young Paul Bartholomew is coming. He introduces himself to the old man Dutschke as his fatherly friend.)

Hello my, friend? Do you speak german?
Ein wenig. Ich kann nicht deutsch sprechen, aber ich lese deutsche Bücher.
Liest du Schiller auf deutsch?
Nein, aber ich lese Klopstock, Wieland, Goethe ud Hölderlin auf deutsch.
Ich war ein Deutschlehrer in der Schule. Aber ich spreche hannoveranisches Deutsch, nicht schwäbisches Deutsch.
Wo wir gerade bei der Literatur sind, kennst du Ernesto Cardenal?
Ernesto Cardenal? Er hat die Revolutionsarmee der Sandinisten in Nicaragua gesegnet. Aber der Papst sagte: Stop! Keine kommunistische Revolution!
Der christliche Glaube erlaubt es nicht, zu den Waffen zu greifen und die Reichen zu ermorden.
Du bist ein Narr! Du weißt nichts von der Armut in Südamerika. Sie müssen eine Revolution machen und die Diktatoren ermorden. Ernesto Cardenal sah Kba und sagte, das war daS Paradies auf Erden.
Ernesto Cardenal ist ein Narr. Er mischt die katholische Theologie mit der marxistischen Ideologie. Aber es gibt keine Brücke zwischen Himmel und Hölle.
Der Kapitalismus lässt Afrika verhungern. Die Kinder sterben, weil die westliche Zivilisation den Afrikanern alle Bodenschätze stiehlt. Und so mussten sie eine Revolution machen. Es gab kommunistisch Regierungen in Angola und Äthiopien.
Äthiopien! Ich liebe Äthiopien! Der Kaiser von Äthiopien war ein Sohn von König Salomon und ein Jünger Jesu.
Der Kaiser? Ich mag keine Kaiser. Im Mittelalter Päpste und Kaiser waren Diktatoren. Alle Armen mussten Hunger leiden.
Die Bauern hatten ein besseres Leben unter dem Zaren als unter Stalin.
Ich war in Moskau als ein sozialistischer Delegierter und ich sah, da war Gerechtigkeit und Freiheit in der sozialistischen Welt.
Da war keine Freiheit! Das russische Volk liebte Gott und Gottes Mutter, aber im Kommunismus war es unter Todesstrafe verboten, an Gott zu glauben. Schau dir Nord-Korea an. Die Todesstrafe erwartet dich, wenn du eine Bibel besitzt.
Meinst du etwa dieselbe Bibel, in der ich gelesen, dass zuerst ward Adam geschaffen und dann aus Adam ward seine Frau Eva geschnitzt?
Diese Geschichte ist von einer tiefen Weisheit..
Ich habe die ersten Seiten der Bibel gelesen, aber als ich diese kleine Eva sah, hab ich nicht weiter gelesen..
Du hast aber wenig Interesse an der Heiligen Schrift.
Was man so heilig nennt. Es gibt keinen Gott!
Ich glaube an die Liebe Gottes!
Buddha sagt: Alles ist Nichts und Leere.
Solomon says: Vanitas vanitatem! Lady Vanity, Lady Vanity, all that she have is a vanity-bag!
Ha, ha!


(A street scene is constructed by Harlequin. Mister Reynard disguised as a Taoist Pope with the Yellow Turban occurs and proclaimed as Grand Master of Chi the wisdom of Chinese medicine. Paul stands along the way. The street scene is before the House of George Nobody and his angelic wife Coeli.)

Wan fu! This is my greeting: Ten thousand times luck!
Tsing on! And that is: Pax! The peace be with you!
You mob in the world, you jaded fools,
You worship doctors to erharren healing,
You see the doctor as God, as the god of healing arts,
As god Asklepios. All this is only mist!
The science of stupid Occident
Compared to the salvation of the wise middle kingdom
Is vanity, is nothing! The evil Christianity
Produces science, violated the sanctuary
Of holy nature and promotes the machines,
The dead machine, chemistry of medicines.
Medicine, away! You want to steal life,
The wisdom of nature you call superstition.
Shamans already knew how sacred is nature,
How spirits appear, and they were on the trail
Of the Great Spirit and the myriad spirits.
In trance understand the initiated masters.
You must be a seer, that one is a healer
By laying hands on to heal, this is a healer, that ye know.
Shamans, seers, and druids, wise masters,
Dominate this realm of the immanent spirits.
Away with science, the western Christianity,
Shaman wisdom come on and Chinese paganism!
To learn wisdom, the Chinese language learn,
The phoenix is the Empress, the Emperor is the dragon.
Feng Shui teaches you to build your house.
Rest ye namely at night in your beds,
Be on your head the Emperor, the golden dragon!
Remember that your bed is not a dead thing,
Follow the watercourse, the energies urge,
That then combines the Yin with its Yang,
Thus you shall save yourself from dead works in bed,
You shall the strong Yang to the Yin gentle embed
And in the mysticism of vigorously marriage
The World Soul's energy you will have for inspiration.
And now to the medicine! I teach you the Chi,
This is not the Holy Spirit, as Christians say,
As Einstein has said, a syncretist. The Chi is energetically
The force of Yin and Yang. I'm talking prophetic,
The Chi is breath, spirit. So I knew a woman,
She blocked the energy and was sick in her body,
So the beautiful body of love was a sick,
In her large breasts raged Cancer,
Of death the evil cancer. As a master I was talking about
The breath in the body, which is the O and A,
In the breath energy must flow, quiet rush,
Then the breath Chi flows that will heal the body,
Then dissolves the cancer with his crooked gait.
If the phoenix-Yin combines the dragon-Yang,
Then woman and man live in harmony in one body.
However, the doctor, your God, who just grinned ironically,
Only occultism was him this good Chi.
He gave the poor cancer chemo-therapy
And killed the woman, who poisoned the female.
Thus Christianity is fien to the camisole!
I quarrel with God, what is so praised as God,
The murderer of this woman, he deserves my whole ridicule!
My dear Abba God, forgive the poor fool
And let him not be lost in the pit of hell!
Health Goddess, o Hygiene Goddess you!
Health-giving the body, the soul peace!
Health Goddess, healing the soul in the blood,
We worship you: Hail to our highest good!
We greet you, O woman and goddess, with the mouth,
Join our death body healthy with your grace
And our psyche already here bestowing the Garden of Eden,
From Beyond we want consolating not talk,
No, this beautiful world is our paradise!
As a healing sacrament liquor give to us of anise,
Pour brandy us from anise in our sick veins
And let the veins expand with love's lust
In water and anise and let us already
Be blessed in love-drunken noise,
Until we in your favor with our souls' sparks
Completely absorbed in the ecstasy of bliss of lust
Drunk asleep on our death bed!
The Yang to Yin laughs: Hey, darling, be so cute!
The Yin may not be so moody and so lunatic,
The Yin let be for love always willing!
Let know the Yin: the Yang is good for life,
When she sucks the power of Yang out of the man's loin!
Prayer of heresy, so you pray heretical,
And he thinks that religion is wisdom dietary.
Then in the court of the dead spirit goes,
To the idols dedicate the sacred prayer.
God, my Abba, have with this poor man mercy
And compassion, o heart of Jesus, a heart of pity!

(Coeli emerges from the house)

A preacher of God? Stop! Hear I of the mystery
Of the wisdom of God, I, from the Gospel?
(to Harlequin)
This is the sweet wife, my eternal desire!
My whole paradise with all the curls' snakes!
Look behind her house, there hung the clothes,
Run, O my Harlequin, in her garden run,
Do not pay attention to the bush, do not pay attention to the rose,
Take off from the leash the beloved underpants!
The veil leaves the deity once in her Strip -
O deity, tear down your last slip!


(Reynard and Harlequin in Reynard's house. Reynard drinking best old wine from Spain and Harlequin a cheap vinegar from a cardboard carton.)

The pope's church I totally contrary,
The old men are Christ's body members,
Yes, male, old and gray, so is the body of Christ.
But I long for a young woman!
Again women, sir! So all sorts of stories
With wives you had, I could seal it.
But this is quite normal. Each young man
Such as the poet Lord Byron is a Don Juan
And every old man like Dante's Vita Nova
Is still a womanizer as once Casanova.
Be always gallant and never husband,
Be family friend with the woman of your neighbor, namely
The husband shall do the hard work,
And you can distribute full of lust time with her.
In old times Harlequin was already blue
And Columbine was his sister or wife.
It's every woman, the lustful, the pure,
A wandering cup, the great whore.
What is the butterfly that flies drunk blessed
Nestled from one calyx to the next?
What is the flower because, in my old age,
The flower, which flies from butterfly to butterfly?
Boring the covenant of marriage is forever faithful,
I love girls only, ever young and fresh and new.
True love's lust enjoys only on walking,
Woman's love moves constantly from one to the other.
Also, I met no woman who faithfully loves one man only,
Which at another not deviated even became.
The spouse may be placken at work,
The family friend but may massaging her neck.
Unreliable is the woman as wife Fortuna
And capricious, grillig she is like the goddess Luna.
If all the women I've ever had in bed,
Now would be with me, I'd have an harem!
But all the women's flock, I no longer want to see,
What I'm interested in the older trophies?
A woman there alone, cruel tearing me apart,
Takes my mind and makes sense, discouraged my mind!
You know, it is Coeli! I want to worship alone
The adored, my burning desire!
In pious poverty she lives, not complaining of avarice,
But she is not economical with her rich appeal!
Have you seen the shirt, the transparent silk,
The magic belt also girded around the vagina,
The black petticoat, which fell on the leg?
So you have to dream yes of wild lovemaking!
It comes but from every man from Adam, the monkey,
Whatsoever preach the prudish religious priests.
The dear husband is the same gorilla,
Lives the family fortune and is rich in children,
But the gorilla cock, his penis is small!
Chimpanzees but equal of marital bliss deniers,
Always the chimp fucks a lot of female chimpanzees,
That's so his kind, in which he is sent,
Therefore huge is his penis! The house friend is such one.
The gorilla penis, they are getting smaller,
The lazy husband snores rather alone,
Whether the female sighs of hot love.
But the chimpanzee resembles the family friend and his penis,
He fuck first Artemis, then Athena, then Venus!
For thus it dictates the mother nature,
The free love of erotic culture.
Yes, Julia, Mary and Susie, at the splendor
I know not to vote! I want my dick
Bless every woman! Be happy every woman,
From behind and from the front each woman shall be fucked!
I am returning each night, the mortality in defiance,
First, to the bottle of wine and then to the vagina of whores!
Coeli but seems to be pious and chaste!
Yes, God is my Rival! But I itch my flesh,
I feel horny lust boiling in my blood,
The core sensuality in my phallus throb!
Death, hell and womankind! In my Satan Pact,
The devil knows well, the woman I'll get naked for you!
As wise as Solomon, Odysseus equal to lists,
I created you zoom with her sweet breasts!
The devil blows me certainly still a trick,
For Lilith, I'll get you the desired fuck!
If only my seed would flow in her vulva,
That would be truly for me worth the eternity of hell!


(George Nobody and his wife Coeli in their house.)

You are a bad woman, because you badly like
This mystic Taoist Pope!
Yes you listen to every word, you over-religious,
And lay your hand on your excited pussy!
And you think already not chaste, please be chaste!
You all foul woman, fully sin is your flesh,
You serve Asklepios as once the hierodules,
You break the marriage covenant to compete with a dick!
What have I done? Yes I have only listened,
Whether about wisdom rushes in the master's words.
The speech is certainly beautiful from your master Kallos,
But everything you want, is a stony phallus,
That would be the soul medicine for your heart,
Yes you put in your hole a hard phallus,
To rub your clit and tickle!
How rabble scum you speak sinfull to quip.
How your speech I stained in my shell ear!
I'm going to hear now of the pure angelic choir,
Because your words and your chatter makes dirty
My girls soul, oh, dirty and hurt!
I pray now at my home altar
To God, who is, will be and always has been.
(Exit Coeli)
The women are quite corrupt natures,
They do like saints and are nothing more than whores!
How chaste and cool her gaze directed toward the salvation,
But the women are at heart so very horny,
That they do not want anything as the basin in the dance
To pivot about the God of stone with his phallus!
No, nowhere in the world today is still chaste breeding!
Oh, hot as fire of hell is my jealousy!

(Harlequin enters.)

O George Nobody, friend, you will soon inherit,
Mister Reynard, your friend, will die without mercy.
Leaving Mister Reynard the beautiful earth world,
He then gives as a testament to me and his dear money?
Mister Bartholomew is even in conversations.
What can I possibly do, my dear Harlequin,
That I deserve the grace of the rich man?
Mister Reynard is old, and at night in his bed,
There is cold to him, he'd since a cute,
Him as a helper and like the Lord give him a maid,
A loving and gentle wife, the bed makes the oven.
It is the assistant of loving females
Which the old body of death warms with the camisole?
This is his great desire, which he thinks of,
That a hot woman in deathbed heated him!
He wants to die after the death arts rules,
Wants to fuck the paradise of heavenly Venus!
How can I help him? After the man who demanded
That blessed he die in the womb of a woman then?
Mister Bartholomew has a daughter already, a young one,
Promised with his mouth and skillful tongue,
He said: Mister Reynard, at your death is here
As Blessed Virgin named Julia.
The virgin Julia with her tight column,
According to her, the Lord, the Eternal and the elderly require?
I know a beautiful woman who is more beautiful still,
A celestial paradise is her beloved hole!
She knows with a powerful swing from the hips
The dead themselves to awaken from hell!
This one give to my Lord! He shall be raised
From death if her mouth licking with the tongue!
It is my wedded wife, my wife,
Erotic she is as Venus herself, O goddess!
(Exit Harlequin)
My beautiful wife, I call you, dear wife!
(Appearance of Coeli)
In my eyes the repentance dew of tears.
But now, no more crying, no more fasting and waking!
You, as an angel nice, shalt laugh like angels!
What is the basic joy? Fortunately, that does not leave me?
Today we go to a friend, a neighbor, to a celebration.
You need the nice body not too chaste veil,
We want to laugh, and wife, we want to celebrate funny!
The joy of the Lord is my great power!
The spirit may inflame you for passion!
How turtledoves gently look my eyes.
How turtledoves thou shalt jerk, beak, peck!
I'm going to the bathroom and make my way around.
(Exit Coeli)
The beautiful chaste wife understands me warmly bad!
But if she ever so pious as God's dove coo,
Many a saint was formerly a whore.
Saint Aphra stand by her, once whored so beautiful
And today in paradise full of burning love coos!


(In the house of Advocat Bartholomew, father Bartholomew and son Paul.)

Mister Reynard inherited a huge legacy,
But I bequeath anything to you, if I die.
Fortunately, yes for me my heir is
The dearest daughter of mine, the virgin Julia.
O virgin Julia, flesh of my flesh are you!
She is my image, the lovely and chaste,
The seeds I sow are good seed in the arable,
The she-advocat beautiful bare to the advocat,
The virgin Julia. she's all my same,
She is noble and beautiful, and posh she hatches.
She is so fashionable beautiful, loud charm of light,
The epitome of fashion, a lovely model,
Model of Venus it in the Madonna fashion!
What should be to me the stupid Paul, the absurd Ode,
The great folly of you? You are a pure fool,
The mind in delusion wasted, yes lost.
I just do not like you! The family and friends
Are rarely todeay. You count on my enemies!
Well, the legacy will and golden seed of money
Of Reynard's shall be the possession of the advocat.
I offered the Reynard already my pretty girl,
In her hair, brunette, not one grey hair,
Built the girl slim, the delicate hips tight!
Well that man, if he joins the girl!
But Reynard, the fool, o by Regina Coeli,
Will prefer that woman of George Nobody, Coeli.
So what should I do? O in the wisdom's wit,
I give Reynard all land
And all my dear money, o by the Immaculata,
What myself I inherited with my she-advocat,
When her father died. Yes, Reynard wins
All your inheritance, that he remembers soon
And sets me in love alone as his heir.
Then the good man dies in my favor!
But you go empty, son, the invalidity of nothingness,
You're no good, you're a good for nothing,
Fortuna may rightly rob you of all goods,
Evidence as to God the ridiculous belief,
Whether from you love of God a rich inheritance comes,
That your happiness avails for all time.
As surely as the letter L stands for sexual intercourse, my father,
As surely as the cat purrs, the tail stiffens the cat,
I am a poor and free good-for-nothing,
But I will of the whole good of God Mammon nothing!
Only my great treasure is heavenly and spiritual!
Listen to the story, the parable Evangelical:
There was once a man who had two sons,
A proud son, he loved this gentleman,
And a poor second son, who was benighted in spirit,
The proud sir him has ridiculed and despised.
Now the proud man, the heart of sins died fully,
Died without mercy, went down to hell.
For his body still, o by the wise Nathan,
Were fighting Lucifer and Belial and Satan.
The poor son went blank from the wills,
He went to love God to the beautiful house of worship
And said to the bishop there: O say to my brother,
That he shares the heritage! How stingy is the bitch,
How greedy for money is the guy! But I am poor,
In the name of Jesus Christ, that my Lord have mercy!
The wise bishop was a biblically wise man,
He said to the son: Although died this summer
Your father without mercy, your father far away from God,
On his deathbed still in a mockery,
So the sinner stayed away from the happiness of the theocracy
And burning in the fire now with in Hades,
But what do I care about your fighting for inheritance?
Who tells you that the Lord damps such a dispute?
I connected the input to the heavenly love tents!
What do I care about the war for heritage of money?
So the bishop spoke in Persona Jesus Christ,
A true bishop is but another Christ.
You see, son, you fool, God knows nothing of reality!
What knows Jesus already, your God, about paying taxes?
The good Lord is quite unrealistic in the world,
Is not your God at home? What does to the love of money
Your pious Jesus Christ, what does he knows of the shekel?
Before Mammon your God has just abysmal disgust!
One God of love is alone in the kingdom of heaven,
One god on earth, God Mammon, which makes rich,
And if you have made full the bag of silver,
God Mammon's golden path leads into hell!
Hell does not scare me like no rotten egg,
For in the pit of hell there is fornication!
But thou, pious fool, shalt pray, pray, pray,
Shit in your hands you have the droppings to knead!
(Exit Bartholomew.)
Disinherited am I? Well! Thousand sins!
And you'll blame to a great rich man,
Loading yet so hard the fluctuating camels
Not enter into the kingdom of salvation of the soul.
What do you heap but the gold in bags over and over?
Naked once you have to go down in Mother Earth's hole!
Gone is all haze, gold debit and credit,
The rich you will be buried naked in mere dust!
However, the pious, poor, pure faithful poor,
Renouncing to the Lord, that the Lord have mercy,
He collects the greatest treasures in God,
That he is in God's treasure and heve forever joy!
How poor you are before God, money greedy camel,
How rich is the pious, God lives in his soul,
Only a wealth estimates, the treasure of rich grace,
That in the treasure of grace he bade his soul!
You rich lawyer, I spit on your money!
Mistress Charity is waiting in love's heaven,
Women love naked and bare there, the poor one saving,
Thirst and thirst-quenching in abundance will bless him!


(The Would-be-politician Mister Dutschke and Mistress Dutschke on the street.)

They are all these preachers silenced,
Who proselytize always of God's sympathy,
They are silent and silenced on the spot!
Of purgatory and hell not a word!
Deadly sins? This word should always be concealed,
No word of Satan and his torments of hell!
If still a preacher of Satan, death and hell
Loses a word, I want to kill him on the spot!
What do you scream again so? I have, thank God,
The nose thoroughly full of your anger and strife!
What do you scold so with me? You are a bitch!
Yes; old man, you are looking for a young doe?
A girl gentle and loving, good with a pure heart,
A girl always excited young of the old blood.
You old men love the young feminine,
You seek the Lord's handmaid, smiling sweetly: I serve!
That Communist is only a Catholic machismo,
Not sure I fought the battle of feminism.
Whether the feminist, the other feminine,
The strong heroine fights, the female says, I serve.
Feminism does not love her, the feminine handmaid,
The female she do not loves very much. I want the masculine
In my business too, I am a strong warrior,
I'm an high ruler and a better man I am,
I'm not handmaid of the Lord, not feminine fool,
The Goddess' daughter I am, the male strong lady!
The man is weak today, the man is impotent,
The goddess' daughter is in her element,
She is the ruler, he is her servant and slave.
Mary serves as a handmaid to the Father God Yahweh,
This is patriarchy, the Lord's religion.
The goddess takes the lover and the son,
For God is a woman, and God is a mother,
God is a paradise of honey and butter,
And the Divine is a woman and female is my God.
The old priests the woman only scorn,
So the church of the old gentleman I do not like,
Much freer there were the old pious heathen.
Not Plato's Ideal, Ideas in heavenly halls,
To the feminists is useless Plato's ideal,
Not Aristotle and his manly logic,
The pederasts God and its pedagogy
Is patriarchal. However, the old mother-right
We renew in the fight, in the eternal battle,
The woman with the man in the sexual war,
The mother goddess reserves last victory!
I am a poor fool! You were in your youth
Combatant in the battle of the rebellion, the virtue
Of class hate. I, the eternal Jack
In all lanes, now hear from the battle of the sexes.
Battle of the sexes? It itches me in my solar plexus.
There is already talk of the patriarchal sex.
Oh, Confucius as Moses also goes by
And the father's son, the man of Nazareth,
The fonts are all Papyrus, which can burn.
The women are even more male than men.
What once was the Venus and Saint Urania,
Is now with whip and scourge Domina!
It is better but alone in the corner under the same roof
As with a squabbling wife united in one thing.
This has a reason, if your lady scolds,
Because they are tired of you and to suffer from your whims.
Yes, you will quarrelsome, all you women! Strengthens the will,
Live your whims and feminine crickets,
For the modern woman is superhuman free,
Freed from the tyranny of sex and man!
We were still together and stormed the Montmartre,
Simone de Bouvoir were you and I was Sartre!
You were the strong Yang and I the weak Yin?
Away with the nonsense of sex and gender, for I am
A woman although by nature and yet the more than tough,
Gynander I am and the great Androgyne.
The pink revolution was homosexual,
But I am a man with a woman but and alternate,
Errect myself as a man before waists slim as wasps,
I pity me myself, I adore the lesbians.
The lesbians are truly free women,
Freed from the male sex. I only repose
With other women, because freedom is indescribable,
The goddess of freedom is the great goddess of female!
So you love other women, loving lesbian women,
I want to look up at women addition to free love.
Away with the Christians and with all Platonists!
Healing lesbians, homos, their salvation, free bigamist!
If you just continue Priapus also to adore!
Otherwise, I know what you teach your students:
The sex magic freed education
Teaches free love and uninhibited sex logic.
You Communists have tried the revolution,
We feminists, we only overthrow the throne,
The World President, God the Father full of horror,
Is overthrown in sexual war of the women!
But further you ride the jaded horse?
You are a poor dog, you sub-human! Shut up!


(George Nobody and Coeli at the door of Reynard's house.)

What Aristotle taught, from the friendship
He wrote. I like it because friendship is not hostility.
The benefits of friendship is the deepest kind,
As a good friend feels he well be helpful and tender,
The girlfriend he but wants to help with the benefits,
He will brood the after, mouth and nose clean,
Watching the crowd of little children lovingly,
So the girlfriend can be free in her vacation.
The man's inner value and prayerful thoughts
Not prompt you for the girlfriend, he is only hers, the sick,
Who te concerns take off everyday, troubles continued,
Otherwise, he spoke not a spirit-filled word.
The friendship for pleasure you'd loved in youth.
The true love is still unknown, the virtue,
The man wants the woman for nothing but pleasure,
He wants to get drunk with her large breast,
She should make him happy with her body's stimuli,
The erogenous zones, she shall spread her legs!
When tired the man of the woman's desire,
Follows bad mood just disgusting and frustration,
The friendship is no longer of friendship, the summer sun
Sank in winter night, continuing the voluptuousness bliss.
Characterly friendship now is only true friendship,
Where you do not use and do not desire the desirest wife,
Where to the character of the noble lady you are paying attention,
Her soul and spirit as a pious enthusiast humiliating test,
Where your girlfriend you blow away all scorn and derision,
As gracious help on your way to God!
Who found such a friend is already on earth blessed
And like little children can rightly be happy.
A pious chatter of the wife of religion!
No, other things want you to do God's son Mammon,
Mister Reynard is already in the merciless death's region
And I want to inherit from the man the Good of his money.
That he was sympathetic to his best friend,
I mean me, although I am his enemy,
Be nice to his heart! O Coeli, not errs you,
When to rich Reynard for money you prostitute your sex!
Prophetess, the wife, God sits upon her forehead,
The mob is only a general whore!
Virtue's crown, I do not want to lose,
Never will I prostituting my body for money!
My body belongs solely to the conjugal duty,
My body certainly does not belong to a whore-son's fornication!
O Coeli, be charming, be as cute and nice,
Be affectionate, affectionately, caress him in bed!
Now come, my wedded wife, help me to inherit, come,
Do not be so virtuous, be not so chaste and pious!

(They occur in Reynard's house. Mister Reynard in his bed. Harlequin brings just a big pot of coffee.)

O Coeli, my dream woman! How God I will worship
Your great soul covet in the beautiful body
As God's beautiful body, as the soul of the world's body,
My universe you, my great super-woman!
Oh no, I'm not, I am not a sky goddess,
I am an human being of flesh and blood and George Nobodie's wife.
You'd have you just only to see with my eyes,
The glory of the Lord is hardly like you so beautiful!
The absolute woman you are, you're the absolute
Mistress of my blood, you are in my blood!
The beautiful Venus emerging from the sea foamed,
But you come to me from the third heaven!
Yes, God will clear myself in your body,
God became human again in thee, thou Goddess-woman!
This flatters a woman, so swarming revere,
But I do not want one, thou shalt not covet me,
Because I never will make love to your flesh with my body,
Because I am faithful to my man before the face of God.
The chaste pious woman, you can not describe,
Before her husband will not give her to you!
So then I'll go now and let my wife
To the much-loved friend with soul and in body.
(Exit George)
If I were the Lord God, I would give for bids:
Hospitality calls this: If wandering now a messenger
In a house of a man and a loaded one,
Host, give to the guest your wife!
Hospitality means alone, let us eat together,
Also to thank God we at the meal never forget.
I invite you to dinner, today there are pigs tails,
Fried in the fat of all special gloss,
For pig tails plus there's a bull testicles.
In France you can eat, those are French fashions.
But I do not eat meat, I only supplying green herbs,
Also I do not eat egg and no duck skin.
Well, we read a book. The Diamond Sutra
Of Gautama Buddha here and here the Kamasutra.
How, there a naked god with a naked goddess,
He deity full power, she deity full nude?
I know it comes up with the heavenly the heathen,
God is mystically united with his penis the sheath of the goddess!
A superstition that, a blasphemous mockery,
God is love, yes, but pure Spirit is God!
But look, here you will learn more, watch this silhouette,
So bites in lovemaking the woman with a sharp bite,
Look pornographic here ecstatic pleasures,
On lip, forehead and neck and on the legs kisses,
Look here in the act of love in marriage hall
The woman bites here, she scratches with her fingernails,
Here copulating is the marital spouse,
The girlfriend soars on strong man's phallus,
Here she is below him, conception and quite naked,
He with divine power makes the act of love,
Last - I love that, may you mothering me -
Your broad hips vibrating, the position is called butter!
That is pure lust and naked desire,
No, such a love game does not live inside me,
I want my mind, the heart and soul
And also the body that is not devoid of body,
I will give me only to the faithful husband,
As my husband is loving then surrenders
And we are ecstatic one - as beautiful as the Indians -
Co-creators with the God of love there will be kids!
No, God forbid that! Many children? Do not so!
Not truely for a lifetime! Only no marriage required!
No! Sexuality bacchanalian, orgiastic,
As a quickie fuck - I say it just drastically.
Blushing, you make me blush in shame!
I want immediately, immediately to my groom!


(Would-be-politician Mister Dutschke and Paul on the road.)

Be constantly gallantly to all pretty women,
Before their grilling you should not inwardly gray,
And as with porcelain to go with the girl,
Who has protected the hymen sanctuary!
They grow so on until they are so fragile!
The menopause period then it makes the women weak,
Then you shall have patience, and if they quarrel with you
And your nerves rub on, always say: I love you!
The menopause period, mid-life limit,
The men often leads to their second spring.
Of men we will be silent, the are only fools,
And you, my dear Paul, are still a true child!
I thank you, father, in reverence and worship,
In the spirit of the student for all the instruction.
Only saubre clothing contract and good shoes also,
Not smelly tobacco smoke your lungs,
Do not drink so much of the wine, which damages the brain,
The drunken desire then a horny whore.
The wisdom in person here speaks as a lecturer,
Experiences are treasures of the old element.
When a wise man speaks, you shall listen obediently,
I let my word rushing to your ears,
As everything sucks the wisdom of my possession,
Not joking about it and speak no cheeky wit,
Above all, thou shalt not be as the foul cheeky
Rascals in the world who the old contradict!
Pope Gregory once said, the pride science
Full of arrogance familiar in its own strength,
Arrogant lecturing down from the rostrum,
It crouches everyone like a dog in front of the teacher,
If no one wants to have the treasure of the teacher,
Be everything reverently in front of senior teacher still!
The science of humility is like a friend and brother
And helps with delicate council nor the beloved bitch
The way to go to God, the science of humility
Will not conquer, no, she serves with all her strength,
She asks the people first, what is their need,
Then, in order to give for the needs from the treasure of wisdom,
Then, the students like to learn, if not the arrogance
Makes him low and small, and is without gloss,
No, if science gives him after the requirements,
Then the wisdom is sweet as David with his harp.
Pope Gregory said that? Get away with the Pope from me!
That you talk tot the fools world of your Pope!
Exploiter is the Pope, exploiter as the Emperor,
Exploiter is the Pope, only a farmer is wise!
The hit list already prepared to the Pope is
And the Empire and His Majesty!
The signs of the times proclaim communists
And socialists and anarchists finally!
Away with the capital! The economic crisis is
A sign of how the money eats the whole earth,
The crisis is global, but the banks govern,
The poor are in the world sick.
We need a world and civilization,
Where love is united with wisdom in the throne!
You're talking ideal, as I hear Hegel,
After every fashion wind you probably teach your sails?
Hegel I put his head stand now
On his feet. And Lenin asks: What to do?
The seizure comes first and then comes the ethics!
What benefits the poor Platonic poetics?
The poor darn stomach and lad him to supper
And is the stomach full, then comes morality.

(Mistress Dutschke added.)

You're preaching again as the new Dalai Lama,
Under the fig tree like Hare Rama?
You proud guy, intoxicated by the ego,
In self drunkenness no man listens,
In arrogant pride and arrogance inflated!
Woman, you have again today the month rule phases?
The anger over you the tongue sharpened me,
Because your arrogance annoys me for years!
To the water buffalo pray and still teach the Tao,
Then I'm going to be the Scorpio wife of Mao!


(Court. Mister Reynard as prosecutor. Mister Bartholomew as a second accuser. Paul and Coeli as defendants. She-advocat Ursula as a judge.)

Paulie is a fool who talks to the animals,
Him lacks the intellect, logic, spirit light,
Coeli he loves as a gazelle and as a hind,
He sees himself as her husband and she as his bitch.
Because a bitch is the beautiful Helen
And a whore is Lady Justice!
She takes off the blindfold and looked with both eyes,
Whom she could gold suck from his bag,
And keeps open behind her back her hands,
Whether you are a rich man with much unjust money.
Yes, Justice, the divine, the pure,
In light proved she is a vile whore!
As a prostitute loves money Lady Justice.
Seen In light, the beautiful Helen
Is yes a bitch and also a general whore!
By the Great Buddha and the god of happiness with the paunch,
I often listened to Paul and his piece
Teaching was only this, that the holy Coeli
Be his Anima and the soul of the universe.
Is George Nobody not always yellow with eagerness,
If so you praise Coeli? She's his wife!
He said, but God I look at her face!
The pious talk, the proud and the arrogant,
It is Love's religion, to break marriage!
Look at the disposition! Hypocritical he does well
When he honours the covenant of marriage, in Hades,
But he, lover of Love's Order is guilty,
An adulterer he is in his mind.
And Coeli is pure? She does so fully virtuous
And always listen only to her god Apollo
And George Nobody is for her the soul-weakness,
Only the pious Paul receives her speeches
And she babbles always after what taught her Paul.
He open teaches her and secretly desires her!
I do not care! What do I care about the hearts
Of the girlfriend and friend? The poor Paul's pain
Are like the stupid world millions of years old
And let me just like all the suffering be cold.
Do you ant to be in this world refined in the love of life,
So may you harden your heart and petrify!
What heartache, glow of tears? I only say: What the heck?
The losers and the winner is proud!
I always say: Let happen only my will!
Therefore I wear the black sunglasses,
That not a soul looks me in my eyes,
That no soul dreads of my dead soul!
But I as a lawyer and mediator defender
Book per hour like as a lawyer and advocate with Hitler
And save the man from the condemnation power,
If there is a gap well for him in the law.
As an advocat of the devil I will hurry, hurry,
I'm all in, the evil as the good guys.
I'm not the judge of good and evil, no,
I joke with the law and let the truth be
One thing for morale. What do I care about morality?
Justice alone, the whore, is there in the hall!
From whores are you talking about? For me this is food,
For apart only my own mother
Are all the women whorish on earth!
Also Coeli lives flirtatious and like a dove coos.
Whether her ears also to Paul do not respond,
Let her but capricious love to flirt with him,
Romantic love and pious adoration lard
And the erotic chat full of pepper and full of salt,
Then the butterfly dances in her solar plexus,
If Paul jokes flirtatious and tickles her sex!
That does not interest me what Paul says!
The evil is my friend and Paul is my enemy!
The poor Coeli is just a poor fool,
I am alone in this world Lady Justice!
Never mind the girlfriend and her friend dense,
As enemies I will judge and destroy them now!
Together, we seek nothing but the love of God.
Your dear, dear God, that's a fool's scorn!
So now I want Paul with his Beautiful Lady
Convicted see: The world should mock this pair!


(Reynard and Harlequin in the house of Reynard.)

Tell everyone that I'm dead and buried, servant,
Immediately then hurries zoom the canine race,
Jackals they are all, they are cunning as the foxes,
Like wolves are greedy and hungry as bears.
Better yet, my heart, in this world a dog
Then a lion majesty in the deepest hell.

(Reynard hiding in a chamber. George Nobody occurs.)

How, is Reynard in mortal danger?
The charlatan of love to heaven is gone!
Where has the beloved Lord his last testament,
Wherein he confesses me and as a favorite son his heir?
He spoke on his death bed, I can vouch it to you:
A buffoon, yes nothing, this George Nobody!
I never want to look more the grimace of his face,
Mister George Nobody is as ugly as nothingness!
How? I was still his friend, his comrade and brother,
We loved combined the same bad bitch!
Now his dead spirit torments me with insult
And still his shade makes me spoiled with torment!
(Exit George)
Yes; so what I enjoy, I want to do and make,
The whole world of fools now vigorously I will laugh about!
The world is a madhouse, a man is a stupid child,
But fools' guards still the biggest fools are!

(Advocat Bartholomew enters.)

Mister Reynard, healthy? Had God not let him die?
I am his true son, I will inherit from him.
Oh Reynard is dead, oh Reynard is dead!
He spoke on his deathbed: The biggest idiot
Is Bartholomew yet, an asshole, a radical,
A son of Satan according to the covenant of Baal!
United we studied but the law book
And now nothing more than one last curse?
But I just often curse the nasty fiends.
I do not want the blessing, I want his gold!
He said, The advocate, corrupt, very corrupt,
From the father-in-spirit of the son is disinherited!
The father of lies I see in my father,
I spit on Reynard and curse his dead body!

(Exit Bartholomew.)

We see how Satan proofs the man,
They do not get his money, they vigorously curse the same.
I'm just waiting on the third party, that the third party
Also would be laughed at, also gets his kicks.

(Would-be-politician Mister Dutschke enters.)

Reynard, my friend, healthy in mind and body?
The body is pretty sick, the body is death-wound,
From his mind I know nothing, you foolish fellow,
Whether purgatory took him or hell?
The dead Lenin's spirit is entombed in the heart
Of the proletariat, as gold ores in the mountain.
But still spoke Reynard shortly before his evil death:
The stupid Dutschke is like hell fire red!
He has insulted me in front of his evil death?
I quarrel with God! But I want to inherit from him!
You will inherit nothing, friend! Who will inherit from him?
His legacy is his fool, his devil Harlequin!


(Reynard, disguised as a Buddhist monk, Harlequin, Dutschke and Bartholomew, George Nobody, Coeli and Paul in the marketplace. From Heaven comes Lady Justitia Divina, in her left the scales of the Last Judgment and in her right hand the sword of the divine verdict. It a heavenly virgin in god-like beauty.)

Mister Reynard, you monk in the religious habit of Buddha,
As I am the Virgin Mother of the true God,
Now you will all your good, that stole your greed,
Give to the Pius-Hospital!
The twelfth Pope Pius? Ah woe! I am destroyed!
The English pastor? The Lord has directed me!
You yourself, Reynard, you come into the dungeon,
Where rats gnaw at you ears over and over!
If I already have to go down into the dungeon of hell,
May be with me Harlequin, my devilish fellow!
You, Harlequin, you fool, you old goat,
Beaten you will be now, because you deserve the stick!
You've stirred up Reynard for greed,
Therefore you'll be beaten, you dead dog of Satan!
Fate of the fool that which is his skill,
It breaks my fate not the defiant neck!
Thee, O Justice, and all heavenly Sisters
Will I blaspheme with last curse your chaste womb!
And you, Mister Would-be, Dutschke! You fortunately
And your way and according to your policy
I give the good fortune to live in hell
On this earth before I ask you to page
The angry wife, the vicious scorpion!
So Justitia punishes you full of scorn and ridicule!
O mountains of Tibet, but fall over your student!
The hot pit of hell is cooler than marriage!
You advocat of the devil, tainted and corrupt,
Who mocked his own son and disinherited,
You'll earn punishment now for all the proud conceit
Given to man by the she-lawyer Ursula!
The advocat and the she-lawyer hard,
That is the hard heart mates the hard heart,
May read in the marriage bed marriage paragraphs,
And whether you like as often sleep together,
The foul Ursula will give birth to no own child,
Because I castrated you with the sword of God's wrath!
Castrated at man's member! O frosty cold winter!
How I wish I'd yet from my loins children!
The childlessness of the soul is my sorrow!
Oh this loneliness, oh this loneliness!
You, good pious Paul, I'll give you the inheritance
Of the angry father thine, but not destroy the money!
I give all the money in the starvelings out!
A starving myself am from longing!
Look on heaven's sky treasure brighter than the sun,
Your life dedicate all to the heavenly Madonna!
Mary, Mystical Rose, your scent is familiar to me,
Your scent is divinely sweet, you my beloved bride!
O Coeli, loving and beautiful, loved by Jesus Christ,
How beautiful your heart is in the shelter of your breasts!
You will be God's bride and give God your vow,
In the monastery you are consecrated to Santa Spirita!...
But what is with me in the fire of judgment?
Am I Mister Nobody, then, am I brother Nothing?
You sit backwards on an old donkey
And in Sanit Paul's streets riding
To the remote town of Blankenese
And always scream loud as drunkards full of thirst:
I am a fool, am a foolish buffoon!
Not worthy of such a woman and such a pure wife!
Lady Justice, justice you are alone, O Goddess!