Herausgegeben von Dr. P.M. – Herausgeber der


Josef Maria Mayer


(in front of the curtain)

The devil was so completely out of fashion,
Only psychological demons's were existing,
The dark shadow in the own soul.
The little devils of his own heart
One has to integrate into the self.
Grandmothers say laughing to their grandchildren:
My favorite, play with the devil doll!
Grandfathers say to the Godfather uncles:
Tell your little children of the world,
But never of the devil and the hell!
But I saw the devil himself at work,
When God created little children,
The hell them wanted to scrape out of the womb
And wanted the children of men to throw in the trash,
I saw the terrorists flying in the air
And the young people taking drugs.
So shall ye not you wonder, dear people,
That here the devil appears in person.
But fear not the Satan,
If you see Satan, then whisper:
Hail Mary, O Second Eve!



(Satan, Harlequin, Dame Sin.)

I want to destroy the whole world! Woe to you all!
(a voluptiöses woman lasciviously entwined by a serpent)
I'll give my best, Lord and Master,
The people to corrupt, give them
Lots of money, lots of money, especially great wealth,
Then I let them enjoy this world
And let them eat out of all proportion
And let them drink out of all proportion
And give them the poison of Niktin
And sleeping pills, hashish, cocaine
And the substances of colorful pill drugs,
Then I connected them to the brothels
And incentives with pornographic images,
I entice people into adultery
And spouses in divorce
And give a man seven women
And make of pious people bigamists
And monks I make to child abusers
And I let women be raped
And murder children in the womb.
Very angry, my faithful servant!
But I still want more, I want the souls
Not only spoil on mother earth,
Mother Earth with the broad breasts,
I want to rip the souls in hell!
I'm thirsty for eternal damnation!
Oh, might I remain eternally in hell!
But thou shalt serve me in the world.
There is a man who calls me at all times,
From Satan hopes all happiness,
Looking forward to the infernal music,
To Satan's whorehouse and lottery.
My Harlequin, thou shalt destroy him for me,
Casting him in his soul madness!
Oh, I really need to go to the blue earth?
How I wish I was still in the womb of hell!
Cheer up, my Harlequin, do your duty,
I will reward you in hell.


O devil, do not stop the infernal music,
I race on the highway to hell
And already hear ringing the bells of hell!
If I burn myself at the hot pot,
Then I call: O devil! For you are like fire.
I'd not love to meet the little God,
No, I want to you, great devil.
I do not want to go to heaven
And on the cloud Hallelujah sing,
No, I'd rather go to hell,
Since there's rock music and lottery.
I'm also looking for the Bible:
What is written about the the Antichrist?
Because I belong to the Antichrist!
Above all, I hate motherhood,
The women and the women's matriarchy
And deeply hate the women's fertility
And deeply hate the women's creativity
And deeply hate the women's wombs!
The women are all whores only,
Only my mother not. O how I hate
The womb and its fetus!
What disgusts me the new life,
Life, a living thing, a child,
Because I feel the love of God therin,
Just get rid of it, just get away with this child,
O hell, scratch it out of the womb!
Satan, vacuum cleaner, suck the fetus
Out of this maternal uterus
And smash the fruit of the womb to the garbage
And smash the life in the trash!
How I hate the women with hot hate,
So I hate with hot hate the children,
So I hate life and love,
I love only revolutionary hate,
I love class struggle and terrorism,
I love revolutionary murders!
O devil, you prepare a great desire for me,
Only your hell is my paradise,
So I conclude a pact with thee, O Satan,
With you and with the great Antichrist,
The motto of my life is consecration:
Sex sex sex! But that's a mystery.


(Wagner and Harlequin.)

Who are you, brother, and what is your name?
My name is Harlequin Diabolo.
Diabolo, Diabolo! I am in love
With that name, for I am the devil's slave.
But what does mean the name Harlequin?
When Doctor Faust the pact concluded with the devil,
The evil came to him as a black dog.
Then growled John Faustus: Arr, le chien!
Arr, le chien - means Harlequin.
Agrippa of Nettesheim also in
The occult philosophy absorbed
And in magic, always spoke with his dog,
Monsieur, so he called his black dog,
He took daily walking his dog
To Mademoiselle, the beautiful black bitch,
The beautiful bitch in the neighborhood.
In a word, I want to be your lap's dog!
Yes, men I hate with all my heart,
But I want to love a faithful dog.
You shall howl never before democrats,
You shall howl before all aristocrats!
I am your servant and help thee to hell,
Where you shall be a long time after your desire.
Clap your hands and already I'm there,
Whistle on the whistle and already I'm there.
Now I have a friend in this world,
We include a brotherly bond of friendship,
The rebellion against all that is divine
And holy is the law of our covenant,
I hate not alone with all my heart
The supreme Father in heaven,
I also hate with all my heart the little Cupid!
How is your dear wife?
Because she wanted no other,
I took unfortunately her to my wife.
But the bitch always quarrel quarrelsome
And says I have anaphrodisie!
I prefer an anaphrodisie
Before Montezuma's Revenge Siphylis!


(Wagner, his wife Eve Pussy and her family friend Peter Lady-Servant.)

You poor fool Peter Lady-Servant,
You can now talk to my wife.
I love you, you picture of the beauty of God!
How? You love my own wife?
Platonic I love her as my Muse.
Ah, I understand you, Platonic and musically...
I love you, you goblet of pious wisdom!
Of which I understand nothing. But one thing is clear:
Look at her when she appears to you beautiful,
And red with her when she appears to you wise,
But taboo are kisses on the mouth,
Taboo sexual agreement,
Tabu the sacrament of the marriage covenant.
I worship you at your feet,
You are the feminine face of God,
I consecrate to you my heart as your slave!
Say, Eve Pussy, what do you say?
If speech is silver, silence is gold.
Oh intimate soul twin sister,
So I'll give my answer in your name:
Peter Lady-Servant, my cavalier,
How should I joke with you and flirt with you,
If this rough guy of man is near?
But when my husband goes to his work,
Then I'll show myself from my best side,
The brassiere wearer slips carelessly
On my bare arm at your side.
I will consider your faithfulness, woman!
Tonight I'm staying in a disco
And give one of the whores beer,
Then call Peter Lady-Servant to you
And drink with him the sweet plum liqueur.
The acorns of the oak tree fall down
In adoration before the plum tree's plum!
Oh, men! - Peter, go with God, but go!


Me recently asked my stupid son: What is
The meaning of life? So I said:
Ask all your friends if they think
What is the meaning of life? this question
Is too stupid, you must not ask that.
The devil got the soul I sold him.
What does your soul cost in dollars?
Look at the dollar bill, it is written
In the triangle on the pyramid:
I, the almighty dollar, am your god!
The devil must give me money, money!
The devil and I are happy to assist you.
Give me a little money, I buy shares
And speculate with your capital.
The capital is for capitalists,
But communism is when the proles
Have the capital of the capitalists.
It can even speculate every farmer.
Money has started working on the market,
You do not even do your work anymore
In the sweat of your face, as God says.
You flush the money doing your job now,
And if you invest your capital,
I juggle with your shares
To the stock market, and if Mammon is gracious,
So Mammon rains his golden rain
In your lap, the wealth will come to you,
Then you can buy the whole world.
The Mexicans believe in the Virgin
And in the lottery of the state. I
Dream often of winning the lottery.
You know what makes you happy. A happy-maker
If such a bill. What would you do
As a lotto millionaire firstly?
Traveling on a luxury ship through the world!
I'd like the eternally idle tourism
From Cuba to travel across the sea to Bali.
In Bangkok there are beautiful girls!


(Wagner, Eve Pussy and Peter Lady-Servant.)

Lover, you may chat with my lady.
How much do you cling to your life, sweetheart?
So before you alternate, you stand on a skyscraper
And crashes down, you come on down,
So you're sure dead, but the house
Still projects a nail before you
And could stuck to your eye, blind
While you were, but you will livet.
I did not think, my cavalier,
That your imagination is so brutal.
I read recently in the newspaper,
In our civilized democracy
A man sought, cannibalistic one man
To eat, and another man coveted,
That a cannibal might eat him.
The two found themselves and understood them,
The one ate, eaten the other was.
How can you tell that disgusting?
Yes, what is the problem? One wanted
To eat the other and the other
Wanted to be eaten. To none was added
An harm. Each had what he wanted.
Now tell me that there is no devil.
My angel Ezekiel protects me!
Saint Michael, Satan hurl to hell!
Tell me again of Jesus,
As he preached on the Tabor Mountain.
You shall not murder, it is said in the law,
And Jesus said: Thou shalt not even hate!
Thou shalt not murder a man says
The example of Moses from the Sinai,
Thou shalt not even kill an animal
To make your stomach a graveyard
For animal carcasses, says Gautama Buddha.
Beautiful, Eve Pussy, how you love life!
The flowers and animals are dearer to me
Then human beings, which are murderers.


(Wagner and his friend Mister Juice.)

Wine, women and songs, so we spoke earlier,
Today it is called: Sex and drugs and rock'n'roll.
The diabolical desire makes you happy.
First, the happiness, all the joy of the world,
And then down to eternal damnation!
Money must bring everything and accomplishes all
As already said the wise Solomon.
The saying goes that without money nothing goes on.
If I were the good Lord, I would create
A beer barrel big as the whole world
And then would create a beer glass, the cup
Then would extend to the foot of the moon.
If I were the good Lord and
Gave laws at Sinai,
Hospitality would be the divine law,
For the primitive peoples of
Nature, there was a sacred law:
Host, a guest comes to your apartment,
In friendship give him your wife for sex!
I have sex with one, whom I love,
I love myself, as God commanded.
I take drugs, I take Valium,
And listen to rock music of hell's bells.
So I am blessed in this world
And let the heavenly paradise to the angels
And sparrows, this heavenly paradise,
Where houris sweet cream pie eat.
What lack I yet to my salvation?
I have a friend who peerages sold.
Wilt thou then not be a prince?
I only desire a title of a prince,
I want to read: Prince of Darkness!
I want to be chief in the South Seas
And all South Sea Islanders girls
From sixteen to twenty-two years
Served me as their chief of harem.
A prince, a nobility title, yes, that's it!
Appeared at the Lake of Constance
Princess Diana as an angel spirit, saying:
So beg that you do not go to hell!



(Title of nobility seller and banker.)

A title of nobility can be had for money.
If men want in shops more to earn,
So they buy themselves
A diploma and a name of nobility.
You do not need a nobility of soul, and
Not a family tree, but money, only money.
The crooks buy blue blood
And want as did the Prince of Monaco
Be a rich prince of the casinos.
But money is a spacial nobility.
What did the nobility because of the blue blood,
If they are impoverished? Wealth is a nobility
From Mammon's grace. Today there is no emperor
Of God's and Mother Church's grace.
Today there is the capital,
The international banking group,
The Invisible Lodge on the stock market!
Even the kids are raving for the King
And the princesses, which is quite natural.
Toss once in a group of children
In games a handful of money, immediately
Is any harmony destroyed and greed
Empowered after this happy-maker of gold.
Yes, nobility is the bill, money, that's it.
O dollar, I mean the highest god,
Which perched on top of the pyramid
As a triangle with the eye of God, dollar,
Worshiping are the Freemasons of America
You as the world-spirit in world community,
I love you all! Even more than the rich,
Yes, even more than a millionaire
Sought a communist proletarian for dollars.
O dollars, you secret god of the children,
O dollars, the sale of indulgences,
The poor soul from purgatory
Redeemed by dollars into paradise,
You are the golden calf of Sinai,
This has led us into the land of freedom.
So also says Jesus: Overgrown with the money,
Who has not proliferated, goes to hell!
So, so you decide, O dollar god,
Who goes to hell in naked poverty,
Who will be redeemed from purgatory
And who by the grace of god will be blessed.
Money, money, money, money, money!


(Harlequin and Eve Pussy.)

You sweet Eve Pussy, look, the Christians
Not believe in the sanctity of marriage.
The Fifth Evangelist, Doctor Luther,
Said, marriage is a worldly thing.
The woman in the bishop's throne leaves
Her husband and divorces him.
I know of a Christian who is full of hate
Anf gought against the Madonna and Child,
He took to wife the divorced woman,
The Christian who had divorced,
But in marriage, he also broke the marriage
And went to whores in the whorehouse
And so she divorced and has
Re-married divorced from the second husband.
God has placed in the Garden of Eden
The marriage of Eve with the son of the earth.
How can promise a woman that
She always remains with a man
And till death do not part? Shall the woman
Not be true to her own unique constellation?
Now does this man you probably good and she
Bears from the guilt of former life,
But if the genius of woman calls her
To higher development, she must decide,
Otherwise she is to her true self unfaithful.
I love not alone my true self,
I do love one man only forever.
Even Jesus does not break the covenant with humanity.
If your soul was pre-existent
And saw before conception in the heavens
In a mirror of God her partner,
The united You as parallel soul,
Two sperm-drop they in the hand of God,
If this soul partner was not Wagner,
Perhaps it was Peter Lady-Servant, then
You sin against God, if you to your spouse
Give yourself sexually in bed.
The deity wants from you the total gift
In sexual agreement with that man
Who says to you in love: I am you
And you are me and we are one in God!
So if you Peter Lady-Servant pleasure
Grant that he desires of thy lap,
So you are faithful to the constellation of your destiny.
O fool, you talk as wise as a serpent!


(Harlequin, Eve Pussy, Wagner.)

My spouse, you know your friend,
Like a dog loyal to you in humility of dogs,
And you know what he advises your wife?
He said, God would complacent sin
Of adultery if the act of love,
I fully hesitate with Peter Lady-Servant.
I know of no trace of jealousy.
To me it does not matter with whom you sleep,
For I do not desire your body.
Yes, with the sinful Peter Lady-Servant,
That would be all right with me if this chaste virgin
From Plato's school lives in fornication.
My Lord and Master and my friend and brother,
I just wanted to be the voice of temptation
And proof your sweet Eve Pussy,
For if a man does not check his wife,
So he does not know what is worth her loyalty.
I know you're true to me, you poor thing,
You love me because I treat you so bad.
Ye wives must contact the feet,
Then she licks yet sales of our boot.
Poor Peter Lady-Servant, the fool,
He makes the mistake of worshiping women.
Because he prays to you as his goddess,
Why do you despise him so deeply?
Even King David spoke like every woman:
I love those who hate me cordially,
I hate those who sincerely love me!
Yet I am poor. The work in the office
Brings a little money in my wallet.
But the devil will make me rich
And then I travel on a luxury ship
Through the whole world, then I'll buy me a wife,
Which better fits to a rich man.
Lady Poverty, you'd rather go with Saint Francis
And talk with the sparrows and pigeons.
If I am only ennobled by riches,
I will the film actresses usurp
To me, I buy me one of the most beautiful
Of the general whores of Hollywood!


(Title seller and Wagner.)

Perhaps you want to be a prince: Henry
Of Thurn and Taxis, Prince of God's grace?
I know a lovely princess,
Eliza of Thurn und Taxis, she
Is a beautiful lovely princess.
I have heard of the beautiful woman
And've also seen a picture of her.
But unfortunately she also has written a book
And praises in it the happiness of piety.
Although she is beautiful as Botticelli's Venus,
This top model of the Renaissance, who suffered
Of consumption or anorexia,
Maybe the Venus suffered from bulimia,
But this Venus Eliza
Not bathing in the foam of the Mediterranean,
She prefers to bathe in holy water,
She will also not go on the shell,
She is one of the beads on the string of beads
And wearing the scallop on the hat,
Also, she does not smell of perfume erotic,
She smells like incense! This may not like Satan!
The Lady of the Forest is dead, unfortunately,
Diana hunts no longer in England's forests!
I heard of the hour of her death
And heard in the same moment
From going home this super-pious mother
Teresa of Calcutta and I thought,
That this Mother the Princess safely
Took by her hand and led her to Jesus.
Then I heard that Princess Diana
Had appeared on Lake Constance as Virgin
Mary - But when I think of Saint Mary,
Then it horrifies the legions of demons!
What do you want for a title of nobility?
I like sitting in the throne of China,
As Son of Heaven in the dragon throne of China,
And rule by the legalism manner
Like Chin Shi Huang Di and would laughingly
Burn all the books of the scholars,
Above all, I would burn
The Gospel of the foreign devils!


Oh Satan, you're a strict master!
What do you sent me to earth,
I with this post and this duty,
The chaste Eve Pussy to seduce?
Oh, she is chaste as the northern ice
And the tempter her hardens the heart
Like rocks that can not cleave Moses.
Whether other wear Venus' charm belt,
Wearing Eve Pussy the Madonna's belt,
The chastity belt of the undefiled Virgin.
As I always am trying to master!
How do I quote ancient philosophers,
The speeches of Aspasia and Phryne,
Whether I quote Catullus, Ovid,
And she Corinna or Lesbia,
She just do not want to break marriage!
(He cries.)
Oh Satan, mercy, oh mercy,
Mercy to the servant in the deep!
Too hard is my job these days!
I yearn back to my hell,
I long back to the old Lethe
And to the sighing forest of suicide
And to the fire river of the Phlegethon
And the purple grenades of Cyrus
And the swan lake of Acherus
And to Hades' Pandemonium,
To Beelzebub and Belial and Satan
And Lucifer and the mother Lilith!
(He cries harder.)
How long shall I on this earth
As a vicious serve my Lord
And Master? By the eternal Abraxas
And the great goddess Ashtaroth,
If I do not soon come home in my hell
Then I must give myself to murder me!
Should I duel me with guns,
Should I cut my veins at the pulse,
Should I drive the car in front of the tree,
Should I throw myself from the high-rise in the depth,
Should I swallow a tube of sleeping pills,
Should I I inject an heroin overdose?
You Bride of Lucifer, O Mother Lilith,
You please Satan as his handmaid,
Please beg for me, O she-devil Lilith,
That Satan in a hurry brings me home to hell!


(Peter Lady-Servant and Eve Pussy.)

Men love but only big breasts.
O, your breasts are perfect, my girlfriend!
(She smiles.)
If they swell out of your dress in spring,
Your white breasts, burns my soul!
God the Father's motherly bosom I will praise,
Because your wonderful breasts reflect
The breasts of my Father in Heaven!
Shall God the Father have motherly breasts?
I read it in the Odes of Solomon:
The Father has his motherly breasts,
Messiah is the motherly milk of the breasts,
And the Spirit milks the motherly breasts of God.
You really sound like a small child.
God gave me a child's pure heart.
What writes my poet in this moment?
The ode to the goddess Aphrodite:

O love's Queen, Anadyomene,
How I dream of love and the joy of love,
How do I, O Queen, long for your love,
For your full chest!

When I look in your face, O Queen of love,
When I look at the face of the heavenly girl,
I believe deeply from the bottom of my life's instincts,
That God is a woman!

O Queen of pleasure and lust and highest bliss,
You goddess, wearing nothing but mother Eve's dress,
On your white body nothing but the light of the sun,
You are my eternity,

Godly girl, so beautiful, Queen of earthly delights,
Eternity will appear in a moment!
O make my bed in the valley of paradise
And give me love's happiness!


(Wagner and Lady-Servant.)

You poor fool, you Christ with sheep's face,
What do you want from my housewife?
Look, everything that she wants to build,
This is the matriarchy of the old stone age.
She wants to rule as the Great Mother,
The Great Mother with the broad breasts,
The Great Mother with the broad pelvis.
The Aryans, however, the master race,
The Aryans, the blond superman,
They raped the Great Mother
And crucified the Son of the Great Mother.
The Aryans are deeply hated by me!
I also know nothing of Nietzsche's superman.
You can also learn, you fool, from Nietzsche
Because when I see Eve Pussy, the woman,
So it seems to me she is a super-woman!
If your mistress, your dominatrix
Makes you angry and punishes your passion,
Be of good courage and let her without grief,
These are nothing but whims of a woman,
The sublunary whims of a woman,
Controlled only by the control of their blood,
Ruled by the moon and all its vagaries,
A capricious nature of the weather,
To rain, but the sunshine follows.
Let you be dominated not by a woman,
For in the Bible Solomon said:
If you go to a woman, do not forget the whip!
This is probably a word from the Antichrist.
But my Domina is a judge,
When she smiles at me full of charm,
So I live in paradise's garden,
If she is angry with me in inexorable rigor,
She damns me to hell's dungeon,
And when I looked at her charm
And devour me from languishing desire
And she still wants to look again,
This is a purgatory here on earth.
You think still like little children,
The beautiful lady was the Charity of God?
Just because the female has no one,
So I've brought her to me in my house,
That she cleans my house as a housewife.
The devil in need just eats flies.
But when I become a lottery millionaire,
Then I'll buy for me Miss America.


(Title seller, banker, Wagner, Harlequin.)

Wagner, if you'll be Prince of Darkness,
Then must be your princess a demon.
Lucifer, the god of the morning star,
Has his Lilith, his she-demon.
If you show the full pocket
From a man's power, the pocket,
And you show the sex part of your money
And show the subjects of your bills
And brag to the power of the golden calf,
Then you need also the queen of gold,
The rich wife, the goddess of luxury!
O Luxury, Luxury, you deadly sin,
You lust in the physical fabric,
Enjoyment of bodies, wealth and power,
I pray to you, golden decorated goddess,
O luxury's Empress, you whore of Babylon!
In the Commedia dell'Arte
Is Eve Pussy equal to Colombine,
Colombine or Cindarella,
Cindarella or Povarella,
Intimate comrade of all lovers.
Can you make something out of Eve Pussy?
I know a lady who is rich,
Who is viewed in the world,
Loved by all and praised by all,
Which adorns herself like a golden jewelry,
She has traveled around the globe
And knows how women must behave,
The ladies at the side of rich men.
Can not come this rich lady
And teach my poor Eve Pussy
How to behave like a lady?
No, she will not come, the fine lady,
Entering in such a house!
But Eve Pussy may send to the lady.
If she submits in humility of dogs,
Then the lady will instruct her
In the happiness of the vanity of vanities.
What is the name of that fine lady?
Pandora is her name, gift of all gods.


(An advocat and his adopted son Plato.)

You must have a hard heart, boy,
The whole world is full of bastards!
You just have to think you are the winner,
The happy one, the hero, the victor!
Show everyone your middle finger
And say, I alone and no one else!
Oh how so sweet it is in my heart,
I'd like the whole earthly world to embrace,
To touch the tender mother nature,
Which is beautiful as the Queen of May,
From whom to me sang my nurse.
Fairy tales, fables of old women!
Forget the old nurse's piety!
Only old women pray the rosary.
But I love the heavenly mother!
The sky is a cloud's cuckoo land!
On earth you have to stand your man!
Here the war is raging, here fight your fight,
You must stand with both feet on the ground!
Heaven is still full of candy.
I'll buy you everything you want to have,
I'll buy it for you with hard money.
I have the satanaists, the communists,
The fascists, the national socialists,
The Maoists, the terrorists
And rapists and child molesters
Redeemed from the just penalty,
I spoke before the court for Hitler
And gave him a place of honor with mother
Teresa of Calcutta in the heavens.
And so I have become a rich man
And shit on the poor vagabonds!
The brighter to me is the sweet heaven,
The darker to me the bitter earth.
You are a child, you're still a right child,
Believe in the fairy tale of the love of God.
Learn only the wisdom of this world,
Then you'll with cynical love only yourself.
I believe in myself,
Because I'm smarter than God!


(The nun Toto, Plato.)

My little beautiful sweet boy Plato,
I know in your childhood sweet years
Did you like the loving child's mother
And pour the faith in love
By tenderness of the sweet motherly love
And has raised yourself to the breasts
Of the Mother of God and she has nourished you with milk,
The Mother of God has kissed you with her lips,
The Mother of God has cherished you in her arms,
You were the Mother of God's beloved child.
Because you loved the sweet Infant Jesus
And with the Infant Jesus and the angels
You played football with the sun.
Love, the little God, was so dear to me!
Now you already have in your early childhood
Learned a pain in your heart
And your child's mother died,
You have been a motherless orphan.
Although the advocat has adopted you,
But now you are educated in the spirit
Of the world of wealth, fame and power
And this underground culture of death
Occurs with temptations to your soul,
They teach you the art of witchcraft,
The fallacy of Islam, gluttony
And the idolatry of transience.
And one day will awaken in you
The sexuality of all instincts
And you will then live in a world
Of hedonism and sexual immorality.
Oh, I'll be happy, Sister Toto?
In the midst of your childish pure heart,
In the seventh chamber of the soul's castle
Still lives the sweet love of God,
The sweet love, sweet as milk.
And all the saints and all the angels
And the beloved nurse in heaven,
Their intercession bless your good soul
And implore God's Spirit down on you.
I think I already forget how Jesus
And God have been in my childhood.
God always precedes you as a light,
A glimmer of God shines above you
And leads you through the pilgrimage of the earth
Up to the bay of bliss!


(Title seller, banker, Wagner, Harlequin, Eve Pussy.)

How is the price of cow's milk on the world market?
The farmers on the German country in the north
For starvation wages produce milk.
What they get for one liter mil,
That is not enough to feed the cows.
The farmers them only hang up!
The idiots who kill themselves!
You can only laugh and sneer!
But if a man stands on the precipice and wants
To fall down, one should push him!
The German cow's milk but is so cheap
And comes out after Hindostan,
The poor peasants in the Hindu country
Do not sell their milk anymore because they
Assets not so cheap for sale
The milk of the Hindu cows as the milk
Of the German cow in the land of the Holy Cow.
What are to me India's poor farmers?
What are to me the children of Africa?
Whether a flood washed over the earth,
What the hell, I got my sheep only in drying.
Ye men are talking about politics,
Ye are talking about football, then determined
About the computers. Oh I want to be like
My bosom friend Anne Fuck-the-bottle!
Ah, Anne Fuck-the-bottle!
My beloved bosom friend
Understands me better than a man ever could.
Ye men think we women have only
The femininity of the body, but we women
Understand the femininity of the soul.
If your husbands souls praise
Dead things such as computers or
The policy of the state, then women are talking
About life, the garden, the dogs,
About men also, especially the children,
For feminine souls love only
Life, as it did my name says,
For Eve, that is, mother of life.


Now looks at me the whole earth,
Because this body is desirable!
My feminine body is built slim
And my sweet breasts well formed,
My face is clean and harmonious.
As my physical beauty is great!
This is a secret of my fashion,
That my clothes conceal not alone,
In truth they reveal the body.
For this is the eroticism in fashion,
That the veil still increases the nudity,
That all stimuli are reinforced,
That all needs to be more inflamed.
For my red dress is good,
That everyone wants to take away from me.
But so cheap I'm not to get,
For I must live by the body stimuli.
Now I am beautiful and shapely my body,
Now I have to find myself the right man,
Which can supply me for life.
If I but too willingly give myself
For a moment to the man,
I appear for the rich man cheap
And not as expensive, but worthless.
But I save my highest stimuli
And stay but promising erotic
And a promise of the highest bliss of love,
So he will want to conquer me
With the weapon of a man, his money.
He will buy me nice clothes
For his object of desire to beautify me,
And I will buy jewelry and diamonds
And make me golden like a golden calf,
The idol of male desire.
When I exhausted the masculinity
Of money and male potency
Of gold, I give myself to pay me
In the right moment, the right Cairos,
As on the highest peak of his claim
And in the most flourishing of my beauty.
Then I take for my husband the rich.
Because of the hour at the height of
Beauty and feminine stimulus
Starts my charm to fade, oh,
A female without erotic stimulus is completely worthless!
And nobody pays for old withered women.


(Eve Pussy, Anne Fuck-the-bottle, Harlequin.)

My Peter Lady-Servant harassed me very
With his love, his Platonism.
He wants me to think only his
Thoughts, to accept his faith
And that I alienate myself mentally so
From my husband, whom loyalty I promised.
Although my Peter Lady-Servant claims
He would only consider spiritual beauty
And my beauty is a reflection for him
Of the beauty of God, but I know
And feel that he is keen on my body!
I know, I know, you are his sex idol!
These are nothing more than physical insincts,
But spiritual souls love more than sensual.
Do not be too strict with your Lady-Servant,
Who is always ready to serve you,
Who so much have helped you and so often
Has sacrificed himself for you by deeds.
The faithful servant, think of him warm!
You'd be pretty and stupid, beloved friend,
If you send away the servant by severity.
How happy I'd be, if I'd own such an
Admirer who makes himself a slave!
Maitresse, mon amour! Votre serviteur!
I must teach you the French yet.
Jeune fille, mon amour et ma désire!
Ah, que tu veut, mon Prince Carneval?
Ah, voulez-vous couchez avec moi?
Vénus, ta grace est extraordinaire,
O très bizarre ta grace, déesse Vénus!


(Harlequin alone at night.)

O Satan, you're the father of lies,
O Satan, you're the murderer,
I'm all yours, I'm a child of the devil!
But it is too much for me,
What you want from me, you murderer.
It's all still just that I think
Brother Wagner to lead into hell,
This is made easy for me by himself,
Because he abandoned the free will
And Satan can ride on his back,
As Doctor Martin Luther once taught.
However, murderer, father of lies, Satan,
This one is too hard for your son,
The chaste Eve Pussy to seduce!
Today I'm back as failed,
She has complained of Master Eckhart
And Peter Lady-Servant has comforted her.
She slept in the bed, he sat next door,
She bathed in her tub,
He waited quite chaste in front of the outdoor,
Then he invited the beloved mistress
With him to eat in a restaurant
The fast food vegetarian of Buddha,
Then the chaste Eve Pussy but said:
I can not go out to eat with you, friend,
That would not be right to my husband.
O Satan, damn me to hell,
Snatch me from the vanity of the world
And tear me down to those places
Of the hellish inferno, where gathered
Are the philosophers of hedonism
And all this Epicurean pigs,
Then I will enjoy the Hedone,
As to the phallus of Lucifer
I homosexual desire prepare!
Damned piety on this earth!
How do I get a stomachache when
I hear Peter Lady-Servant preaching:
On earth, pain, pain, nothing but pain,
In Paradise then nothing but bliss!



(Anne Fuck-the-bottle and her cousin.)

What means my name Anne, dear cousin?
Your name Anne is called in the north Nanna
And Nanna, this name is called: The Mother.
In Susa or Ecbatana
Your name Anne is also called Anahita,
And Anahita is the morning star
And is also the celestial ocean
And is the Great Mother of all life.
The Bible calls her: Goddess Nanaea!
But the mother is called in Persian Mitra,
But the mother is called in Persian Mayr.
And so we see mother Anna,
Saint Anne, who has born Saint Mary,
Mary, Star of the Sea and morning star,
And Anne, or grace of God or Charis.
So my name is grace or mother?
Yes, grace also means beauty, charm and sweetness,
Delight, pleasure, kindness and gratitude,
Thus the deity is the Great Mother.
The deity you call a Great Mother?
Because Mary is God? Is not God the Father?
The troubadour of Our Lady, Saint Bernard,
Spoke: The Lord God is truly Magna Mater!
But when I hear blaspheming brother Wagner,
He always complains of the matriarchy.
He hates women and he hates the mother,
He hates the womb, the fetus,
He hates life and he hates love
And so he hates logically God!
It is a battle in our time on earth,
Love is struggling with anti-love.
Where do you see this fight on earth?
The woman's motherhood is attacked,
The woman's womb is attacked,
The love of fertility is attacked,
Holiness of life is attacked.
What makes very happy the mothers but children!
I thank thee, O woman, that you're a woman!


(Anne Fuck-the-bottle and her cousin.)

I the whole night could not sleep,
I lay in a half awake state
And saw you naked as goddess Venus
Emerging from the sea with full breasts.
I dreamed of my bosom friend,
From my beloved Eve Pussy.
We wanted to dance like the Indians.
What is a dance that you like to dance?
Le danse de ventre, mon ami cousin.
I'd like to see you as odalisque.
Enough of dreams! Here is life!
The reality is mean and stupid,
Hurtful, ugly reality,
But only reality is true.
So now with the feet on the ground?
I want to open a business.
What do you want to sell?
I heard on a quiet winter evening,
How Eve Pussy quietly complained that
Her husband at night no more visits her in bed,
And Peter Lady-Servant to her comfort
Promised her a comforting dildo.
One thing for masturbation for women?
I now read but in the Kamasutra
The scientific description of such
Artificial man's phallus, which, of wood,
Of stone and hard rubber, thick and thin
And long and short and broad and narrow, whatever
To a vulva of a woman fits, because
One has a hare-vulva,
One a mare vulva,
The elephant vulva is the third.
For each vulva there is a phallus,
And when a woman is not loved by a man,
So I offer her a phallus of rubber,
From wood and stone the little God and Lord.


(Lady Pandora and Anne Fuck-the-bottle.)

In the shelf here are my books,
First, here the art of tantric sex,
In addition, there is the art of Tao Sex
And then the memoirs of Casanova.
In my days, love was still morally,
But today we practice free love.
In ancient India there was the goddess of love,
The religious man went to a brothel
And adorned the coveted and beloved
With all the emblems of his goddess
And then slept with a prostitute, but
In truth he was sleeping with the goddess of love.
Oh, unfortunately perished religion,
I would like to be a temple prostitute.
The goddess of love still lives!
I saw the Venus of America,
She is called Miss America, she is
The ideal of a film actresses,
The singers and the dancers.
The artists are prostitutes
Of the goddess Venus of America.
They play their roles highly erotic
And moan their fervent chants
To the copulating drums, moaning
And dancing on stage copulating
And only wear a dress or even a near nothing
Skin-colored bikini on stage
And then dance lasciviously with giant snakes.
But who wants more from the prostitutes,
Looking at the computer into the
Worldwide network, because that is a brothel,
A show of the the temple prostitutes
Of the Goddess Venus of America,
Even the lips of her vagina naked!
There were but also in ancient Greece
Courtesans, world famous prostitutes,
Glykere, Thais, Lais, Phryne and
Aspasia and how they were all called.
Today are called this temple prostitutes
Of the goddess Venus of America
Rhianna, Britney, Jennifer, Christina,
Yes, Angelina is priced even as Venus.
They prostitute themselves in Venus' name
And make this earth to brothel,
The world a whorehouse of Venus.


(Pandora, Eve Pussy, Anne Fuck-the-bottle, Harlequin.)

You beloved women, my two daughters,
It is wise that you sleep enough!
Relaxe yourself often in a bathtub
And select the bath oil of harmony
And select the bath oil of vitality
And select the spruce oil for your bath.
Take only cosmetics that are not made
According to animal experiments, because that is cruel.
Diets are to your body shape
Desirable obtained, especially
In the summer you need the bikini shape.
In the diet avoid meat and fish
And pay attention to the bases and acids.
Drink bo alcohol, drinke but green tea
And your spirit through meditation cultivate
Through yoga, autogenic training and
Qi Gong, the breathing techniques of the East.
All we keep very punctual,
What do we lack even for a good life?
Full irreplaceable is a good family friend.
Hey, Harlequin, you can certainly explain
How is to hold a family friend as a woman.
I'm also interested. Explain to me love!
The women now want to study?
Am I at a university
Of Melian nymphs and naiads
And I am a doctor of theology there
And have round about me a harem of girls,
Of girls who are eternally young and lovely?
At sixteen, she comes to the harem,
With twenty-two years she will be separated,
Then come new sixteen year old girls!
So here I am to keep catechesis
And teach from the Catechism of Cupid?
Yes, at number seven thousand thirteen
Cupid's catechism, I quote,
Speaks of the imperative nature of the friend.
And in point seven one thousand seventieths
Cupid's Catechism goes on to say:
The bashful star of love of a house-friend is nothing
Compared with the sunlight of marriage.
What am I saying? O Satan! Catechism!
Release me from the University of
Woman and the female scholars, Satan,
A bluestocking is worse than hell!


(Advocat, boy Plato, Wagner.)

The people are all but bastards,
Only you I do like, good brother Wagner!
What will you do with the little Plato?
You should have seen my wife,
Sterile and without an uterus in her lap,
I gave her the foaming champagne
And the champagne went to cocaine
And in cocaine intoxication she cried:
I want a child, I want to have a baby!
So I adopted for her the little Plato.
Now make him also to an image in your likeness.
He shall see, how the rich men live,
One thing is clear: There is no God in heaven!
Look at the eyes of a dead man,
Staring at you the bare cold nothingness.
So there is just nothing after death,
There is nothing smart but to enjoy on earth.
Because if there is no God in heaven,
The highest wisdom is hedonism.
Why does the dog licks his testicles?
He does it because only he can it!
How was fun up there but in the solar plane,
I was scared while at the rise, but
Since I've been keeping my eyes.
But as I floated in the glider
And below could see the cows in the meadows,
As with the black and white spots
The cows looked like penguins.
To me everything you have called I like,
I'll buy you everything you want to have,
The warriors from outer space I buy for you,
Get the empire of the Death Star!
There is a word that says love is God,
The word is sharper than a laser sword!


(Peter Lady-Servant and Eve Pussy.)

The seventy-three books in the book
Praise all thy beauty, girlfriend,
But more than your beauty still glorify
I thy goodness, girlfriend, your kindness.
I'm at that age of a woman
When the woman no longer wins by her charms,
Since she wins by qualities of mind.
How fleeting youth charm is,
Nothing is equal to the physical beauty.
However, the mistress's feminine soul,
Which God preserves in her interior,
Is praiseworthy as the angels of God.
In my soul is a spark of God,
More I do not know of the wise Master Eckard.
In the innermost chamber of the soul's castle
In your soul God is like a crystal.
This I know of Teresa of Jesus.
The spiritual friendship is dearer to me
Then the eagerness of hot passion.
Passion creates suffering,
Friendship but in the mystery of God
Mysterious brings alive friendship with God.
The vulgar mob in the streets
Says: Between husband and wife is friendship
Impossible, just so long is the man
A friend of the woman, until he finally
Lures her into his bed and sleeps with her.
But Saint Francis was a friend of Saint Clare,
Saint John of the cross was a friend of Teresa,
Saint John Paul the Great was a friend
Of Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta.
What it's not called all friendship today!
Often the girlfriends are only concubines.
In your friendship in the chaste limits
I met wisdom, my girlfriend,
Lady wisdom namely is my true girlfriend.


(Wagner, Advocat, Peter Lady-Servant.)

You, brother Wagner, have the right to
Call Eve Pussy your wife,
Until she is separated from you by death.
But then from eternity to eternity
I live reunited with my ideal.
So you want her as a chaste virgin, Peter,
On earth, respect the law,
In the heavens make me a cuckold?
What has Christ with Belial together,
With Satan my Hagia Sophia?
Predestination is a marvelous thing,
As Goethe says. When I see you, Wagner,
Then I believe in the wisdom of Jesus Sirach,
The evil wicked are created by God
To eternal damnation in hell.
That does not scare me, because then I'll be glad.
But Eve Pussy is a heavenly kingdom
On earth, Eve Pussy is Malkuth,
She is the Shekinah, God's dwelling.
When I sit with her at the table in
The kingdom of heaven of friendship among spirits,
Then that's a foretaste of heaven,
Since I'm with Jesus and Mary
At the table in the paradise of God.
But I have the money to buy the bread,
I buy the food, and you eat it,
I work in the sweat of the brow
And you worship the goddess of sweet idleness.
God gave it to his favorites in their sleep.
Yes, worship only the god of laziness,
The star-shillings can rain down.
I go to work in the office, a real man
Lives not alone by word of the mouth of God,
A man lives by bread. The poet says,
Food comes first, then comes ethics,
Divine chatter does not satisfy us!
The food you do not know which feds me,
Because I feed myself from love.
(makes the hand gesture of "fig")
You live from love, you're fucking the women
And they invite you to lunch?



(Title seller and his friend Keno of Finkenburg.)

I know of no one as chaste as you.
Who does not kiss the woman, kisses the red wine.
But how do you live the violence of the shoots?
I have a collection of Venus images,
The statues of the ancients antiquity,
The Knidia and Our Lady of Milo,
Apelles' Venus Anadyomene,
I have the Venus Felix and Venus
From Belvedere, those of Colonna,
I have the Venus of Urbino and
The Sleeping Venus by Giorgione and
Velasquez's Venus with the beautiful back,
Watteau's Cythera with the beautiful ass,
The Medici Venus, by Raphael
Galathea and the Graces.
Oh lust of the flesh, oh lust of the eyes, oh lust!
And then I am drunken at midnight,
Then I read the anthology of the Greeks
And Sappho's odes to lesbian women,
Catullus' odes to Lesbia,
Ovidus elegies for Corinna,
Propertius, Tibullus, Horace, but Virgil not,
But Martial and Juvenal very much.
So you mage pure your erotic instints?
If not dominates me Lord Thanatos,
Masters me always Lady Libido.
And also you dream of Lady Libido?
In vases, goblets, fountains, pools, yes,
I dream every night of the hips.
Is there no woman in your life?
But, sometimes I come for lunch
To my neighbor, to Eve Pussy.


(Harlequin and Keno of Finkenburg.)

My dear Keno Count of Finkenburg,
Look what i found here for you.
What do you have in the bag for me?
From Eve Pussy a black slip,
From Eve Pussy a red slip,
From Eve Pussy a white slip
And one of her white bra
And one of her red bra
And one of her black bra.
The black bra I know,
I've given it her at Christmas.
Where did you get all this stuff from?
I stole it from her bedchamber,
For you, I know you're a fetishist.
Forgive me, immaculate Eve Pussy!
We know why she's called pussy!
Not what you're thinking, kinky bitch!
No, Pussy is a name from the Bible!
Do not read the book! Oremus, Finkenburg.
Oremus? But how, how to pray?
Saint Pussy, virgin, pray for us!
Saint Pussy, girl, pray for us!
Saint pussy, Lady, pray for us!
Saint Pussy, chaste one, pray for us!
Saint Pussy, beautiful one, pray for us!
Saint Pussy, beloved, pray for us!
Saint Pussy with the uninjured Hymen,
Saint Pussy with the fig of your womb,
Hear us, hear us, O Saint Pussy!
For this blasphemy gets you the devil!
What? What is blasphemy?
Obscene speeches about my mistress!


(Title seller and Wagner.)

How has the world changed for the worse yet!
There have fought our fathers nor
As heroes with the atomic bombs,
Since it were renamed atomic bombs
In God's name Holy Trinity.
Where are the good old days gone?
Today children already struggling with death stars!
A death star destroys the galaxy
Of the sun and Andomeda!
No, that is not fought gallantly!
If only the universe no longer existed!
Why is there a something
And not rather just nothing? Were everything nothing!
This woman has bewitched you, my brother Wagner!
Eve Pussy is a witch!
Always she murmurs: Om mani padme hum!
The Antichrist's magic formula is that!
Then she painted pentagrams on the floor,
As if she wants to summon black dogs.
Then she makes dolls that look like you,
And pierces in these dolls sharp needles.
She is also wearing amulets, talismans,
Summons the goddess Hecate and calls
The witches of Thessaly, that they might thee
To turn into the body of a donkey,
The occult philosophy of Aggrippas
From Nettesheim she studied and three times
And thrice-three times she wraps bands
Around her neck with magical medals
Of the Black Madonna of Czestochowa!
The witch! O would prefer a whore!
Oh, that all the women would be those hookers
As recently in the magazine for men!
Fine materially she wants just to be, the witch!
The word video means knowledge,
Video and Veda means also the same.
So you buy a video and watch
The girl of your dreams, how the gun
She will smiling lustfully take in her mouth!
You know, the woman is now called Angelina.
I bought a video of a phantastic story,
Daemona is the woman in that video.


(Wagner and a chief inspector.)

So, brother Wagner, I've caught you!
I am the pure innocence in person!
Well, there are pious Christians
In the banking industry. But, unfortunately,
The money, the love of money is the evil's source
Of some diabolical temptation, root
Of evil is the love of money.
No, Christians stand before the Lord
And judge their soul and so
They remain honest in the banking industry.
There are also people who are honest,
Although they do not believe in Jesus Christ,
But they are afraid of the bad reputation
And always keep neat their vest
Of the fraud with money.
But then there are people also, the smart
As foxes are still smarter than the peasants,
Famous is the shrewdness, but
Famous nor the cunning of a fox.
So smart people in the banking industry
Are smart enough to speculate with money
That did others gather at the bank,
And these smart people can then
Let the money of others diligently work
And let the profit of speculation
Dexterity flow in their own pocket.
So the little man comes in banking
Through his cunning but to great wealth.
What have I to do with you, cop?
Lies are said to have short legs
And honestly, it is said, lasts. But still l fear.
But your tricks and all lies
Are revealed and come to the light.
Yes, wealth is founded on fraud
Like cuckoo eggs in the nest of the dove!
What do I care about that? I do what I want!


(Keno of Finkenburg, Harlequin, Inspector.)

My godfather – even the devil have godparents -
My godfather gave me this wisdom:
A man should take a good woman,
A woman who knows how to behave
And chaste is still in the marital bed
And that is faithful to the marital duties.
A man should not such a woman,
Who happy is to fuck, that brings nothing but trouble.
But if the woman can fuck very good, so should
The man they her just take for his concubine.
You have the chaste lady Eve Pussy
Stolen her silken underwear!
I only did it for you, you fat barrel of wine!
Isn't in love everything allowed,
Isn't everything allowed in the war of love?
I find the most sins and crimes
Done in passion and desire.
This gives the thief no right, that he desires.
I have a witness here for your
Crimes. Repentance is placed before you:
Give Eve Pussy her panties back
And her bra! But you
Shall go to jail, there on bread and water
As monks you shalt fast and repent.
I am not afraid in front of the prison, cop,
There are in prison so many asses,
I want all of them to serve
With my dick, to the delight of masochists
Which needs always an evil sadist.
You devil, is not a good man to purify out of you?
On the first day of creation, God the Lord
Damned me to eternal damnation,
So I do nothing but God's will,
If I am nothing but a devil.
It takes the negative of the devil also
The Lord, therefore the positive shines.
Why there is no Saint Judas Iscariot
Because he brought Jesus Christ to the cross?


(Satan, Harlequin, Dame Sin.)

You poor stupid fool Harlequin,
I am not satisfied with you!
Has Eve Pussy broken her marriage?
No! But she reads Master Eckard!
I rushed all the passions to
And all murky sludge of animal's
Lust, lust of the flesh and lust of the eyes,
But she has a hard heart of stone!
But I am the ruler of the world,
I am the naked goddess of temptation
Who mates in fornication with Satan, the serpent.
How great is my triumph but on earth!
There exist in the world the concubines,
Because this time is a time of concubines,
For this hour is the hour of bastards!
But a woman is on the earth still,
Who not with her friend commits adultery.
So I sneak at night as a night ghost
In Peter Lady-Servant's brain and haunt
As once in front of Saint Anthony
And suck him as a naked woman in a dream
The moist seeds from his hard phallus.
The mother of all life, mother Eve,
I once seduced as lascivious snake
And attracted her to the tree with his apples
And attracted her to the bush with the sweet fig.
And to look upon it what a pleasure it was,
The pair of apples and the divided plum.
And I was lusting as a lascivious snake
And slipped in the divided plum.
And Eve itched in her vulva
And she has renounced God's instruction
And broke the marriage with Adam
And played the harlot with the serpent Lucifer.
And now to this chaste Eve Pussy,
Is she faithful to God as the mother of all Christians?
I failed at this super woman!
O Satan, free me from prison!
Although I am not worthy to be called thy son,
Only take me as your laziest servant
And take me back into the jaws of hell!


(Two prison guards.)

And suddenly I was paralyzed on his body
And I'm blind at my eyes' star
And fell into a deep sleep like a trance.
When I awoke, was the prison door
Opened, the prisoner fled, the fool.
It smells like rotten eggs.
I do not know, isn't it a smell of sulfur?
So I imagine myself the stench of the plague.
It skip fleas from the fur of the rats
And they itch me at my pubic hair.
All this points to the devil.
This is not too fishy.
My grandmother blessed, pious,
Always crossed her mother's breast.
In my childhood had the village priest
Blessed everything with holy water.
We have given up everything
And believe that the devil is stupid
As an Arlecchino from the puppet show.
But here we see the miracle worker.
It almost forces me to worship the devil,
Who such large work of wonders can do.
If it did not smells just so disgusting!
The rat scurries in the dungeon.
On, beat them to death, the disgusting rats!
What the Inspector said
And what the judge and the prosecutor?
He will send us into the deepest cellar,
And while these poor devil is free,
Are we caught in the cellar.
How tricky is the evil, my deadly enemy!


(Wagner, Eve Pussy, Peter Lady-Servant.)

O Natas, Natas, Natas! Sex, sex, sex!
Woof, Woof, Woof, Woof, Woof, Woof!
There are jumping out of your mouth frogs!
Yes, Jesus is the Holy One of the Lord,
I but the property of the Antichrist!
What is your name, you demon in Wagner?
My name is Legion! Yes, we are many!
Who am I? And if so, how many then?
In the name of Jesus, come out, you demon!
Ah, anger tearing me apart, hate and aggression!
I'll kill you all! Come, get beats!
I will murder all mankind!
There are all the women nothing but pussies!
You, Eve Pussy, come here at once!
You, Peter Lady-Servant, immediately come here!
I beat you both your skulls!
In Jesus and Mary's name, be silent!
Ah hell, hell, hell, hell, hell!

(He rushes away screaming.)

Are you frightened, my beloved?
I am amazed what the name of Jesus can do.
Human dignity that God has given us,
Prohibits man that he
Contractually moors to a slave,
A slave of another man,
Immoral would be the contract before God.
But I want to bow down before you,
With my tears to wash your feet,
With my hair to dry your feet,
And to say: I am your lowest slave!
Be the lowest slave of the Madonna!
It's me, the lowest slave of the Madonna!


I think now about a pretty woman,
Her name is: The chaste deep lily,
She always asks her husband:
My Lord and my husband! The poor poet,
This our friend and Christian brother,
Has a hunger for baked duck
With rice and peanut butter sauce.
The husband always speaks: Now is not the time.
The pretty woman, the chaste deep lily,
Full of promises smiles at the poet,
And see, to the Eucharist, there are
Rice, peanut butter sauce, and duck meat!

And so this comedy ends – clap your hands!