Herausgegeben von Dr. P.M. – Herausgeber der


By Josef Maria Mayer

"See, experience speaks
In my wise and didactic poem."



The sounds arise
In the heart of man.
The combination of sounds
For the amusement of the people
And their connection with feathers and tassels
Is also called music.

When the heart is moved by grief,
Is sharp and dying the sound.
When the heart is moved by joy,
Is slow and soft the sound.
When the heart is moved by luck,
Is strong and scattering the sound.
When the heart is moved by anger,
Is coarse and cruel the sound.
When the heart is moved with reverence,
Is modest the sound.
And when the heart is moved by love,
Is mild and tender the sound.

A present generation in order
Produces peaceful, serene tones,
Because the commandments of the rule are mild.
A generation without balance
Brings forth rumbling, angry tones,
Because their rule is oppressive.
A people that has come to destruction,
Brings longingly out painful sounds,
Because of its citizens are desperate!

The sounds from the mulberry forest
And the sounds from the southern river
Are sounds of a dying people.
The precepts of the rule are chaotic,
The people are scattered,
They slander the authorities
And are selfish.

The sounds arise in the human heart.
The music brings harmony
In the relations among people.
Although the animals sound familiar, but not tones,
The mob knows tones, but no music.
Only the Way is able to make sense
That the music can be seen.

The highest perfection of music
Is not in pomp and circumstances of the tones,
As in the moral law
By the holy oblation
It does not depend on the taste of the holy bread.

The old rulers were not considered
In the design of custom and music,
To serve the lust of the eyes and the ears
And the desire of mouth and stomach,
But they wanted to teach the people
To moderate his sympathy and antipathy
And to organize the people.

Man is quiet by nature.
So is his heavenly soul.
By moving outward appearances,
Human excite shoots.
By the externals
Arises consciousness,
Caused by the awareness
Of sympathy and antipathy.
If sympathy and antipathy
Not classified are inside,
Expires awareness of appearances,
Man loses his own personality
And it goes out the divine order.

But externals
Always affect humans.
If his sympathy and antipathy
In the interior are not ordered,
Expires man the externals,
Then he destroys in himself
The divine order
And forfeit the instincts and desires.

Then the timid souls are
Abused by the sinners.
The sick are not maintained,
The widows not comforted,
The orphans not kept.
This is the general chaos.

Therefore created the ancient rulers
The moral law, and the music,
To harmonize human life.
Mourning garments, weeping and wailing
Rules the mourning for the dead.
Bells and drums serve,
Shaping the joy harmonious.
The youth initiation, the wedding rites
Serve the sexes
In breeding to unite.


Cause the music
Is union in love,
The moral law shows differences .
In the musical
Union of the people who love one another.
But if too much is the music,
Do melt away the souls.
But it is too powerful for the moral law,
To harden the heart.
To harmonize the feelings
And to make the outside world according to the beauty
Is the task of music
And the moral law of the old.

As the music comes from the interior of the human beings,
It makes peace of the soul.
Because the moral law assigns the outside world,
It designed the world of beauty.
The highest music is very simple
And the true moral law is simple.
The highest music
Removes the grief and resentment,
The holy moral law
Removes the discord and strife.
Through kindness,
Compliance and gentleness and meekness
To order the world,
Is the task of music
And of the holy moral law.

The truly great music
Works with heaven
And earth
The harmonious unity of the people
By uniting them in love.
The holy moral law
Interacts with heaven
And earth by the rhythm of life
To bring the people together.

In the visible world
There is the moral law
And there is the music.
In the invisible world
God reigns
And rule the blessed spirits.
So, people are connected to each other
Through mutual respect,
Appreciation, awe,
And connected by mutual
Because of that does the moral law
Be consistent with the true music.

So who understood the nature of the moral law
And the sanctity of music recognized,
Is able to make it creative.
Who shapes the moral law
And the shapes of the music explored,
Can live the moral law
And deliver the true music.
Who is able to make it creative,
Is a holy man,
Who can them deliver,
Is a sage.
The titles of saints and sages
Refers to creating and handing down.

The creative origin
Of music is in heaven;
The moral law
Adjusts the lives of people on earth.

The association of people
In the specific relationships
Without strife and suffering
Is the essence of true music.
The effects of music
Are serenity and joy
And pleasure and love!


The princes created music,
When they had finished their work in the world .
The goodness of their secular work
Was decisive
For the quality of their music.

Sublime music,
But without sadness,
Is perfect virtue;
But without hardness,
That can only be a holy man.

The spring acts creatively,
The summer seems to be maturity,
This is love.
The autumn gives the harvest
And the winter ice gathers in the barn,
This is justice.
Love is music,
Justice is virtue.

The music leads to harmony,
It follows the heavenly way
And lifts the soul to God.

Therefore the wise creates music,
So as to serve heaven.
He lives according to virtue,
To serve God on earth.
The purity of the music
Sounds of heaven,
In the purity of virtue
Is transfigured the earth.

In heaven are perfect ideas,
Angelic archetypes of all that exists,
On earth are seeking the creatures
After heavenly perfection.

The grace of heaven leans down,
The pursuit of the earth sought in the air.
Light and shadow belong together,
Heaven and Earth are wedded.
Music is the wedding song
Of heaven and earth.

Music and virtue
Submit to the heights of heaven
And dive down into the depths of the earth.
Music and virtue
Work in light and shadow.
Music and virtue
With the angels and the saints
And glorify God.

Music sounded in the beginning,
Virtue leads souls to perfection.

Alternation of rest and work is
Music between heaven and earth.


The music of the great glorification
Sings forth the honor of the Lord.

Eating duck meat
And drinking the cups of red wine
Is no harm for you.
If there is still controversy
About the eating of meat
Or because of the wine,
So it is because of the wine
Tempers heated.
That is why the wise arranged
The way of carousing.
The virtue of feasting commands,
That are the common mines,
Ceremonial courtesies proves,
That one bows courtly
Before the lady of the house
And the host blesses them with blessings,
So you can spend the night carousing,
Without being drunken.
In this way regulated
The wise men carouses at the banquet
And is no drunkard.
So the mines of red wine serve
And eating duck meat serves
The celebration of the Holy Spirit.
The virtue of the wise
Defend the excessiveness
In the mines of red wine.


Music is the joy of the holy people.
Music is able to improve the mind of man.
Music affects people deeply.
Through music, the wise educators trained
Their spiritual children.

The soul of man
Has power of the blood and consciousness of the senses.
But there is no certain law,
To regulate the grief,
The lust and anger to moderate.
Because grief and joy
And anger is excited
In the outside world.
But only through the regulation
And moderation of the passions
Wins the heart a solid shape.

The wise created music,
Which bright sounded and not scattered,
Which dark was and yet not distressed,
Which strong was in the soul and not angry,
Which wise was and not discouraged.

If a generation
In the decadent chaos sinks,
Then the custom is forgotten
And the music is wild and lustful.

In the confused gender
The music is distressed and weak,
Chandeliers and restless,
Lascivious and wild rhythmic.
They can be drifting so
In the chaos of her confused feelings
And forget the foundation of Wisdom.
Then, when a man has a generous heart,
So his wishes of love tend to be.
But when a man of the heart is hard,
So his thoughts are selfish.
The force of boisterous lust is excited,
The harmonic power of the mind but destroyed.
Therefore the superior man scorned
The chaotic bustle of the decadent sexes.


The holy man denied
Ears lustful words
And the eyes of the lascivious pictures.
Impure music and corrupt customs
Can not come in the thoughts of his heart.
Bad habits
Has no power over his body.
He inaugurates eyes and ears,
Mind and heart and limbs
To the ageless Wisdom
And then doing his duty.
Then he makes music
And does play the harp.

Music is joy.
The noble would be
Recognized on the sacred path.
The commons but looking forward to it,
Their desire to see fulfilled.
But if you will and desire regulate,
Then there is the joy without confusion.
But when talking about desire,
You leave the sacred way
This creates the dull confusion
And no joy of the soul.

The life’s force is an expression of the soul.
Music is the flower of life’s force.
The musical instruments are the tools of music.
The songs express the heart of conscience.
Among the songs sound the strings.
The dancers move
According to the government of the prince.
All of this has its roots
In the interior of the heart.
Only the interior of the heart
Brings instruments to the tones.

So if the prince
In his feelings is pure and clear,
So will also be beautiful his music.
When the prince’s heart is full of courage and strength,
Will he rule the people well.
If harmony is in his interior,
He unfolds the flower of the soul outward.
The music does not allow the hypocrisy.

In music enjoys
The origin of life
And in virtue you return back
To the divine origin.
Music glorifies virtue,
Virtue is grateful to the grace of God,
This is the return to the bosom of the Deity.


If a great artist
Promotes music
And old customs,
Then heaven and earth will
Your power unfold.
Heaven and Earth are wedded.
Light and shadow are combined.
Heaven is blowing with a gentle touch
And the earth is warming.
Heaven shelters and protects
And the earth nourishes the beings.
Since sprouting herbs and trees,
The seeds sprout into the light,
The feathers of the wings stir,
The horns grow the horned.
The pigeons breed,
The cats carry their young.
What emerges in the womb of the mother,
Is not killed!
What emerges in the egg of the mother,
Dies no early death!
If it is so,
Then the music has achieved its goal.


A man said to the master of music:
When I hear the classic songs,
Then it must be always night,
It do not make me fall asleep.
But when I hear the popular songs,
Then my heart is amused.

The master of music spoke:
In classical music
Are the sounds harmonious,
Simple and deep.
The strings and wind instruments
Depend on the percussion.
It assigns the vortex
With the baton
And moderates the movement
With the plectrum.
The wise men are talking about music
And begin from God to speak,
Talk of the sanctity of the family
And of peace in the world.
In popular music
Writhing dancers such as snakes,
Wild loud noise associated
And stun the ear with noise.
Jugglers come in
And fools who behave like monkeys.
One does not know
Who is the father and who is the son
And knows nothing of the spirit.
If the music is noisy,
Can we not talk about it,
One does not think of God at this music,
One thinks only of fornication.

From the wise but one says:
In the silence he used his mind.
His mind was clear and pure,
So he was able to distinguish between good and evil,
He was able to educate children
And to rule over the whims of women.
He brought them to obedience to God
And so also led them entrusted in him
And have reverence for God.
And so he led his charges
For true human love.
The wise ruler led a life without blemish.
He received the grace of God
And he shared it with his sons.

But the sounds of sensual melody,
The lascivious popular songs
Overflowing with lust the will
And weaken the will
And drowning the will to desire.
The tones are hectic,
Chaotic, confusing the mind and the will
And pollute the soul
With lusty sensuality.
The dancers are haughty, proud,
They tear through to sensuality,
For sexual immorality and perversion.
They harm the spirit.
You can not use this music in worship!

In the Odes is said:
Serious, harmonic sounds
Listen to the souls of the departed
In the land of promise.

Now, if a wise man hears sounds,
So he ignored the sound that they make,
But he considered the idea,
Which arises when listening to the music.


Virtue and music,
You may of personality
Be in every moment.
If you let the music act on the soul
To purify the mind,
So matures a quiet, honest and fair attitude.
If such an attitude is in the soul,
Then the soul is happy.
Through joy comes peace,
Peace creates a heavenly type
And the heavenly nature makes similar to the deity!
Celestial Art needs no words
And yet faith is with the good.
Likeness to God does not need to be angry
And will yet reverence.

Music is joy.
Without pleasure man can not live.
The joy expressed in tones,
Participates in moving form.
All changes in the soul
Express themselves in tones and movements.
Without pleasure man can not bear life.
If music expresses joy,
But disordered and wild,
Then it is excessive and destructive.


A man came to the masters of music, saying,
I have heard that certain songs
Be appropriate for certain people.
What kind of music fit for me?

Who is calm and orderly,
Sing the hymns.
Who is calm, far-sighted and truly,
Sing the great psalms.
Who is modest and virtuous,
Sing the little psalms.
Who is plain and humble and dutiful,
Sing folk songs.
Who is truly and full of love,
Sing the songs of love.
Who is friendly and good-natured,
Sing the songs of silence.

The song comes from the word,
The song comes from elongated words.
As man would be,
Thus he speaks of his joy.
When the talk is no longer enough,
So he speaks in verses.
If the verses are no longer sufficient,
So he sighs Ah and Oh.
If even the sigh no longer suffices,
So the physicality begins to dance!



Man at his birth
Is imperfect.
His eyes can not see,
He can not eat,
He can not walk,
He can not speak,
He can not testify.

In the third month
Are fixied the pupils,
Then he can see.
In the eighth month
Waxing his first teeth,
Then he can eat.
In the first years
Will his kneecaps be fixed,
Then he can run.
In the third year
Joins the skull column,
Then he can talk.
In the sixteenth year
Is the seed ripe,
Then he can testify.

Where love is great,
One takes seriously the mourning clothes.

Three days after death
We eat again,
One year after death
We are changing the sackcloth
With silk.
The self-torment of mourners must not
To self-destruction go!
By the death of a human being
Must not be damaged
The life of another man!
The grief does not exceed
The period of three years.
Then the grave is
Not to be re-piled.
The day after the conclusion of victims
You play decent tunes
On the zither,
In order to show the people
The fact that the mourning period is over.

Who for all operations
At the funeral ritual
An employee has,
He makes things happen without a word.
Who needs to talk about himself,
He may lean on his staff.
Who needs to take care of everything himself,
He shall let be in the mourning period
The beard unkempt.

After death
One cries incessantly for three days.
For three months
Do not take off the mourning dress.
For three years
One is sad.
So it wants the Wisdom of Love.
The saint aims
To follow the Wisdom of Love.

But a young woman
From a rebellious family
You shall not marry rather,
Because they rebelled against the spirit of virtue!
A young woman
From a family living in fornication,
You shall not marry rather,
Because they destroy the marriage!
A young woman
From a family of thieves and liars
You shall not marry rather,
Because they are rejected by society!
A young woman
With a nasty disease
You shall not marry rather,
Because she is doomed to die!
The eldest daughter of a divorced man
You shall not marry rather,
Because she in childhood
No mother's love has experienced!

Thou shalt thy wife not cast fromm you,
Because after the divorce she did not know
Where she should go.
Thou shalt thy wife not cast fromm you,
If she has been gone through with you
The bewailimg for your dead father.
Thou shalt thy wife not cast from you,
Because she has endured in common with you
The poverty and humiliation.

A great crime is
The rebellion against God!
A great crime is
The blasphemy of saints and sages!
A great crime is
The revolt against marriage and family!
A great crime is
The blasphemy against the angels!
A great crime is
The killing of a human child!


The son
Should get up at cockcrow,
Then he washes himself
And washes his teeth
And combs his hair
And puts on his hat.
He pulls on a dark garment
And put on the belt
And put his notebook in his pocket.
Then he attached to his belt
A cloth for wiping
And a small mirror,
A lighter
And a writing instrument.
Then he puts on his trousers
And laces up the shoes.

The daughter
Get up at cockcrow
And washes herself
And brushes her beautiful teeth,
She combs the long black hair
And ties the knot of her hair,
Then she put the clasp in her hair knots.
She puts on her silk dress
And gird herself with the magic belt.
She took her cloth belt
And her mirror,
Needle and thread in a bag
And a scented pillow.
Then she binds her sandals
And goes to the son.

The man does not speak
About the internal affairs,
The woman does not speak
About the express matters.

The inner spaces
And the outer spaces
Do not have a common spring,
Man and woman
Do not have a common bathroom,
They do not sleep on the same mat,
They do not wear the same clothes.

What is spoken in the interior,
This pervades not go outside.
What is spoken there,
This penetrates not into the interior.

When the man enters the internal space,
So he did not warble,
At night he wears a candle,
Goes out the candle,
So he remains silent.
If the woman is going out at night,
She may be veiled,
She wears a lamp,
If the lamp goes out,
So she remains silent.

On the road
Go to the right the man
And to the left the woman.

When the woman was about to
Getting a son,
She moved back in the last month
In her bedchamber.
Twice a day, the man sents a messenger,
To ask the woman about her health.
When he came himself,
To inquire after her health,
So the woman did not answer herself,
But instructed her socialite,
Which carefully made ​​toilet
And gave the man an answer.
If the man was fasting,
So he did not go into the bedchamber of the woman.

When the son was born,
They hanged a bow and arrow at the door.
On the third day
Get the boy food.
In honor of the son
Shoots the man an arrow in the air.

We consulted the book,
To determine the godfather.
Wen called the book,
Who fasted strictly
And went to the women's quarters.
Before the door to the bedchamber of the woman
Was handed to him the godson.

Then took the nurse
The son on her arm
And wore it again in the bedroom of the woman,
The host then hosted
The godfather with plenty of wine.

Then you choose the nursery for the boy.
Chose among the ladies those
Who should educate the boy.
Considering these ladies came,
Which broad-minded were,
Noble and kind,
Full of love and truth,
Cautious and secretive.
A lady was governess
And a lady chaperone
And a lady foster mother.
To other people was forbidden the entry
In the children's room of the boy.

In the third month
Did the wife go to the husband
Along with her boys.
She wore a festive mood
As with the full moon’s celebration of the spring equinox.
The man stepped through the door
And looked to the west,
The woman looked to the east.
Then said the lady companion of the woman:
The mother Ai-Wei is allowed
To show on this day her boy
To the man Shi Tuo-Tang.
The man said to the woman:
Be mindful of his good upbringing.
Then the man took
The right hand of the boy,
Smiling with him
And gave him his name:
Tom-Tom thou shalt be called.
The woman said with a charming smile:
We will always remember
Your wise and loving words!
Then the woman returned
In her inner chamber.


When to the king
An heir was born,
So a prince was the heir,

And he taught him to get up in the morning
And to dress carefully
And in the east to appear before heaven.
Then went the heir
From the gate of the house
In the temple
With reverential steps.
So is the way
Of the pious heir.
When he was a child,
He was brought up with the other princes.

When the little king
Was still in diapers,
The duke was his great teacher,
The duke was his grand master.
The teacher of the little king
Worried for his education
In virtue and justice.
The master of the little king
Worried for his education
In obedience and piety.

The duke fortified
The little king
In awe of God
And love to the people.

Man held away from the little king
The wrong people
He shall see no evil deeds.
That is why we chose for the princes
The reverent,
The scholars,
Which in the heavenly way are instructed,
Such princes you should
Being with the little king together,
These lived together with the king
And came and went in his house in and out.
What was the heir to the throne with his eyes?
Goods images of truth!
This the path was of the heir to the throne,
This was the heavenly way.

Man chose the little king’s favorite food,
They gave him rice and cinnamon,
But before he got to taste the food,
Was completed the training,
He first had to worship heaven,
Before he could taste the favorite food.
For what is established in childhood,
That is exercised in life in the long run.

When the young emperor
Goes in the school,
So he learns in the rooms of the east,
To appreciate the love of family
And the relationship with relatives.
It was meticulously arrange.
He learns in the premises of the south
To have reverence for the aged
And listen to the words of mature men
And as a boy to be willing to learn.
He learns in the rooms of the west
To practice the virtues,
He will honor the wise
And love the saints.
He learns in the premises of the north,
To honor the imperial throne
And the knights and noble ladies,
But the peasants not to despise.

Visits the young emperor then
The higher school,
So he turns to the masters,
The heavenly way to get to known.
His spirit and his wisdom will grow,
He will reach the age of reason,
Then he decides
Whichever way he wants to go.

On the bright castle is written:
Determined to be good
And learning to love,
More listening than talking!
When the young emperor has doubts,
So he should ask.
Who can give an answer,
He shall teach the heavenly way.
Who knows the heavenly way,
He shall be called good guide.
The good guide advises
The young Emperor
And gives him wise advices.

Who is founded on the truth
And has the spirit of discernment,
Who supported in doing good,
His name is a man of power.
The man encouraged the force
And the will of the young Emperor.

Who is purely
And noble in overcoming the sins
And from the evil warns,
He is the warning voice.
The warning voice warns
The young emperor before the sins.

Who is experienced and wandered far
And rich in memory
And the answer to everything knows,
He is man's aid.
The man is an help
To the Emperor,
When his memory fails.

The fate of the world depends
From the Son of the Father Heaven.
The Emperor's piety is based on that
What he was already trained as a child.
If his mind is still caught up in doubt,
Should we educate and instruct him,
He can then be easily refined.
Him to lead the heavenly way
And sanctify his reason,
This is the work of educators.
When the young Emperor
But surrenders any arbitrary whim
And bad habits accumulated,
Then there is the sage no longer able
In the immediate vicinity
Still salutary to take influence
On the young Emperor.

If the root is healthy,
So everything is in order.
If only the width of a hair
Leaves the right way,
Thus the deviation will eventually be very large.
Therefore the wise is at the start
Full of caution.

Who lives in the truth,
Is completed in everyday life.

By the choice of a wife,
One has to think on children.
The choice of a wife
Make you respect and love of the virgin.
If the ancestors had been benevolent,
The children will be kind.

The Phoenix is lovingly from birth,
The wolf is greedy from birth.
The children have their good or bad reputation
From a good or bad reputation of the mothers.
Oh, how full of caution needs to be,
That is not raised a wolf
The once destroyed the world!

Regarding education in the mother's womb,
Thus we read in the older writings:
When the queen the fetus
Only seven moons had in her,
So she withdraws into her bedchamber.
Most writers held the flute in their right hand.
The guard guarding the door of the queen.
If in the following month
The queen wants to listen to music,
So you shall play the music of the masters
In the holiness of invention.
When the queen coveted dining,
Thus handed her the cook
Only healthy food.
Then, when the heir to the throne was born,
So the grand master blows his flute
And speaks: The root of the little king
Fits to this particular harmony.
But the cook said:
The little king will taste the following dining.
Then choses a man
Through the oracle
The name of the little king.

When the queen
The little king wore in her womb,
She shall not lean on when standing,
She shall not sit restlessly on the pillow.
When she is alone,
She shall not be proud.
When she is angry,
So she still shall not quarrel.
This is education in the womb.