Josef Maria Mayer
Clement of Alexandria said,
Aphroditissa was born
From the voluptious genitals
Of the Father in Heaven.
She is the Aphroditissa Philommedes,
The sex of love,
So she is Aphroditissa Philomeides,
The laughter of the peak of love!
She is the goddess of the moment,
That the addition carries the mortal
About life, rather,
Than let him capture life
In all its depth.
In the spring come the pigeons
Across the Mediterranean Sea,
The nymph to Europe,
They mate,
Let out of the thicket of foliage
The bewitching cooing sound.
The roses are colored
From the blood of Aphroditissa.
O crooked and jagged thorns,
As you've scratched Aphroditissa!
Your healed not my white skin,
You spare no person
And if it were a divine!
The beautiful sweet Aphroditissa
Has probably experienced yourself,
When she was penetrated.
Therefore, the white roses
Began just to turn to blood!
O white Aphroditissa of Arles!
Queen of Provence!
No mantle conceals your beautiful shoulders,
I see you're the goddess,
The daughter of the clear sky!
Show me your bare arms!
Show me your bare breasts!
Show me your naked thighs!
Show yourself naked, Aphroditissa,
O divine mistress!
Your pure beauty
Suits you better than the mantle.
Let the dress fall to your feet,
Irritable garment that wraps around your waist!
A veil is no longer the most beautiful
What you own!
Let your naked body
Be kissed by the clear sky!
Her black hair is heavily loaded
With scents and colors of flowers.
She is the white rose of the spray,
She is a silvery sheen,
She is a bright flame of love!
She is coming to me, full of grace,
The more I look,
And the earth is sweet
By the name of Aphroditissa!
She came like a bolt out of the flaming lake,
She walked on the water!
The wonderful sea she knows,
The storms and the ways she knows.
With her the roses bloom redder
And more blue the water
In the bays of bliss with her!
The goddess came ashore.
Quickly, she walked on to the fresh shore.
At noon roses the groves,
The warm flowers were confused
As if they arose from a bed confused.
They went to the sea, the sea rose
And threw the dolphin on the beach.
The blood of Aphroditissa
Is mixed with the blood of the people.
The kiss of love
Awakens the sleeping virgin.
The girl awakens to the desire of love!
Tomorrow will feel the bride,
The candle to enlighten!
What do we do with all that money?
We will build a monastery!
The girl of sixteen
Plug into it
And the man of fifty!
Is the abbess of our monastery!
She grews out of the divine foam
From the severed limb
Of the Father in Heaven.
The impregnated foam
Swells to Cythera
And from Cythera to Cyprus.
There she grew up,
In the womb of the sea,
Full bloom of beauty,
Until she put her foot on the sandy beach.
She came on the southwestern coast
Of the island to the shore,
Near Paphos,
Where the spray
Under rose-colored rock
Supple and richly
Flows over the sandy beach.
The idea of maternal power
Consists from the Ice Age
To our days.
She is the goddess,
The evening star, the morning star,
The goddess of the bed,
The fertile abundance,
Gorgeous to look
In her lapis jewelry
And her eyeshadows!
All creatures of the field,
All animals with four legs
Under the open sky,
Fruit trees, gardens,
Flower beds, green grasses,
The fish in the pond,
The birds beneath the sky,
Wait at night when it's quiet,
For their mistress,
All living things
And all the men bow their knees before her,
My Lady looks lovingly friendly
Down from heaven to me,
And all the world strive
Aphroditissa to love!
Even the revered Achaeans
Love her love-goddess
With plump breasts
And the triangle of pubic.
Now they saw in Cyprus
A higher goddess of love,
Pregnancy of the foam.
Ashtoreth was Ashtaroth,
Aschataroth was Attaorethe,
Aattorethe was Aphthorete,
Aphthorethe was Aphrodite.
Aphrodite was born from the Aphros,
Aphrodite is the foam-borne goddess.
Aphrodite's cities are
Solos and Marion,
Salamis and Kouklia.
In Kouklia there is the church
Of Panhagia Aphroditissa!
O Panhagia Aphroditissa,
With your bare breasts,
Pray for me!
Aphroditissa is born
From the loving union
Of the thundering Father in Heaven
With Mother Earth,
The divine mother Dione.
God flows down his rain,
Dione is the very conception!
Others say an egg
Fell from the sky down
In the Euphrates.
Fishes rolled the egg ashore
And pigeons bred
The giant egg on land-based sources.
They hatched from it
The Syrian Goddess
The goddess was of such jurisdiction
And such a beautiful holiness,
That God granted the fish
To shine as a star in the sky.
So the Syrian Goddes is the sacred fish
And the holy dove.
O the genitals
Of the Heavenly Father!
To her immortal flesh
Is wrapped the white foam!
Born from the foam was the girl!
The girl was driven to Cythera
And then to the island of Cyprus in the sea,
There rose the magnificent
Goddess on the beach,
The roses bloomed beneath her feet.
Gods and men, they named
Her name Aphroditissa!
They called Aphroditissa Philommedes,
The sex-loving goddess,
Because the sex of her father's her origin.
Cupid was her partner!
God's desire always accompanied the goddess!
From the beginning she was worshiped
And accepted by the gods and men.
She lives in the giggle
Of the young girls,
In the chatter of the beautiful women,
In the seductive smile of the mistress
And in fulfillment of the dream-sweet longing
And in tender love!
Praise the mussel
Of Aphroditissa!
The goddess on the mussel
Is even in China
Worshiped at the Great Wall!
The goddess emerges from the shell
As just created,
As in the bosom of the pearl mussel
Born and raised.
Why should the foam,
Why should the father's sperm
Not mature in a soft bed,
Included and protected
Two mussel flaps?
Kteis is the mussel,
Kteis is the womb of the woman.
In the womb of the sea
Matured the new goddess.
The clam opened up
Anadyomene and she appears in her nakedness
And maintains a string of pearls in the right hand of man!
She is the goddess of shellfish,
Aphroditissa Philommedes,
The sex-loving Goddess,
Queen of highest sexual satisfaction!
There once were two women
Washed up by the sea
And they came to the temple of the goddess.
The gray-haired grandmother who served in the temple
Promised to rescue the two women:
The goddess comes out of the shell,
As she should probably be able to save two pussies!
See the scallop!
Open the clam,
You can find in her skirts
Under short probes
Fifty glittering eyes,
The collar of Aphroditissa!
These tiny beads as eyes
At the edge of the shell
Are the collar of Aphroditissa!
Aphroditissa is so celebrated
As the Great Mother Margaret,
The mistress of the strings of beads!
A woman has to the Goddess
Dedicated a bronze pin,
On the tip of the needle
An egg of Egyptian porcelain,
Topped with a pearl.
Under the egg
Four pigeons spreading their wings
And drinking out of four lotus flowers,
Between four mouths of bitches.
Aphroditissa came ashore
At the Achni Coast
At Petra tou Romiou,
Near Old Paphos,
Below the road,
The way from Paphos-Ktima to Kourion.
A savage place!
As sacred as bewitching,
How ever a place of a woman being hit,
The silver moon,
The nocturnal desire to adultery.
The cliffs were bathed in pink,
Aphroditissa in color.
The dark blue of the sea
Became tiles in Persian temples.
Beautiful is the foam of the sea,
The shimmering shore drives.
The pink rocks
With black pieces
Rise from the mighty sea,
From Persian blue sea
Separated by a white border.
The wave of the foam of divine seed
Sloshes over a hill of steep coast,
Slides down to the sandy dune,
To deal with the new waves,
To unite the foam of the sea.
Here is a landscape
Of Aphroditissa from blue and pink,
Filled with the roar of the sea.
O Aphroditissa of Paphos,
I looked at your bay of bliss,
My beloved swimming in the blue waves.
Suddenly captured my heart the flame of love.
Of the wet woman of the sea
I pulled myself to burning coals!
You gave your sandy beach
A loving reception.
It binds us the same yearning.
What I had on the country asks for her,
Goddess, you've met her.
Aphroditissa wrapped her body
In charm garments
The Graces made
And dipped in honey aroma
Of crocus and rose petals
And daffodils, swollen by Ambrosia,
And chaste royal lilies.
The spring and summer wasted
Your floral scents on the light materials
Of the dress of Aphroditissa.
Aphroditissa I will sing,
The beautiful, the virtuous,
You with the golden wreath,
The seagirt in Cyprus, governed
Where the west wind is blowing
Over the foam of the rushing sea.
Praying the Hours
Conceive her with great joy
And gave her a heavenly dress
And you put the golden crown in the curls
And on her ears hung jewels
Of noble stone flowers,
The slender white gooseneck
And the white ample boobs
Decorated with a gold chain,
To the hours wore themselves as sacred jewelry,
When they went to Heaven
In the Father's house of the gods.
After the hours listed
Aphroditissa the jewelry on her body,
The maidens lead the Queen
To heaven, where every sky dweller
Wished for happiness
Aphroditissa to have for a bride!
All heavenly gods bless
The beautiful figure,
The crowned goddess!
From the cliffs of Achni
It is close to the Troodos mountains,
The land of the anemones of Adonis
And cyclamen
Of the Great Mother, Margaret,
And it's not far to Messaria
As spring blooms of red Poppie
And where from the air
The gold of the golden flower looks.
Nestled amid flowers
There are the shrines of Aphroditissa,
Old Paphos, especially
Idalion, Amathos,
Solos, Kourion,
There can be seen the blue peak,
The bosom-like Olympos mountain.
The Olympos mountain is crowned
With the Cross of Christ,
He is called the Mountain of the Cross!
Here is a monastery,
Where Saint Helen
The cross of the good thief laid down
Who was crucified with Christ;
To whom Jesus said, I tell you,
Today you will be with me in paradise!...
In Kytherea at a source among the hills
In the shade,
Near the cave
Is the young Aphroditissa grown.
After her lovemaking
Always bathed Aphroditissa
In the source of the Akamas mountains.
This source is
Brusis Eroton ton, the source of Cupid,
Or Loutra tis Aphroditis, the Baths of Aphrodite.
Who wants to go to the bathroom of Aphroditissa,
Take a boat in the fishing village of Latchi
And use the path of the water.
He comes into a park of olive trees,
Near the peacock colors of the sea,
There is a farm
With a pavilion,
Here is the source,
From a narrow crevice
The water flows
Under the branches of the fig tree.
It transforms the way
Between pink and white cistus,
Cyclamen with long stems,
Blue stars and reeds.
Maidenhair flows down from the rocks,
The hair of Venus,
Whether it means the hair of her head
Or the hair of her pubic,
Yet so often her damp hair
Dried if she got out of the bath.
Isola Sacra a l'amorosa Dea!
O country full of sweetness and joy!
Seven miles or six
From the sea
Increases the gentle hills.
The landscape is rich with myrrh,
Cedar, mahogany, orange trees
And a thousand other sweetly fragrant trees.
From the fragrant Mother Earth
Jumping thyme and marjoram,
Roses and lilies.
The breeze from land to sea is heavy
Loaded with charming sweetness.
The source sends a clear
Creek down the slope.
The place is so full of sweetness and joy,
Real estate it was of Aphroditissa.
The spirit of the goddess of love
Inspired the lovers,
The boys and
The old up to their last hour!
Adonis grew up in Paphos,
He was a young man so beautiful,
As beautiful as a boy he had been.
The Dea Dolorosa loved him to distraction,
She was afraid for him,
That he must die,
If he went to hunt in the woods.
Adonis did not listen to the Goddess
And went hunting in the forest,
As a hard boar broke out of the thicket
And slapped his tusks
In the white flesh of Adonis.
The Dea Dolorosa
In her swan carriage
Heard Adonis' death rattle,
She came down and took him
In a pool of blood
Dead in the dust!
Since that was decided to Dea Dolorosa,
Adonis to create an eternal god in remembrance,
She transformed his blood
In a red anemone.
The Dea Dolorosa wept:
My tears, Adonis,
Should be kept in memory
Until the end of the world.
A vivid picture
Target of my great sorrow
And your death testify.
I dedicate a flower
To your red blood!
Thus spoke the Dea Dolorosa
And poured nectar
On the Precious Blood.
She found a red anemone,
Red as the precious blood of Adonis.
Today, we call this flower
Saint Brigitta’s Flower.
On the hills of Idalion
Grows the original anemone.
When the pink almond blossoms fall
Flourishes the anemone.
The Cypriots call the hill
Gabriel’s summit.
For as the Dea Dolorosa
For her favorite Adonis wept,
Ran the Archangel Gabriel
In the chamber of the Virgin Mary
And saluted the Queen of Heaven:
Chaire, kecharitomene!
The white anemone
Have come out of the earth
Through the tears
Of the Dea Dolorosa.
The tears of the Dea Dolorosa dripped onto the earth
And the precious blood of Adonis,
The tears and the blood wetted the soil
And became beautiful flowers.
White anemones bloom
From the tears of the Dea Dolorosa,
Red roses and the passion of love
From the precious blood of Adonis.
Adonis, Adonis, Adonis is dead!
Risen Adonis
As a red rose,
The passion of love!
But now I sing Cupid!
Before the gods
Cupid exists
And Cupid was God!
Cupid is older than the sky,
Older than the earth,
But older than Cupid
Is the Cross!...
Cupid is the uncreated God,
Testifies life
And nothing lives without Cupid
And no one loves without Cupid!
This Cupid has shaken my heart
As the storm rages in the oak!
Cupid finds me everywhere,
Cupid finds me in the garden,
Cupid finds me on the sea,
Cupid drives me crazy!
Cupid did humble me,
Cupid comes as a divine thief
And steals my heart!
The mother of the little God
Watching the bustle of the favorite
And did enjoy it!
Praxiteles has created an image of Cupid
And gave the little god Cupid
The beauty of the beautiful courtesan Phryne,
The beautiful courtesan Phryne
Was the modell for Cupid
In the Temple of Love.
The face, the eyes of Cupid
Are mysterious
And attractive in the knowing desire!
Dream lover he is of all the courtesans,
Especially the beautiful courtesan Phryne!
Cupid I sing, the boy,
The son
of the Mother of Fair Love,
With his torch
He the heart aflame,
With his sharp arrow
The wounded heart!
A terrible God,
Cupid is a terrible God!
But I moan in vain:
Cupid is a terrible God!
My favorite listens to me,
Then he laughs out loud.
When I sigh and moan,
His power grows!
You brought, o Star of the Sea,
From the drops of the sea
The fire of God to the world!
I want to sing forever young
Eucharis goddess!
Late in the evening came Eucharis,
She exudes her eyes so
By her suitor,
Sweet morning in leisure hours
Only reluctantly separated.
Still so sweet and tired,
As the night would not have enough to retire,
She lowers herself into the lap of the throne.
I saw the Precious Blood
Out of the goddess Eucharis flow!
I saw the blood of life
Flow out of the wound of the goddess!
Because she eats bread, because she drinks wine?
Divine blood flows in her veins
And that's why we are called the Goddess’ blessed people!
Then I saw the smiling father
Of the angels and men
And tenderly spoke the father
To his daughter Eucharis:
O Daughter of God
You detest the war, the horrors of humanity,
Queen of Peace thou shalt be
And organize the works of marriage!
We do not want to be angry with the beautiful young girl,
She is so beautiful, so charming!
The yellow lily is so beautiful
By the grace of God!
Every human goddess emerging from the sea of light
As once the foam borne the lust of Aphroditissa!
What was in Eucharis?
The languorous love was there
Sighing and longing
And jokes were there
And flattering lips,
Which even the wise beguile!
From the light-blue eyes
Of the girl-goddess Eucharis
Beautiful flows the love
Which all members
Deprived of the vital sap!
Sing for Eucharis,
I want it from the eternally young Graces!
Rich vocal queens
Listen, I adore you, girl!
Joy is with you and sweetness
For ways to the noble, the man!
God reigns in heaven and on earth
Not without mercy and grace!
But the youthful grace
Select with the son
The works of the Father
And glorify the Father and the Olympians,
The Ancient of Days
With snow-white hair!
You're gorgeous, Aglaya,
Girlfriend of my feelings!
Euphrosyne, you love the songs,
Graces, sing your songs!
Thalia, laughing girl,
Clear joking grace!
Your girlish looks are amused
About the poet's verses.
Easily convert him for the bliss.
Lyrically I sing this hymn
And walk to the visionaries
And went down the road also
To Acheron and Phlegeton
And the echo looked invisible
And her voice heard in the vineyard
In summer wandering
And the shepherd played the flute
Beside the river
And looked over
Clear on the other side!
All I wanted was to get Eucharis,
Get her by the girls,
The young sweet Graces!
Eucharis, flawless girl-goddess,
You are Charis Epistrophia,
Which transforms our hearts,
You are Charis Nympha,
The patroness of the engagement,
You are Charis Thalamon,
The mistress of the bedchamber,
You are Charis Paregoros,
The comforter,
You are Charis Ambologna,
The old poet to receive!
Eucharis is irresistibly beautiful!
Oh, how glorious is she,
Consequently, when she flies powerful!
Who are your most devoted,
She converts the mild.
The proud heart she prostrates!
The blue sky turns to Eucharis,
She walks on the sea,
Spring is by her grace!
She brings out the seeds
And it can be life
Through her divine love!
Philosopher, consider with your mind
The divine love!
What amazed your eyes?
What you remain seated?
In the mortals
Living the divine love,
Mortals love her when they love
With the power of divine love!
If they create harmony,
Beautiful harmony,
So they call the divine love
Sweetness and delight!
The divine love we want to reconcile
With pious votive
And deliciously scented ointment,
Grated with myrrh
And incense!
I want to dedicate golden honey
To the divine love!
The power of divine love
Combines elements
For living people
And the man to mount
The height of the flourishing life,
But soon, very soon
The father severed limbs of war
And the dead wrong
On the shores of death!
Flowers of a bush smile
By Fair Love
And must surely wither soon, how soon!
Thus, the fish in the sea slips,
So the lambs graze on the tops
And the swan sings his song
By the kiss of Fair Love!
How she shines, Eucharis!
She exudes the drops of beauty!
The firm white breasts
Presents her naked!
But the dress wrapped
The split field of Venus!
Her hair covered
With silky veil!
Far, the servant of the goddess,
The poet of the art of love
Praise the famous goddess,
The goddess of eternal love!
In heaven you feel the power of love!
In hell they tremble before the power of love!
On earth all crave the power of love!
Bathe in the sea, children of God,
In the waters of Fair Love!
People, sense your breath
To fowl and herbs,
Chestnut trees and turtle doves
Feel your breath, O Goddess!
In this creation no creature lives
Except by the power of Fair Love!
Without love, no work will endure,
No work has value, unless by love!
Well, flawless girl-goddess Eucharis,
Spend your servant your grace and mercy!
Virgin goddess, whose servant I am,
Teach me to exude your bliss
In this world of men,
Your bliss that you give me
If you come near me with total dedication!
Born of an act
The sweetest joy
Came the flawless girl
With heavenly pure trains
And was supported by the west wind caused
And she swayed the waves of bliss!
O girls, one morning
In the middle of May
I was in a garden,
Since grew yellow lilies
And white roses,
The meadow was sweet.
O girl,
Before the sweetness fades,
When she is in full bloom,
Pluck the white rose!
Oh, I saw my beloved,
And whiter than the sheets of the bed!
With his torch
He the heart aflame,
With his sharp arrow
The wounded heart!
A terrible God,
Cupid is a terrible God!
But I moan in vain:
Cupid is a terrible God!
My favorite listens to me,
Then he laughs out loud.
When I sigh and moan,
His power grows!
You brought, o Star of the Sea,
From the drops of the sea
The fire of God to the world!
I want to sing forever young
Eucharis goddess!
Late in the evening came Eucharis,
She exudes her eyes so
By her suitor,
Sweet morning in leisure hours
Only reluctantly separated.
Still so sweet and tired,
As the night would not have enough to retire,
She lowers herself into the lap of the throne.
I saw the Precious Blood
Out of the goddess Eucharis flow!
I saw the blood of life
Flow out of the wound of the goddess!
Because she eats bread, because she drinks wine?
Divine blood flows in her veins
And that's why we are called the Goddess’ blessed people!
Then I saw the smiling father
Of the angels and men
And tenderly spoke the father
To his daughter Eucharis:
O Daughter of God
You detest the war, the horrors of humanity,
Queen of Peace thou shalt be
And organize the works of marriage!
We do not want to be angry with the beautiful young girl,
She is so beautiful, so charming!
The yellow lily is so beautiful
By the grace of God!
Every human goddess emerging from the sea of light
As once the foam borne the lust of Aphroditissa!
What was in Eucharis?
The languorous love was there
Sighing and longing
And jokes were there
And flattering lips,
Which even the wise beguile!
From the light-blue eyes
Of the girl-goddess Eucharis
Beautiful flows the love
Which all members
Deprived of the vital sap!
Sing for Eucharis,
I want it from the eternally young Graces!
Rich vocal queens
Listen, I adore you, girl!
Joy is with you and sweetness
For ways to the noble, the man!
God reigns in heaven and on earth
Not without mercy and grace!
But the youthful grace
Select with the son
The works of the Father
And glorify the Father and the Olympians,
The Ancient of Days
With snow-white hair!
You're gorgeous, Aglaya,
Girlfriend of my feelings!
Euphrosyne, you love the songs,
Graces, sing your songs!
Thalia, laughing girl,
Clear joking grace!
Your girlish looks are amused
About the poet's verses.
Easily convert him for the bliss.
Lyrically I sing this hymn
And walk to the visionaries
And went down the road also
To Acheron and Phlegeton
And the echo looked invisible
And her voice heard in the vineyard
In summer wandering
And the shepherd played the flute
Beside the river
And looked over
Clear on the other side!
All I wanted was to get Eucharis,
Get her by the girls,
The young sweet Graces!
Eucharis, flawless girl-goddess,
You are Charis Epistrophia,
Which transforms our hearts,
You are Charis Nympha,
The patroness of the engagement,
You are Charis Thalamon,
The mistress of the bedchamber,
You are Charis Paregoros,
The comforter,
You are Charis Ambologna,
The old poet to receive!
Eucharis is irresistibly beautiful!
Oh, how glorious is she,
Consequently, when she flies powerful!
Who are your most devoted,
She converts the mild.
The proud heart she prostrates!
The blue sky turns to Eucharis,
She walks on the sea,
Spring is by her grace!
She brings out the seeds
And it can be life
Through her divine love!
Philosopher, consider with your mind
The divine love!
What amazed your eyes?
What you remain seated?
In the mortals
Living the divine love,
Mortals love her when they love
With the power of divine love!
If they create harmony,
Beautiful harmony,
So they call the divine love
Sweetness and delight!
The divine love we want to reconcile
With pious votive
And deliciously scented ointment,
Grated with myrrh
And incense!
I want to dedicate golden honey
To the divine love!
The power of divine love
Combines elements
For living people
And the man to mount
The height of the flourishing life,
But soon, very soon
The father severed limbs of war
And the dead wrong
On the shores of death!
Flowers of a bush smile
By Fair Love
And must surely wither soon, how soon!
Thus, the fish in the sea slips,
So the lambs graze on the tops
And the swan sings his song
By the kiss of Fair Love!
How she shines, Eucharis!
She exudes the drops of beauty!
The firm white breasts
Presents her naked!
But the dress wrapped
The split field of Venus!
Her hair covered
With silky veil!
Far, the servant of the goddess,
The poet of the art of love
Praise the famous goddess,
The goddess of eternal love!
In heaven you feel the power of love!
In hell they tremble before the power of love!
On earth all crave the power of love!
Bathe in the sea, children of God,
In the waters of Fair Love!
People, sense your breath
To fowl and herbs,
Chestnut trees and turtle doves
Feel your breath, O Goddess!
In this creation no creature lives
Except by the power of Fair Love!
Without love, no work will endure,
No work has value, unless by love!
Well, flawless girl-goddess Eucharis,
Spend your servant your grace and mercy!
Virgin goddess, whose servant I am,
Teach me to exude your bliss
In this world of men,
Your bliss that you give me
If you come near me with total dedication!
Born of an act
The sweetest joy
Came the flawless girl
With heavenly pure trains
And was supported by the west wind caused
And she swayed the waves of bliss!
O girls, one morning
In the middle of May
I was in a garden,
Since grew yellow lilies
And white roses,
The meadow was sweet.
O girl,
Before the sweetness fades,
When she is in full bloom,
Pluck the white rose!
Oh, I saw my beloved,
And whiter than the sheets of the bed!