Herausgegeben von Dr. P.M. – Herausgeber der
Poetischen Werke von Peter Torstein Schwanke«
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Zweiundzwanzigstes Buch
Twenty-Third Book
Vierundzwanzigstes Buch
Twenty-Fifth Book
Sechsundzwanzigstes Buch
Siebenundzwanzigstes Buch
Achtundzwanzigstes Buch
Neunundzwanzigstes Buch
Dreißigstes Buch
Thirty-First Book
Zweiunddreißigstes Buch
Thirty-Third Book
Josef Maria Mayer
O Mary, pray for us sinners - now -
And at the hour of our death ...
O Mistress
Of heaven and earth,
The pit of hell is beneath you,
Defeated by you!
Let me be an elect
That before you is humble
With h
is face!
Tell your Divine Son Jesus,
I am totally his own!
As he made Mary Magdalene
The seven demons cast out,
Jesus cleanse my soul
all guilt and all evil.
God showed mercy on Theophilus,
Because you have proofed him, Mary,
Because you had him in your mercy,
But already the devil
Had sold his soul.
O Mary, help!
Saint Anselm
Teaches a prayer to pray,
When the mind is paralyzed by fear:
The accused fled from God the Judge
To the sweet Mother of the merciful God!
Mary is the Mother of Mercy,
Life and refreshment and hope for
The fallen,
Advocate before the judgment seat of God,
Which advocates for humanity.
Christ can not bring himself
The mother to refuse something.
So we help her grace.
The virgin mother is
The Son of God with a human face,
With the magic trick of her intercession
She t
ransforms the righteous judge
Into the merciful Savior.
In the Sacrament of Penance
All sin is washed away.
Otherwise there is the real place
Since the burning fires of hell.
There a
re on the other side
Dense rows shining angel
And the Communion of Saints
Gathered in eternal bliss
Around the throne of God in heaven.
A drama
Follows the crossing of the Abyss
In the landscape of the posthume.
There is Saint Peter
With the keys of heaven
And Saint Michael the Archangel,
The guardian angel of every soul
The soul assists in court,
The personal judgment after death,
Which judges the soul
Until doomsday.
The last day, says Saint Paul,
Will come as a thief in the night.
Christ called his elected welcome:
I was hungry and you fed me,
I was naked and you clothed me,
I was a stranger and you welcomed me!
Christ sends the damned
nto eternal fire.
In his appearance
Jesus takes every soul.
Then there are no more pardons
For the foolish virgins,
That had no oil in their lamps
For the souls to the wedding,
They want
the divine Bridegroom,
But not wearing a wedding garment?
Christ will come
In the clouds
With great glory.
Everyone expected
After his death
His personal judgment.
Judgement day is
The last point of time.
On Judgment Day
he dead will raise.
At the last stroke of the trombone
The dead
Will r
ise in their bodies
And every soul is
Reunited with her mortal body,
For all eternity
The proper place to take
In heaven or in hell.
But purgatory
Is not heaven nor hell.
Here are the sinners
For a certain time
To be c
leansed of sins.
Out of purgatory
There is no way to hell,
But all the way to heaven.
Is the souls once
Admitted to purgatory,
place in heaven is secure.
Some say that a real fire
Purify the soul from every stain
And so the soul get ready
To receive God's love.
Others say only the waiver
For the blessed vision of God
Be anguish enough in Purgatory,
But the souls cry out in agony,
But are grateful
That they are cleaned
Through pain,
Because they are so to go to heaven.
A man who lived in mortal sin,
In so weighty sins,
That his soul was separated
the grace of God,
If he repents and confesses his mortal sin,
He c
an be redeemed and saved
And escape the torments of hell.
Yet man must
Do p
enance in purgatory for a while
And paying off his debts
And the sins that poisoned his soul,
Eradicated by repentance.
A man who committed venial sins,
Sins, not divorcing from grace,
But wich the flow of grace hinder,
Can repay his debt in purgatory
And even if he did not confess,
If he does not go to hell.
Only the sinner has no regrets
Of his depraved life
And therefore can not be forgiven,
Condemn himself
Through his hardness of heart toward God
To eternal hell.
Purgatory is like an antechamber
Of paradise.
The prayers of the saints with God
And the prayers of the living for the dead
Can liberate souls from Purgatory
And they take their way
Into eternal bliss.
Good works that you do for the dead,
Pilgrimage, fasting, charity,
Help the poor souls in purgatory.
The survivors such good works
Offer to God for themselves
And a merciful death.
But more than the prayers of all the saints
And all the good deeds and prayers of the living
Helps the Poor Souls in Purgatory
The intercession of the Virgin Mary.
I ingenious scoundrel
Write a prayer for my mother.
I mix the sermon from the pulpit
With the simple words of my heart
Of faith and the fear of death.
Holy Virgin Mother of God,
I beg your pardon,
I'm an ignorant old woman
That d
id not read the books
And do not write the wisdom literature.
I'm an old woman.
In the church I saw pictures
From heaven where the angels
Rejoice and harps emphasize
And I also saw the hell-fire.
The pictures from heaven
I enjoy,
The images of hell
Frighten me.
O highest goddess,
Led me awake to joy!
In France it is seen
The Last Judgement,
Over the main entrance of the temple,
That everyone who entered,
Went under Christ,
The majestic judge.
The hateful Satan
Mangled sinners
Between teeth and claws
And threw them into the greedy flames
And other demons
And female demons stirred the fire.
But Christ shows his wounds,
Shows his blood-red wound in his side,
Added daily from sinners
To t
he sacred body of the Lord.
Christ listens to the advocates,
On h
is left John the Baptist,
On his right the Virgin Mary.
But there flows from the throne of God
A river of fire and includes the damned.
The Holy Archangel Michael
Holds the scales of justice,
It weighs a naked quivering soul!
In the Cathedral of Chartres
Is seen t
he devil,
To adjust the balance
And sue the naked soul,
But the wretched villainy of the demon
Leaves untouched Michael the Archangel.
He smiles gracious to the soul.
Christ descended
To the dead,
He fought with death,
He broke the bonds of death
And rose up,
He crushed the devil
And overcame the dominion of the devil
And took the righteous,
Who died before Christ's crucifixion,
With him to heaven
Into eternal glory.
Christ descended into hell,
Christ redeemed from the limbo
Adam and Eve,
Father Abraham and King David
And John the Baptist.
You have to know:
The righteous who died before the redemption,
Were t
ruly kept in limbo,
In limbo, without suffering and without joy.
As Mary’s soul
Divorced from the body,
Mary climbed down into hell,
The Holy Archangel Michael
Went with Our Lady
And accompanied her to hell.
There were blasphemers,
Murderer, women murdering their children,
Usurers, idolaters.
Some souls drowning
In a lake of fire,
Some souls cook
In a sea of fire and brimstone,
Some souls hanging
At their blasphemous tongues,
At the breasts of prostitutes
Gnawing monsters,
souls are devoured
By greedy snakes.
The Blessed Virgin Mary is shocked
And begs for mercy in Jesus,
Jesus shows his wounds,
Shows his red wound in his side
And answered the prayers
Of h
is Virgin Mother
And allows the damned,
The tortured souls in hell,
On the holy day of Pentecost
To r
est of their torment.
The Virgin
Bared her breasts
And prays to Jesus:
My beloved divine Son,
these bare breasts,
Where you was drawn,
When my breasts I implore you:
Hear the prayers of your servants
And save the souls of the sinners!
The p
rayer of the Blessed Virgin
To the Almighty is all-powerful
And is even able,
Rest for the damned to find.
Saint Brendan
Sailed from Ireland
Across the Atlantic Ocean
And saw on a rocky island
In the midst of the
Atlantic Ocean
Judas Iscariot,
He who
betrayed Jesus
For thirty pieces of silver.
Judas Iscariot told
My eternal punishment
In the fires of hell
Is mitigated
Mary’s Saturday,
On Sunday, the day of the Lord,
Between the Holy Christmas time
And the day of the Three Kings,
Between Easter day
And the day of Pentecost,
On the day of the Immaculate Conception
And on the day of the Assumption.
The Virgin
Mary is the star of the sea,
The shining star of hope
Whose light passes through the densest abyss
And can illuminate the darkest soul
And save the lost souls
When he
on his bed of death
In the dying hour brings repentance.
I sing the Treasurer
Bishop and Archdeacon of Ardana
Cilicia in Asia Minor,
The man named Theophilus.
When the bishop died,
Cried the people: Bishop shall be Theophilus,
But he was too modest
And took not the office.
The new bishop
But removed him from all his offices.
nvy began to gnaw at him
And the thirst for worldly power.
Ridden by the devil,
e became a necromancer
And prescribed with a bloody font
His soul to the devil
In exchange for wealth and success.
He was wealthy and successful.
But soon the remorse gnawed at him,
He could not really appreciate.
He swore a pact with the devil,
But the devil did not leave him,
But was delighted with his prize.
he begged Mary for help.
Since Theophilus is asleep,
In his dream Mary appeared to him
And gave him back the contract
That h
e signed with blood.
Mary said: I have the contract
And your soul rescued from Satan!
Theophilus was rescued.
Theophilus awoke from the dream and saw
The contract was lying beside him.
He confesses his sin
And died soon after in peace.
In the north portal of Notre Dame de Paris
Theophilus kneels before Satan,
pointy eared Satan
eceives money from a leprechaun,
Who i
mplores the young beautiful Madonna,
Mary takes a sword in the form of a cross
And knocking down the devil
And snatches the pact out of the claws of the devil.
The Blessed Virgin calls:
Satan, I'll smash your guts!
A knight promised to Satan
The devil to consecrate his wife,
If he would get money for it.
Mary took the place of the woman,
Her looks, her voice, her clothes,
When the knight rode into the forest,
The meeting place of the devil.
When Mary approached,
Cried the devil in fear
And made his escape.
Sometimes Mary awakens the dead,
So they can confess
And then die in grace.
A pilgrim on the way to Compostela
Slept with a woman,
There he met the devil,
Dressed as Saint James,
And he told the sinner,
To castrate himself
And his throats to cut off.
The victim of deviltry wept,
But o
And was torn in pieces by devils in hell.
Then came Saint Peter
And Saint James on the road to the devil,
Taken the poor soul
And brought the pilgrim to Mary.
Mary gave him his life back,
He rises from the dead as a eunuch
And with a red scar on the throat.
He lived long enough to confess
And to atone for his sins
And then dies again
At peace with his Creator.
Three days and three nights
Hung a thief on the gallows,
Breathe out his life.
The executioner he wanted
Already to give him the coup de grace,
But he c
ould not wound him.
The people are astonished.
They t
ake the thief from the gallows,
As reported, the thief said: Mary,
Mary has strengthened my neck,
That my neck is not broken,
And the executioner's sword was intercepted.
ith holy expression on her face
Appeared Mary to him and held
With a fingertip
The thief in the air.
The wrath of the devil is boundless
About the tricks of the Blessed Virgin.
Satan protests
Before the judgment seat of Christ:
Mary adds to the devils the greatest damage!
Who will be condemned by God's justice,
Which is still saved by the Mother of Mercy!
Whom loves the Virgin most?
She loves the adulterers and prostitutes,
No-good students, pregnant nuns,
Lazy runaway monks and clergy,
As long as they sing about Mary
And every day sing Hail Mary.
Whatever sins the child of Mary,
As long as he loves his mother,
Is he her Paladin,
She is his majesty,
Almighty Sovereign,
And saves his soul!
By the Blessed Virgin Mary
Finds the pleasurable-sensuous
Weak mankind to paradise!
Saint Peter Damian
Extols the power of Mary,
To save souls from purgatory.
Saint Peter Abelard wrote:
Jesus wants the mother
To s
hare with him
he power of the Father.
Adam of St. Victor
Mary praised as
Superatrix Infernorum.
Saint Dominic,
Saint Gertrude the Great,
Saint Bridget of Sweden,
Saint Simon Stock
Praise the glorious Mother
of God,
Saint Bernardino of Siena
Praised the Perpetual Virgin’s
Everlasting Mercy.
The f
ranciscan Brother Leo
aw two ladders lead to heaven,
One as
red as blood,
The other as white as milk.
At the top of the red wire
Christ appeared in his righteousness,
Saint Francis
Waved to the Franciscans,
You should not be afraid
Christ's head to climb,
But the weak brethren
Fall over again!
Saint Francis prayed,
Christ showed his wounded side:
You did this to me!
Saint Francis rushes to Earth
And leads the brothers
the milk-white head,
They climb slightly
Without falling.
Up to expect
The lovingly smiling
Of the y
oung beautiful Madonna!
This poem is the
Ars Moriendi.
The d
ying are haunted
By evil spirits.
Doubt and despair
Assail the people.
But after many temptations
And diabolical attacks
Saves the Virgin
The soul that looks to the Virgin
The Blessed Trinity!
Jesus Christ died on the cross!
He entrusts Mary to the world:
The demons are afraid
And Mary will be subject,
The irrational creatures,
Stars, planets, elements,
Together with all creatures,
Birds and fishes and other animals,
Will be to
Mary submissive.
Whatever Mary decides and
In my church,
For my children,
The sons and daughters of the people,
Is of the Three Divine Persons
All confirmed,
And what Mary always, now,
Later and forever
Asks for mortals,
Granted God: Father and Son and Holy Spirit!
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