Herausgegeben von Dr. P.M. – Herausgeber der


Josef  Maria Mayer


Since now I’m fifty years old, I write not of Love,
I have banned the demon Cupid from me,
No woman had liked it to be loved by me.

Therefore Lady Wisdom spoke to me:
Because no woman likes to be loved by you,
So vow your love to the dead, to your dead darling!

Once I was in the deepest night of my soul,
Lying on my couch I was bitterly weeping,
Eating ashes and drinking the cup of tears,

When I saw at midnight an heavenly vision:
I saw a glance of light from heaven coming down,
So sweet a light, I thought, it was the Virgin!

But then I saw it was not the Virgin Mary,
But a female spirit totally naked,
But closed in the glance of chastity and shyness.

And the heavenly spirit spoke to me:
I’m Carina, the beloved of your youth,
Fear not my darling, I am send to you

By the heavenly Queen of angels and saints,
Our Lady send me to you as your guardian angel,
To give comfort to your lunatic soul!

I will show you in a vision the depth of hell!
You have to wander under my protection
Through hell and all her innermost chambers.

I will guide you on this mystical way.
Fear not, my darling, have comfort in your soul,
I will not leave you alone, I’m with you, my darling!

So spoke my beloved Carina, naked and pretty,
Like Urania from the spheres of the Venus,
Like a female angel, an heavenly sister.

And so she took my hand and leads me the way
To the North, in winter and midnight and frost,
Together went we down the way to hell.

O Virgin-Mother Mary, I’m totally yours!



I went with my sister Carina on a path
At the Lethe, the Acherusian lake,
And darkness and frost were thick in the dusty sky.

We went the street of silence in the darkness,
Where we forgot the earth and the light of the sun.
The frost of winter pierced me like a sword.

Then I saw many rats coming out of the bushes,
Their thin high voices like a pipe of horror.
Paranoia overcame my soul,

Anxiety filled my maddened mind with fear
And horror strived me when I saw the beasts.
The rat is the beast of the demon Beelzebul.

Carina prayed to the Father in the Heavens
And I had a vision: I saw the Holy Father
John Paul the Second walking with his staff.

But then again came the rats, the beasts of the devil,
Like shadowy ghost they were running to and fro,
A mass of evil spirits round about me.

I looked in the sky if there appears a light,
And I saw the moon and a shivering cloud,
But the shivering cloud had the form of a rat.

I saw a shivering cloud in form of China
And saw another cloud in form of India
And a rat climbing on the Himalaya..

Then I saw a cloud in form of a rat
And another cloud in form of an angel,
An archangel with a golden sword in his hand,

And the archangel with the golden sword
Beats the shivering rat in the cloud of the sky,
And the shadowy rat sunk down in the stinking pit!

Then I smelled the fragrance of pestilence,
The stinking pestilence of rotten flesh of rats,
And I saw a floor full of the flees of rats.

Carina prayed a prayer to God the Father
And I saw in a vision the crucified Lord
And saw a shadowy rat to the feet of the cross.

All this horror-visions maddened my soul
And I became a maniac full of depression
And a lunatic mind full of paranoia.

And this was the entrance in the underworld.


Before us was lying a street and we were going
The way. We saw at the end of the way a forest.
Carina was singing with a high and lovely voice

The songs of Christmas she learned in her early childhood.
Suddenly came a mass of barking dogs,
They follow me, their barking sounds like thunder.

In my soul was anxiety and fear
And to drive out the fear of anxiety
I thought about a mathematical problem.

May the wisdom of Pythagoras
Help the soul who followed by the dogs
Runs the streets of hell in paranoia.

The dogs returned in their huts of poverty.
Carina and I came to a green field before
The forest, surrounded by willows of sadness.

There we stood in the mist of the frosty night.
My eyes were blind. I couldn’t see anything.
Suddenly came another mass of dogs,

Running to and fro on the field in the night
Loudly barking and their loudly barking
Tears in pieces my spirit full of fear.

Carina stood at my side and said to me:
Have no fear, my darling, I stand at your side!
If you are blind, my darling, I’ll take your hand!

An old and great and manly dog came near
To me and stood in front of me barking loudly
With the aggression of a real hell-hound!

Then he went away and Carina and I
Climbed up a small hill and came into the forest,
Silence reigned in the forest of the night.

I went further on and suddenly saw
Running blood out of my body’s right side
And the streaming blood became a fox,

I said a fox but not a real fox,
Only the ghost of a fox, a purple shade,
Running at my right side through the forest.

Maybe the ghost of the fox was an evil spirit
Driven out of me because of Carina’s prayer.
But the purple shade of the ghost of a fox

Barks in the night in the forest and to him came
A female fox-ghost like a sexy woman.
What is this, I asked Carina, my sister.

Carina said: The female fox-ghost is
A sexy woman who sucks your blood like a vamp
And you will loose the power of your life

And the female vamp will live with power
And will oppress you, so you will loose
Your force of live and wish only an early death!

But great is the power of her sex-appeal,
The might of her sex-appeal and erotic grace
Leads you to the idolatry of a sex-idol!

I prayed: O queen of chaste love, O Virgin,
I vow to you my body and all my sex,
Help me, O Virgin, to live in chastity!

As I prayed this prayer to the holy Virgin,
The manly and the female fox-ghosts flied.
And I and Carina came to the house of hell.

It was a rotten house, a nearly ruin.
As we came slowly near to the house of hell,
An hell-hound rises out oft the darkest night.

This is Cerberus, said Carina to me,
But fear not, my darling, I stand at your side
And will guard you like a guardian angel.

Cerberus was a black dog with three heads
And barking out of all his heads and mouths
And springing to and fro in front of the door.

And he erected his body and stood upright
And leans his body on the wall of the house
And then he came and licked my arm with his tongue.

Carina said, Hush! And Cerberus laid himself down.


Now I was in the halls of stinking hell
And went with bare feet on broken fragments of glass
And felt the blood running out of my naked feet.

Am I then a fakir overcoming pain
With concentration of body’s energy
And gathering energy only in the head?

I laid myself wounded under a bloody tree
And felt a sharp pain as if a knife was cutting
My hand from my arm, but then I saw a vision:

I saw the green waters of the river Jordan
And Jesus rising out of the depth of the Jordan,
And heard a voice: You are my beloved son!

And then I saw Jesus glorified in heaven
As if he lives on the planet Venus above
And on the Venus were gardens with orange trees.

I stood up from the ground under the bloody tree
And heard a lunatic soul coming near to me
And speaking in the folly of an idiot:

I visited oftentimes a pretty girlfriend
And in her house there lived an unseen cat-ghost
And this cat-ghost had torn in pieces my soul

And the blood of my soul was running out
And now my soul is dead, a shade in hell
And for ever torments me the cat-ghost of my girlfriend.

I looked in the sky above and saw an heart
Full of burning fire of passionate love
And a red dragon makes war against this heart.

Then I looked in the depth and saw in hell
Fire coals, gloomy transparent coals
And saw the lost souls in midst of the burning coals.

And I heard the shrieking yells of the souls
And smelled the evil fragrance of pestilence
And saw devils burning in the depth of hell

And saw the devils like beasts and ugly monsters
And they tormented the damned souls in hell
And were themselves punished by the fire of hell.

My heart feels pity with the damned souls
And I felt great fear and anxiety
For the salvation of atheists and occultists.

I raised my head and looked in the sky above
And saw again the burning heart in the sky
And heard the female voice of Our Lady speaking:

Vow your soul and all the souls of the world
To my Immaculate Heart and pray and pray,
Pray daily the rosary for the salvation of souls!

I went further on. Carina hovered before me.


Carina leads me into an hall of hell,
Build of massy grey stones. There was no light,
But two thrones build of onyx stone were there.

Carina said, This are the kingly thrones of hell,
The one is the throne of king Pluto and the other
Is the throne of the maiden-queen Proserpine.

A grisly lady came into the hall of the thrones
With a long black mantel and a crown
On her head with the long black hair like snakes.

Her face was very bitterly, full of anger,
Full of sad depression and melancholy,
And her heart in her bosom was of stone.

But I greeted her: Peace, o queen and lady,
I am a wanderer through the world beyond,
Please tell me your history, worthy dame of night!

And Proserpine, a sixteen years old girl,
Said to me: You are a living man
Of flesh and blood, and not a shade of death,

But welcome in the realms of the underworld.
What you see, write clearly on a paper,
That the living people on earth can read it.

I was a silly young girl of fourteen years
And I played with my girlfriends in the meadows
And we gathered blue-eyed flowers of the spring.

Suddenly came four horses with a chariot
And riding on it king Pluto came to me
And like a thief he plucked me from the meadow

And took me with him in his kingdom below.
My mother Ceres, the goddess of grain and bread,
Was weeping, but she couldn’t find me anymore.

I am for evermore the queen of hell
Because I ate the forbidden pomegranate
And now I’m dead and queen of the shades of the dead.

O Proserpine, I said to the shadowy girl,
I heard much about the damned Tantalus,
Is he really here in the underworld?

And Proserpine said to me, Go in the garden
Of asphodels and see under the apple tree
Of the knowledge of good and evil Tantalus.

I did so and went with Carina on my side
In the garden of asphodels and saw
Under the apple tree lying the damned Tantalus.

And Tantalus spoke to me and my angel Carina:
I am full of desire after this apples!
But I can’t reach them, they are hanging to high!

But always day and night I must see these apples
And daily renewed is my burning desire for them
And they are laughing so lustful in the high!

Oh what a pain, oh what a smart of heart,
To see these apples like the breasts of my lady
And not to be allowed to pluck these fruits!

The burning desire of my flesh consumes me
And I’m nearly an heap of ashes, cold,
Consuming desire of the flesh has murdered me!

Tantalus spoke it and I was full of pity.
But then I saw another damned spirit
Weeping and sighing in the garden of hell.

Who are you, asked I the spirit and he said:
I’m Mephistopheles, a damned spirit,
And my eternal pain is the sickness of love.

When I saw the angels of God on earth
Like four years old boy in their naked body
And clear blue eyes and golden curled hair,

I felt in love with these angelic boys.
It was a pure platonic love in the spirit
Without any pleasure and sensuality,

But the angelic boys didn’t love me, alas,
Cause I am an old and stinking devil of hell
And when I love, this love is nothing but torture!

Now I’m sighing here in the garden of hell
And make wet the asphodels with my tears,
Because I’m full of longing after these boys!

But the angelic boys never come back
To me and I am totally isolated
And have no friend and no beloved in hell.

I wish I had never been created by God!


We came into another room of hell,
At the entrance Carina gave me a mirror,
To see the next spirit only through that mirror.

And in the mirror I saw an ugly woman,
Her eyes were like lightings, full of bitterly wrath,
And the hair on her head were snakes and vipers.

This is Medusa, a damned spirit of hell,
Said Carina to me, and the look of her eyes
Transforms any human being into stone.

Only when you see her face in the mirror,
You can be saved from her bewitching looks.
There are poet-masters of the hags

Who choose Medusa for their ideal and muse,
As you know, O poet of the court
Of the most holy and blessed Virgin Mary.

We went further on and saw three women,
If they were women I do not know or if
They were evil spirits damned in hell.

Their reddish eyes were full of wrath and revenge,
Servants of the goddess of revenge,
Of the evil idol Nemesis.

These are the furies, said Carina to me,
They who chased Orestes in his maniac madness
And followed him as evil spirits of hate.

Their hearts are of stone, full of pride and bitterness,
And they hate the good works of human beings
And torment the hearts of the loving souls.

Beware your self from the rage of the furies, beloved,
Their hearts are full of hate and bitterness
And full of the pride of the pride angel Lucifer.

Come on, my darling, see the next group of women,
They are dancing a dance in the labyrinth,
Praying magical prayers to the goddess of the moon.

Carina spoke, and I saw a group of hags,
New heathen of the age of Aquarius,
And I heard their loud blasphemy and prayer:

O threefold goddess of the stony moon,
You are a maiden, called the Virgin Diana,
You are a bride, Endymion’s darling Luna,

You are an old grey woman, Mother of hags,
Mother of the fates and Queen of hell,
You are Hekate, the queen of the witches!

O threefold goddess of the moon, your beloved
Little son and bridegroom is Lucifer,
The old god in the kingdom of the mothers.

We were always dancing under the moon
The dances of the labyrinth of the moon
And united our souls with Lucifer!

We gave the testimony of the religion
Of Hekate’s satanic feminism,
We believed in Satan, not in the God Jehovah.

We didn’t believe in God the Father, no!
We believed in the goddess of nature, our mother,
And her son and darling, the old god Satan!

Therefore we are damned in eternal hell
And now Satan is tormenting us
And punishing us with the wrath of his hellish hate!

I heard it with fear and prayed an Ave Maria.


Now Carina and I went further on
And came into a big dark room in hell
And I saw on the wall a picture of a phallus.

And there sat a man, a Communist from Paris,
Who lived free love, free sexuality,
A leader of the sexual revolution.

Carina said to him: Oh uncle Jean,
You are here damned in eternal hell?
And the uncle Jean said to Carina:

The abuse of my niece was the reason
For Jesus Christ to damn me into hell,
The Lord hates it when a man has sex with children!

It would be better I had never been born!
Now I’m damned in the hell of the demons of sex!
God loves the sex, but hates the abuse of children!

Then he went away howling like a wolf,
And Carina and I went further on
And came into a flowery garden in hell

And in the midst of the garden stood a statue,
The idol of the false god Priapus,
An ugly dwarf with a big erected phallus.

I said, This false god Priapus is in hell
And all his worshippers, heathen, female and male,
In blasphemy worship this false god of the phallus?

The invisible Godhead, eternal being,
The Father of the lights, eternal spirit,
They have hated, but have prayed to a phallic symbol.

But the false godhead of the erected phallus
Was a demon, a devil, an evil spirit,
His worshippers leading only to lust and pleasure.

But then I saw a vision, I saw in hell
A glorious beam of light appearing suddenly
And then the beam of light was transformed

And became a very great phallic symbol,
A pillar of light, an extraordinary phallus
And the demonic phallus opened its body

And out of the phallus appeared the demon Shiva
And thunder and lightning were heard and seen about him
And I heard his voice with terrible fear:

I’m Shiva, the destroyer of the world!
I am the god of destruction, the god of death,
I am the godhead of the godly phallus!

My worshippers offered victims to me, the lives
Of little children, they offered human beings
To me and my bride, the female devil Kali!

All the heathen who slaughtered little children,
Innocent babes to my demonic godhead,
They will be punished here in eternal hell!

I heard this with terrible fear, but then I saw
An horrible giant with an horrible phallus
In the centre of this room of hell

And the giant’s phallus was erected
And he was fiery red like burning coals
And in his phallus was a devilish power,

It was a phallic symbol like a nuclear missile!
And the plan of the devil was the third world-war!
In great fear I asked my beloved Carina:

Who is this devil with his biggest phallus?
And Carina said to me: This devil
Is Lucifer, the father of the wars,

Here you see the centre of deepest hell!
This is Lucifer’s phallus – turn around –
This is the for ever damned Satan’s asshole!

And then I saw Hitler licking Satan’s ass!


And then I saw a concentration camp
And all around ashes and a smelling of gas
And a stinking fragrance of rotten flesh

And at all ends of the camp there was fire
And wolfs howling in the desert of the death,
And in the midst of the camp of Satan

Stood Hitler, barking like an hungry dog
And howling like a wolf and crying loud
With shrieking jells in devilish blasphemy:

O father Odin, I was the god of the world,
The tyrant from the grace of Satan and Odin,
Cause Satan is the tyrant-god of the world!

I’ve hated the Lord’s bride, the virgin Israel,
Because I have hated the God of Israel,
I hadn’t worshipped the Deus Sabaoth,

I had been a worshipper of my ego,
My gigantic ego, the house of Satan,
And Satan is the murderer from beginning

And father of the lie, the god of the world,
And lord of the flies, and I his servant was,
And he was mine and I am his, the fiend,

The evil one, now he is punishing me
In this hell of eternal hate and death
And day after day the devil destroys me!

Now I hate myself and I hate the devil
And Satan hates me with eternal hate
And devilish hate reigns her in eternity!

But in paradise I see the Pope,
The pastor angelicus, who fought against me
And vowed the mankind to the heart of Mary

And the heart of Mary triumphed over me
And so in desolation I murdered my own life
And Justice damned me into eternal pain!

So spoke the damned soul of Adolf Hitler
And I sung Hallelujah to Lady Justice!
But then I saw the soul of Josef Stalin,

He stood in an endless waste of frost and snow
And his eyes were blinded by the sun on the snow
And he was eating shit of Siberian wolfs.

And he howled: Be damned, father Satan,
I’ve murdered the emperor, the holy man,
I’ve murdered millions of priests and monks,

I’ve murdered thousands of communistic comrades,
I have reigned with murder and terror and fear
And transformed mother Russia into a gulag!

I have oppressed the holy mother Russia,
I have destroyed the holy mother earth,
I have fought against the Mother of God!

I’d lived from day to day in paranoia
And feared the treachery of my doctors and comrades,
But I’d made myself to the god of Russia,

I was the father god of the atheist,
My holy face the icon of the religion
Of the blasphemy of communism!

I had had no reverence for the Holy Father
In Rom, I asked: How many are the troops
Of the Pope, how many are his soldiers?

But it was Our Lady of Fatima
Who had overcome my communism,
Cause Russia is the darling of the Mother of God!

Now I damn myself, I damn my own soul,
There’s only one God, only one Father in Heaven,
And I am a victim of the murderer Satan,

I am damned here in eternal frost
And everlasting winter in the Gulag
Of the hell. God damned me, Satan be damned!

I heard it and praised Our Lady of Fatima!
Hail Mary, God is with you, I vow to you
The faithful soul of mother Russia,

May your heart of love be soon triumphant!


Carina and I went further on and I saw
A fire in hell, two men in the fire of hell,
And I asked my guardian angel Carina:

Who are this men? And Carina said to me:
One of them is China’s dictator Mao.
The look of Mao was the look of a red dragon.

And Mao said to me: O friend of China,
The virgin China will be a Christian nation.
I had persecuted the disciples of Christ

In my permanent revolution, the terror
I brought with my revolution of the culture
Was an horrible terror of troops of the party.

I was the visible god of the people of China,
They worshipped me in a big idolatry
And believed in my book, the Mao-bible.

In the terror-regime of my communism
The hungry peasant were eating rats and the mothers
Had eaten their babes in the catastrophe of hunger.

I had murdered forty million men
In the revolution of the culture
And in the catastrophe of the hunger.

But the communist comrades made me a god
And a redeemer of the Chinese people
And they preached the power of my words:

The Mao-bible makes the lame jumping
And opens the eyes of the blind, O wonderful
Are the words of the godly leader Mao,

His ideas are like nuclear missiles!
O friend of China, but now I am in hell
And the fire of hell punishes my soul,

But China converts to the God-man Jesus Christ!
All the work of the devil is in vain!
Mao in hell! And Christ reigns in China!

Thus said Mao, and Carina smiled
And said to me: The other man in the fire
Is Lenin, Wladimir Iljitsch Uljanow!

In the folly of our youth we loved
Comrade Lenin, isn’t it, darling Josef?
But now he is united with his comrade Satan!

And heavenly Justice, punishing comrade Satan,
Is also punishing comrade Lenin in hell!
He had purchased the holy orthodox church,

He had murdered priests and nuns and monks,
He had stolen the golden cups from the altars
And had destroyed the icons of the Mother of God!

His reign was a reign of terror and his power
Was the might of revolutionary hate!
The working-men had to work on holy Sunday!

His communism was the communism of war
And the instrument of his power was terror
And the Russian people became his slaves!

See the mystery of the anti-christ! See Lenin
Adorned by his comrades as the redeemer of mankind
And communism thought for paradise!

But the communistic paradise
Was the open hell of devils on the earth,
And comrade Lenin is damned in eternal damnation!

But the Russian people will convert
And the heart of Mary will be triumphant
And Hagia Sophia reigns in Russia!

Thus spoke Carina, and I said:
Hail Holy Mother of God from Wladimir,
Now I vow to your Immaculate Heart

The rebirth of the faithful soul of Russia!


Then I saw a stinking pit of rubbish
And in the pit two men with mighty beards
And they were arguing and discussing with hate.

And Carina said to me: This is
The root of all the communist terror-regimes
Of Lenin and of Stalin and of Mao,

This is the hell of the false philosophy,
The pit of dialectical materialism,
And the two philosophers are Marx and Engels.

And Frederic Engels came to me
And said: In the beginning of the mankind
The apes were climbing down from the trees.

Before that time they needed their arms
To climb from branch to branch in the trees,
But now their arms and hands were without work.

Now they stood upright on the earth and saw
Their parents and with their hands they murdered
Their parents and eat the flesh of their fathers and mothers.

The flesh of animals created the power of minds
And so the apes became intelligent beings,
Because they’ve eaten the flesh of father and mother.

And since they were intelligent beings, the apes
With their hands began to work, and their work
Made at last the apes to human beings.

And the first human beings lived in freedom,
In a society of primitive communism.
This is the thesis in the dialectic of Hegel,

But the anti-thesis are the societies
Of struggling classes, first the slavery,
Then the monarchies of the middle-ages,

At last the struggling class of the capitalists
In struggle with the working class, but this class
Will end the struggle of classes in a revolution,

And then will come the synthesis in the dialectic
Of Hegel, this is the perfect society
Of highest communism in future times,

When the working class in its revolution
Had hanged at the lanterns all the capitalist
And the working class lives in freedom.

This was our philosophy, the dialectic
Of Hegel mixed with the materialism
Of Darwin and Feuerbach – demonic wisdom!

Worldly, fleshly and demonic wisdom!
What was the fruit of this demonic wisdom?
The communist leaders were murderers, terrorists!

Satan opened his hell and on earth began
Not the earthly paradise of Adam and Eve,
But the devilish reign of the Antichrist!

Therefore me and Marx are in the hell
Of the philosophers of demonic wisdom,
We plucked the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge,

We had been inspired by the snake,
We had followed the knowledge of Lucifer,
We had prepared the way for the Antichrist!

Alas, said Marx, I had written the words:
A ghost appears in Europe, this is the ghost
Of revolutionary communism,

But now I know, this ghost of communism
Was an evil spirit of materialism
And an ungodly philosophy of Lucifer!

It is right that we are damned by God,
We had denied God and his creation
And the only Saviour Jesus Christ!

Without Jesus is no hail for mankind
And without God there is no paradise,
Without the Holy Ghost there is no freedom!

O Wanderer through the pit of demonic wisdom,
If you are searching wisdom, search only the wisdom
Of God, revealed in the God-man Jesus Christ,

Only Divine Wisdom leads to paradise!


Carina took me in her arms and said:
There is another philosopher with a beard,
Whose wisdom seems to be his beard alone.

My father had reverence for this philosopher,
His poetical speech is very bewitching,
But his wisdom is inspired by evil spirits.

So spoke Carina, and I saw the philosopher
Weeping and leaning on a dead horse
And crying: Dionysos, in an horrible madness.

And this was Nietzsche, and Nietzsche spoke to me:
I had preached the super-man of the world,
But I didn’t recognize the God-man!

My moral was: There is no moral, but power!
The fittest will survive, as Darwin said.
I tried to destroy the commandments of God,

The mosaic law and the Christendom,
I tried to destroy the moral of the Jews
And the Christians as a moral of slaves.

I have hated the humility
And the reconciliation, the meekness,
The softness, the peace of Jesus the Messiah.

I didn’t want the humility of slaves,
I had liked the pride of the warriors,
The pride of the mighty ones, the rulers and kings.

I had preached the new gospel of Dionysos,
I had preached the new god, the heathen god,
The super-man and the Antichrist were my leaders.

Hail my leader, you are the Antichrist,
You will hate the slaves of the Jewish race
And the humility of the Christian slaves!

O Wanderer through the pits of demonic wisdom,
You had seen also Hitler in deepest hell,
Hitler, licking the asshole of Lucifer,

You know that the national socialists of Hitler
Had propagated my hate of the Jewish race
And had tried to create the super-man.

In my demonic hate of the Jewish race
And of the holiness of Christendom
I had vowed myself to the Antichrist,

If his name had been Zarathustra
Or Dionysos, but not Jesus Christ,
The Jewish Messiah, the God of Israel!

So now I’m damned into hell of false philosophy,
As a false prophet of the super-man,
A prophet of war against the Synagoge

And the Church and war against Jesus Christ,
Jesus Christ, the judge of the living and the dead,
He overcame me and threw me into hell.

Here I’m searching pity and mercy and grace
And find only the mercy of a dead horse,
My madness is eternal, without mercy,

I’m in the merciless hell of eternal madness!


We went further on through the pit of the hell
Of satanic wisdom and came into a room
Full of stinking darkness and burning coals.

And there we saw in a demonic hieros gamos
A man and a woman married in hell,
They were eating one another’s flesh.

And Carina said: This is the hell
Of the occultists, seers of Lucifer.
The man is the occultist Aleister Crowley.

And the occultist Aleister Crowley was howling
Like a wolf to the goddess of the moon,
But the moon in the sky was an heartless stone.

And the occultist said to me with an harsh voice:
I had made the oracle of the Tarot
And had preached about the Egyptian gods.

I had said, death is a befriended god,
He is the leader with the head of a dog,
And verily, Anubis leads into hell!

I had preached about the goddess of lust,
Riding on the back of a fierce lion,
Holding in her hand a cup of blood,.

Do what you like and everything is good,
Follow your lust and live your real ego,
This was the sermon I had preached to the fools.

But now I know, who is the goddess of lust,
She is the great whore, the Babylonian whore,
And she drinks the blood of martyrdom!

I had told the fools  that I was initiated
In the mystery of the Antichrist.
And the fools were howling Six Six Six

And the Antichrist echoed Sex Sex Sex!
And the disciples of the Antichrist
Were barking: We desire to go down to hell,

Cause in hell there is free love, free sex for all!
But know we find in the hell of the Antichrist
That one is eating another’s flesh full of hate!

Away, you fool, I said to Aleister Crowley,
But who is that occultist woman at his side?
Carina said to me: This is Madam Blavatsky.

And Madam Blavatsky said: Satanic wisdom
I had preached in my books, I was a great liar
And told everything but never the Truth!

I had seen the veiled Isis of Sais,
I had been initiated in the mysteries
Of the old religion of the Egyptians.

But that was not enough of devilish wisdom,
I had preached the lie of reincarnation,
But now I’m eternally dead in eternal damnation!

I had loved the idols Isis and Buddha
And Shiva and Kali, the goddess of death,
But I had hated Christ and his holy church!

I had fought against the Catholic church
And also against her sister, the Lutheran church,
And who hates the church is hating Jesus!

But Jesus Christ had damned me into hell,
In the stinking pit of occultism,
And now I recognize the Truth and the Wisdom:

Only Jesus Christ is Truth and Wisdom!


Carina said: Now you will see the hell
Of false religion and of evil politics.
So spoke she and I saw a broken tower

And saw a heap of stones lying all around
And dust and smoke in the air and in midst the ruins
I saw a damned soul, a wicked man

With a long beard of a religious leader,
And I asked him, Who are you, wicked man?
And he howls: I am Osama bin Laden,

I had preached in the name of the god of the Muslims
And had preached the holy war of the faithful
Against the unbelievers, Christians and Jews.

My Allah was a god of hate and war
And his commandment was, to murder the fiends,
To murder them who believe that Jesus is Lord!

In the name of God I fought against
The Holy Trinity, the God-man Jesus,
In the name of God I fought against God!

Now I know, the God-head is nothing but love,
I know, the love is Holy Trinity,
I know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God!

But my hands were full of blood of the people
I had murdered in my terrorist action,
And no murderer can enter into heaven.

I had believed in my fanatic fundamentalism,
That Allah likes terror and murder and war,
I had believed, on the terrorist were waiting

In paradise seventy Houris, virgins in heaven,
Ready to unite with the terrorist
Their everlasting virginity in sexual union!

I was a fool, a blind leader of the blind,
Now I’m not united with the Houris,
Now I’m in the hell of eternal hate!

Allah is love and Jesus is his son!
But in hell is reigning eternal hate
And I’m punished in eternal damnation!

I had shed blood of innocent people,
Then I was executed by the American army
And I came before the Judgement of Jesus,

And I saw in the mirror of his divinity
My horrible wickedness and evil heart
And I condemned myself  into hell,

And now there is no more salvation for me.
O ye Muslims on the face of the earth,
Repent and believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ:

God is three-in-one and Jesus is the Lord!